
By: Derek Yu

On: August 23rd, 2007


I thought I was pretty much over grappling platform games, but once again, screenshots have deceived me. The grappling gun is only one of six guns in Logi-Gun, a pretty darn awesome puzzle platformer from Darklink570. Each of your six weapons is introduced via a training mission (I like how you’re cockteased by getting to see the weapons in the level before you can use them), and they’re quite varied in their usage.

I have to say, some of the puzzles are really, really devious, but I never found myself too frustrated, which is testament to the designer’s prowess. Okay, well a couple of the puzzles with the bow and arrow made me punch myself in the face in anger, but that’s about it! Otherwise, it’s a downright splendid game.

Note: I ran into a serious bug in level 1-5: “Polarity for Dummies,” that kept me from progressing. I exited the level on the second screen by pressing ESC, and when I reloaded it, I started on right side of the first screen without my polarity gun. I haven’t heard about this bug anywhere else, but be careful anyway! You may want to back up your save game before that point. I’ve already messaged Darklink570 about it. (This bug has been fixed by Darklink570 and the download at the above link now includes the patch.)

(Thanks to ChevyRay from the forums!)

  • Alexander

    i cant even beat level 2…wtf. its one of those its so simple omfg ill shoot my brains out when i figure out things i bet.

  • Alexander

    nevermind, did it.

  • Jesus

    i’m missing a file on extraction… i really wanted to play this one.

  • mjau

    I hit the same bug as Derek at the same place, so it’s reproducible apparently. That’ll teach me to read the entire post before trying the game..

    Also, did anyone manage to get past that second 1-5 screen? You can slide the big blue crate on top of yourself over to the red one, but then the blue’s a few pixels too low to slide on top of the red =/

  • Eudaimon

    1-5 is kind of badly designed in my opinion. It uses something not really even hinted at, even though it’s not too big of a leap to figure it out.

    You have to **SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER**use the polarity gun to move a block you’re standing on.**END SPOILER**

    However, yeah, not getting the polarity gun back seems like a pretty nasty bug.

    I got stuck on 2-1. The timing thing in the last part makes it a little nuts, and you can get stuck and have to completely restart the level. I can probably do it, but not right now.

    Really interesting game.

  • raigan

    damn it, how can you be sick of grappling platformers when there _still_ hasn’t been a single GREAT one yet?!

  • Ilia Chentsov

    >damn it, how can you be sick of grappling platformers when there still hasn’t been a single GREAT one yet?!

    That’s exactly the reason. Imagine you’re being fed with spoiled eggs over and over…

  • mjau

    I dunno, I thought Umihara Kawase was pretty great.

    Anyway, found a workaround for the no weapon bug: Play a tutorial level (or something else perhaps), then come back. You start at the beginning of the stage then.

  • Erahgon

    Eudaimon, how to you get past the spot BEFORE the spikes? I can’t figure out how to reach the blue orb to change polarity.

  • Sokurah

    I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks really nice. Simple and crisp visuals.
    I’ll try it tonight (I’m at work right now).

  • Wulfo

    Without turning this into some JiG comments page, I too am stuck at the same point at Erahgon.

    So as to not make this post completely pointless, if you bug out on 1-5, just do the Polaris tutorial again.

  • Wulfo

    As per the rules of games, I figured it out after posting. For anyone else stuck, it requires the trick mentioned in Eudaimon’s post to be performed on the bottom right block and I’m sure you can figure the rest out.

  • pkt-zer0

    Argh. What’s up with the second half of 2-1? There’s three switches you can operate, and three blocks you’d need to push around with the polarity gun so you can open the door to the polarity gun.

    Otherwise, great game.

  • Erahgon

    Oh, I see now. Moving while firing at block with the polarity gun while you’re on it seems a bit, defying.

  • Krishh

    What am I missing in 1-2, in the room depicted in the screenshot? I assume I have to raise the lamp into the gas with the elevator, but if I teleport the lamp out, I can’t get to stop on the ice.

  • Erahgon

    Krishh, you use the secondary ability on the gun to make a web on the ice.

  • Eudaimon

    Okay, I finished it. The puzzles are very well designed (I’m pretty sure there actually are no places you can get yourself stuck so you have to start over, sans the aforementioned bug), although some of the timing bits just kind of made me think “OH GOD WHY?!”

    I was really hoping for a boss fight or something to break the mounting frustration. By the end, I would’ve loved to just pump some giant monster full of arrows. Unfortunately, well… you’ll see.

    Darklink570, if you read this, while you seem to be a pretty skilled person, both graphically and design-wise, the little bit of “cleverness” at the end came off as slightly more obnoxious than humorous, and this is coming from someone who laughed at the same kind of thing in Kirby Super Star. Keep making games, though!

  • http://www.daintyrhino.com Dave Cobb

    Just finished the game. I gotta say, it’s quite entertaining. Sort of an action puzzle platform mishmash. Works pretty well except when you have to do the setup for a sequence 30 times because you keep failing on step 8.

    I totally disagree with Eudaimon above. I got quite a chuckle out of the credits and the end sequence. About 5 stats in, it hit me that they were just BS. Hilarious. :)

  • Krishh

    Ooh, I somehow completely missed the part in the training mission where it tells you that the gun has a secondary fire.

  • http://risujin.org Risujin

    This is one of the most balanced puzzle games I’ve played. The levels are ingenious but you don’t really ever get stuck. A perfect 2 hour game!

  • Erahgon

    Just beat it, pretty amazing.

    And Risujin? The guy that made the Trem mods?

  • Cyclops

    Amazing game, but could someone give me a hint at 1-3 (I think), third room, where there are some laser-triggered eye thingies and I should open a door with 3 combinations? Can’t figure out a pattern, if there is any.

  • Cyclops

    Wow, nevermind, figured it out. Clever puzzle!

  • Erahgon

    Trace the smoke-covered area.

  • Cyclops

    I need help at 2-1, after I get past the room with the 3 boxes, can’t figure out how to get past now. I’ve managed to get myself thrown up after using the 2 boxes on 2 buttons, and I have no idea what flipping that switch does. Any hints?

  • makeshifter

    im stuck in the last part of 2-5 i hit the green sign but i don’t know what to do from there.

  • Cyclops

    makeshifter, I’m stuck there too, any luck getting past the level yet?

  • iopred

    makeshifter/Cyclops any luck getting past there yet?

    That level is killing me.

  • Cyclops

    Not me, I’m just at the very end of it…
    I’m surprised what the solution might be. It looks impossible and I must’ve tried EVERYTHING. :|

  • Erahgon

    I’m stuck there too. I just can’t figure out how to get up past the clouds, I think it has to do with webbing the green platform into a grappling pad, and using it to teach the topmost grappling pad.

  • Cyclops

    Erahgon, you must use the secondary spider web weapon on the top, then use the grappling hook. That, in the left side.

  • makeshifter

    i couldn’t figure it out. i ended up falling upon a glitch and got past. not sure how i did it. sorry :(

  • Cyclops

    makeshifter, I used the bug too, it was by grappling onto the up-moving webbed elevator I think ;)

    Any idea for 3-1, last room though?

  • ElDodo

    Just finished it, nice game and superb level design; I hope we’ll see a expanded version some day (or a level editor :P)

  • ElDodo

    Oh, about 3-1 in case you’re still stuck, you’ll have to put the four bombs (you’ll need to reverse the conveyor belt first with the topmost yellow switch to get the fourth bomb) in certain positions on the ice track so when you activate the first one (by shooting it through the grating from below) it will activate and push away the next one, creating a chain reaction until the last explosion pushes the ice block. BUT, you’ll need to make sure that the green door is open by the last explosion so the block can slide through, so you’ll need to activate the first bomb and then rush to the switch on the bottom right)

  • iopred

    Why can’t anyone say how to finish 2-5 Room 3.. It’s killing me.

  • makeshifter


    great thanks for the help

  • ElDodo

    Ok, on 2-5-3:

    A) Activate the (!) switch (get the bomb through the narrow gap on the wall; get there yourself using the secondary Squit-Cannon shot and the Grapple Gun, and then use the bomb as a platform to get to the switch)

    B) Now the tricky part comes. Pick the bomb and put it on the yellow switch you just unlocked to make the green block move down. Plant Squit Holders on the left side of this block AND on the only free gap of the leftmost wall; now quickly pick the bomb, drop it somewhere else (so the green block goes up again) and use the Grapple-Gun to 1º) Climb to the holder you just planted on the wall and before falling, 2º) Shoot the holder on the green block through the grating, so you get pulled to the right. Finally, 3º) shoot the now accesible grapple holder on the ceiling. Push the switch on the vicinity to burn the gas so you can climb up again more easily.

    C) Finishing the level is now easy. Drop a bomb from the upper pipe on the green block, push the switch on the bottom again to blow up the brick wall; put a bomb from the bottom on the switch yet again, return to the top, drop another bomb on the green block, quickly jump down, pick the activated bomb and drop it near the first bomb so both of them blow up, the block will move up again; make sure you skip to the right and push the now accesible switch, and you’re done.

  • pkt-zer0

    Damn, and the only part I couldn’t figure out was C). Heh.

  • pkt-zer0

    (PS.: Thanks for the help.)