Video Games that Got Away

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: December 27th, 2007

That's 'National Public Radio,' kids.

There’s a pretty cool episode of NPR’s All Things Considered online now featuring games journalist and author Heather Chaplin discussing some of the notable (and independent!) games of the last year — namely Portal and Everyday Shooter.

It’s a good listen, and only about seven minutes long. Really, it’s worth tuning in to just to Jon Mak’s soothing baritone…

Give it a listen here.

Also: Be sure to check out some of the related stories, especially Chaplin’s “”" title=“Video Games Get Dash of Indie-Bred Maturity”>Video Games Get Dash of Indie-Bred Maturity." Good stuff!

(Thanks, Robert!)

  • BMcC

    I apologize for the lateness. The site just wasn’t workin’ for me today.