
By: Derek Yu

On: February 26th, 2011

DoomRL, by Kornel Kisielewicz
Screenshot by Japa. (Source)

Kornel Kisielewicz has released a new version of DoomRL, the fast-paced roguelike that’s based on the Doom series of games. This update adds asynchronous animation and assemblies (special combinations of weapons and mods that produce unique weapons), as well as new levels, items, and other goodies. The asynchronous animation system is one of the features that supports the long-awaited graphics version of the game that I’m helping Kornel with – this version is being developed and tested concurrently with the ASCII releases.

Link: DoomRL Wiki

  • Sale Je Krompir

    hell yeah, can you post some graphic teasers Derek, please *puppy stare*?

  • Gost

    Sale je sta? LOL

  • increpare

    Oh, cool. I didn't play this before in spite of what I've heard…the prospect of a non-typographical version is supertantalizing…

  • Raigan

    Actually, the ascii version looks a LOT better if you use ProggyTinySZ.ttf @ size 20. (and turn off extended ascii in the doomrl config file since that font doesn't support those characters)

    Using truetype fonts in the console requires a small registry edit, but it's worth it: awesome chunky-pixels-style almost-graphical/iconic ascii. Seriously, way, way nicer to look at.

  • MadTinkerer

    What I would like to see is DoomRL combined with the Doom engine itself. DoomRL is good, really good, but I think it may be missing out on the potential to finally combine FPSs and roguelikes in a different way: the gameplay of a roguelike with the graphics of an FPS.
    And yes, I do realize it's far easier said than done, but it would be a huge step towards finally breaking Roguelikes free of the ASCII stigma and FPSs from the boring corridor shooter stigma.

  • Guest

    My god, this is genius.

  • Schnuer_senkel

    I second the plead for graphic teasers.

  • Derek Yu

    *Kinda* like this? :)

  • Nektonico

    Aeons of Death + Oblige map generator + a ton of heavy metal midi files is what you are looking for

    well, kind of… …

  • Nektonico

    I for one am eagerly awaiting the graphical version

  • gnome

    Lovely, lovely new DoomRL… Not sure about non-ASCII graphics though…

  • joehonkie

    I have no interest in DoomRL, but now I'm super glad I read the comments! (This also goes to Nektonico, for Aeons of Death)

  • Pita Madgwick

    This game… is awesome.