Mamono Sweeper

By: Derek Yu

On: March 6th, 2011

Mamono Sweeper, by Hojamaka Games

Mamono Sweeper came out last year, but I just tried it on a friend’s recommendation and I like it! It’s a take on the classic puzzle game Minesweeper that makes things a bit more interesting by replacing the mines with monsters of varying levels. If you’re at the same level as a monster when you reveal it, then you take no damage; otherwise, you take damage equal to the monster’s level. The numbered tiles show you the sum of the adjacent monsters’ levels, rather than the number of monsters.

The description below the game contains links to more difficult modes that have larger playfields and more monsters. Would have been nice if these were all included in one package, but oh well.

TIGdb: Entry for Mamono Sweeper

  • Phubans


  • Klrtcnwqkle Wehwjswl

    You should check out Cave Story.

  • Namo Dynamicite

    Trollin' hard

  • guest

    “Derek Yu Likes It!” –

  • Narvius

    My mom is probably better at this game than you are.
    And yes, I mean it literally.

  • lugburz

    Why do people even bother with this kind of crap?

    This took time to make. Why? What was the point?

  • Jomo

    Looks like fun to me. At least it's not another uninspired 2-D platformer or RPGMaker game.

  • John Sandoval

    “Make the games you want to make”-Our Benevolent Leader TIGBot

  • renkin

    I hope no one is implying minesweeper is a bad game. The concept deserves the puzzle game nobel prize.

  • joehonkie

    Playing this on huge is the only way to play.

  • James

    Have you played it? The leveling up mechanic gives minesweeper a new layer of overarching strategy. It evokes a gameplay style not entirely unlike Desktop Dungeons, which is high praise for a minesweeper game.

  • Guess-T

    Hi Derek, the tag is misspelled: It's Hoj*a*maka games.

  • Derek Yu

    Whoops, thanks!

  • Ephriam Zachary Knight

    I love this new twist on minesweeper. I unfortunately was unable to clear the entire board before dying, but the new strategy is fun.

    I look forward to playing this more when I am not at work.

  • meepmeep

    It was made purely to annoy you.

  • SirNiko

    I especially like how the HP mechanic takes away the 'oops, you lose' of Minesweeper. You have a small margin for error, and you don't have that problem where you finish minesweeper with two blocks and a 50% chance between winning and losing.

    This is a great morning brain training game.

  • Robert2

    Great to see this on TIGSource, I've been an addict since it came out.

  • Tanner

    There's also an iOS port that's pretty great, but it doesn't have all the modes that the web version does.

  • Luke

    I like the idea, but I think to much of the gameplay consists of mechanical “no-brainer” clicking. To improve this: when you are at level N, the game should automatically open all squares adjacent to the N-valued squares that you can see. There can't be any dangerous monsters there, so this essentially generalises the minesweeper behaviour for 0-value squares.

  • joehonkie

    Derek, have you played Cluesweeper?

  • the_dannobot

    This game is awesome, it takes a simple game that everyone knows how to play and turns the rules around and makes you relearn it. I can play minesweeper in my sleep, so it makes my brain hurt to have to stop and actually think about it ;) Last game to give me a headache like this was Ikaruga, which is another game that changes the rules of a well-known genre.

    There are only two things I would change about this game. First, minesweeper has a rule that the first cell you click on a blank field is never a mine. The player has no clues at all, so it's cheap to kill them straight off, which happens a lot in this game. Second, minesweeper has the mechanism where if the player clicks a cell with both mouse buttons it clears all the adjacent cells. Maybe I missed it, but that feature is sorely missed in this game.

  • the_dannobot

    No way, that's half the fun! When you get a new level, you get to slaughter all those little bastards that were hedging you in before :)

  • ptoing

    This is actually good fun!