Emily Short: Conversation Methodologies

By: Derek Yu

On: May 14th, 2009


Interactive fiction writer and pioneer Emily Short has a regular column at GameSetWatch called “Homer in Silicon.” In her latest column, titled “Sub-Façade,” she describes some ways to approach conversation modeling in games. The name comes from the game Façade.

Conversation is such an important part of real life, and yet in games it doesn’t seem like it’s discussed very much (at least outside of the IF community). It’s not too surprising – real conversation is an extremely complex and nuanced form of communication that is affected by all kinds of internal and external stimuli. In most games, it’s not only unnecessary to have realistic communication, but also extremely time-consuming to implement (indeed, since you would be essentially inventing the wheel), and probably a hindrance to the player as well.

That said, games are the perfect place to explore conversation (or anything, really). And who better to open up the discussion to the general public than Ms. Short, who has authored many award-winning interactive fiction games that focus on conversation. I thought this was a fascinating article that earns bonus points for containing the phrase “atomic quip.”

  • http://pqgames.wordpress.com Miroslav Malesevic

    That’s a good read, as usual.

  • Mobile Softwares

    Yes i agree its necessary to have realistic communication styles in games but thier complexity diverts the attention from it and in most of cases it lags.Infact it is in mind from few months so hoping that in future it will get rid off.

  • http://www.funmahol.com/ Mobile Softwares

    another thing is if user is able to understand so obviously it will attract him.

  • Lyx

    I was a bit let down by that article, because Emily basically repeated what she criticized in the intro, just one level lower than the surface. First, she mentiones that the “interface” basically can be adapted rather flexible as long as the underlaying structure is flexible enough, and she explicitely mentions the relevance if metadata (read: machine-understandable) is associated to messages.

    Then, she goes one level below the surface, and ignores her previous arguments, by describing “dumb” (dumb as in “the machine doesnt understand it”) datastructures with almost no metadata.

    Sure, the interface is important. Sure, how you design the conversation control-flow is important. But both are trivial compared to the question, how the actual decision logic of the AI is supposed to work…. but wait: There is none in her examples, because the AI is simply crawling hardcoded paths without understanding why it chooses a given direction at a crossing.

  • http://www.dyson-game.com Alex May

    I think we’ve got an example of machines trying to emulate communication in this very comments thread!

  • Lyx


  • Lyx

    By the way – as for control-flow… if you need more room for dynamics, then there is an alternative to tree-like structures. It basically is like creating the tree on-the-fly.

    A way how one can do that is to have a “Stack” of “Conversation-Processes”. It isn’t so different to the Stack and Processes which you know already from programming languages. A process is an ongoing line in the conversation – which may consist of one or more “transactions”. At any time, such a process can spawn a subprocess (which then becomes the “active one”), end the process, or go even further up the stack.

    Programming wise, this of course requires more management than if you have fixed hardcoded trees. The upside is flexibility: You can for example at any time inject subprocesses, and then later return to the earlier process. This is useful for example, if you want the NPC to quickly react to “unplanned” events and the like – or if you want to allow the NPC to take the initiative. In short, as long as your stack doesn’t get out of control, you are free to modify the conversation-“tree” at runtime.

  • Paul Eres

    I think conversations need to be at least partially pre-written to be interesting (at least until AI advances a whole lot). I liked the approach of final fantasy 2j and some of the ultima games, where you learned keywords which you could ask people about, and they’d have specific text in response to specific keyword questions. It’s at least somewhat realistic (in real life people do answer questions with some type of stock response that’ve used in the past whenever someone asked them about something), and it’s easy enough to code and write for, and it’s underused and interesting in the games that have used it. As you go through the game you learn more keywords which you can then go back to older NPCs and ask them about the new words.

  • Scott

    Most people I’ve seen are barely capable of this

  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short

    “Then, she goes one level below the surface, and ignores her previous arguments, by describing “dumb” (dumb as in “the machine doesnt understand it”) datastructures with almost no metadata.

    Sure, the interface is important. Sure, how you design the conversation control-flow is important. But both are trivial compared to the question, how the actual decision logic of the AI is supposed to work…. but wait: There is none in her examples, because the AI is simply crawling hardcoded paths without understanding why it chooses a given direction at a crossing.”

    Fair enough — there is a lot more that I could have said, but did not have room to get into (the column was already pretty long for this format anyway). But to summarize a few brief answers to your comments:

    1. You can’t do much AI until you have a control structure that gets away from the pre-written conversation tree. So this is a pre-requisite.

    2. Once you’ve done that, there are several respects in which AI becomes relevant. One is in choosing what sorts of things the player is allowed to say next. For this purpose, even the small amount of metadata I describe is adequate to do some interesting things. (I do hint at this in the article, I think, but perhaps don’t hit it hard enough to make it clear why this is important.) My system chooses new options to offer to the player on a context-sensitive basis: if we’ve run out of things to say and are changing the subject, the player might get allowed to pick any new quip that is marked as a conversation starter (ie, doesn’t follow on an existing quip). If on the other hand we’re still in the midst of a thread, he might be recommended only quips that follow from the previous couple of comments. (That means that there’s some flexibility to go “back” to an idea that was raised earlier, while preserving a fair amount of context.) And sometimes if there are too many conversation starters to offer all at once, the game recommends the ones that have some subject-matter overlap with the current quip.

    3. How much and what kind of AI you want to drive NPC behavior depends *hugely* on what kind of game it is. Even the minimal metadata I describe — knowing what quips lead to which other quips, and what subject matter is associated with what quip — allows for some pathfinding for when the NPC is allowed to change the subject. For instance, the NPC is given a target quip, something he wants to say, but isn’t allowed to say it until he has mentioned whatever prerequisites there are, having found a route through other quips to that point. It would also be possible to use mood metadata (how will this make the PC feel?) to tag quips, and have the NPC turn the conversation based on the desired emotional effect.

    4. Elements such as how much the NPC interrupts are managed (at least in my system) at a different level from the conversation data structure. I’m using Inform 7, which is rule-based, and there is a set of rules that the game follows each time the player selects new conversation.

    Ordinarily these rules follow this order:

    1. print the player’s part of the quip; (1a) notice if the player has changed the subject significantly

    2. print the NPC’s part of the quip

    3. if the PC is out of things to say that follow on this but the NPC does have a quip to discuss, add a beat (some intervening text such as a gesture, atmospheric grounding in the location, etc), then print the NPC’s new quip.

    But the rules can be replaced, or new rules inserted in the sequence.

    This means that in addition to having the data that represents “normal” behavior in quips (what is the default way for the NPC to answer this remark?), I can do things like

    — using the hook at 1a: have the NPC react with some additional dialogue if the PC’s choice of quip abruptly changes the subject

    — by inserting a rule between (1) and (2): arrange it so that the NPC will refuse to give his half of this quip until the PC fulfills a condition. (This might be a one-off rule for a specific quip, or I could tag a whole bunch of quips with “confidentiality” metadata that puts them off limits until the NPC trusts the PC.)

    — by adding a rule before (3): set it up so the NPC will use further goal-seeking to determine whether there is anything else he ought to have queued up to say

    — by changing the rule at (3): arrange things so that the NPC will aggressively change the subject every turn to what he wants to talk about if the PC isn’t cooperating, regardless of whether the PC is done exploring his conversation thread; or, again, the NPC will be listless and make no attempt to advance the conversation

    …and there are various other possibilities that I haven’t had occasion to experiment with yet. Conditions within the quip data also make it possible to change responses based on exactly what the previous quip was; this allows for more smoothly written transitions.

    This is all a way of managing complexity; similar complexity could be achieved, as you suggest, with a stack of processes to follow, but “getting out of control” is a genuine concern, not just at runtime but in terms of making sure we understand the possible behavior of the system at design time.

    Finally: I’m really interested in storytelling, and this means I tend to be a bit cautious about how much and what kind of NPC AI I pack in. It’s possible to create an NPC that acts in interesting ways but doesn’t advance the narrative at all. So most of my recent work has focused on how we get the NPC to pick up slack in the game play, keep the pace moving forward, make sure that a given scene hits the points we want to hit, and so on. That does not at all mean that the scene will be uninteractive or without agency for the player — the player may have quite a bit of influence over how things wind up.

    Other people may have other design goals and want to go in other directions with such systems.

  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short

    Also, re: “I liked the approach of final fantasy 2j and some of the ultima games, where you learned keywords which you could ask people about, and they’d have specific text in response to specific keyword questions.”

    This is more or less the behavior of most older-style IF games: you can ASK or TELL the NPCs about various things, and some of those things will turn out to be useful keywords and produce stock responses.

    This can be quite useful, but it doesn’t produce much sense of conversational flow or continuity, and it’s hard to build into a coherent scene of any kind.

  • Lyx

    Hi Emily,

    thanks for taking the time for the detailed answer. To be honest, after i wrote that post i thought that perhaps i looked at the article a bit too much from my POV and therefore took a few things for granted. To me, the interface and the control flow are quite “straight forward” topics, which dont require that much explanation besides of a quick summary of some popular models. To others however, it may be that this topic isn’t that obvious and therefore the article would be useful to those people.

    Just a quick comment on your Point #1, before i get to the meat of my reply: I may be missing something, but at least in the design phase (so, before the implementation), it may very well happen the opposite way around – i.e. one’s own requirements regarding the AI, may drive what kind of control flow features onerequires. Sure, in the implementation, you can of course not do anything before you programmed the control flow, true.

    Now, to adress the rest of your reply: You mentioned that what kind of game one wants to program, what kind of interactivity one wants to allow, strongly influences what kind of AI is needed.

    I think that this is an understatement :-) What kind of game and interactivity one wants to create really changes everything about all aspects: Interface, Control-Flow, Datastructures, AI-Style.

    For example, most game developers are interested in the well understood concept of “linear plot games”. With linear i here do not necessarily mean only one path – in this case, what i mean is more like an approach to gamedesign in general. An approach in which most aspects of the game are quite static and predefined. This also applies to most IFs: They set up a carefully designed plot, and then only allow a low amount of strictly controlled variety. The game plot is “engineered”.

    Most games also do not require very deep interaction. There may be a handful of topics per NPC, with each of those not being very deep. This is sufficient for most nowadays games.

    However, both does not apply, when what one seeks to create is more similiar to Galatea (as is the case with me). I dont know for certain details about your development process of it, but my estimation from the infobits which i could get, is that as galatea became more and more complex, all the bookkeeping about topics, all the crossreferences – and especially doing this in a language which wasnt really designed for something like this – was probably a nightmare to you, or not?

    If yes, then i guess you maybe understand that to a person who wants to create deep and complex character interaction, the conventional approach of static tree-structures, and fixed decision logics is – to put it carefully – inefficient.

    Such people probably weren’t the target audience of your article. I understand that. I just wanted to explain to you why on first sight i was underwhelmed by the article – not necessarily because it was an uninteresting article to most people, but because it was less interesting to people who are mainly interested in “going further”.

    – Lyx

  • Lyx


    P.S.: There is a recent thread in the forums which may be interesting to you. However, be warned – the thread is quite deep and a heavyweight regarding the amount of text:


  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short

    You’re right, of course, that this isn’t the only possible conversation flow model, and that others would be better for other kinds of AI approach. (One thing I point out at the end is that the idea that every PC quip should have a corresponding NPC quip is itself a *huge* assumption — one that wouldn’t work at all for something like Façade.)

    That said, I’ve found that the model I outline there has been the most robust, of the things I’ve tried, and amenable to having a variety of other logic added on. I’ve used it, or some slight variation, in a number of different projects with different requirements, and it has proved able to handle a number of different effects, ranging from the very plot-centric to the very open-ended.

    The model I described here is the great-great grandchild of Galatea’s: similar in some of the things it’s trying to achieve, such as a move away from the static tree conversation and towards more conversational flow, but significantly easier to program and more sophisticated in what it can do. If you see it as a “static tree structure”, then perhaps you haven’t understood — or I haven’t explained well enough! What I describe is a way to record and track the relationship of data needed for conversation flow, while still allowing the player a great deal of freedom (especially if this system is hooked up to a text parser like Galatea’s where the player can choose topic keywords).

    Galatea’s model did have some primitive ability to queue things for Galatea to say, but didn’t handle them very systematically, and usually it was set up so that she would only speak her queued dialogue if the player was silent for a turn; thus many players never encounter these alternative directions.

    The model in Galatea also did not separate topics (things the player could ask about) from quips (specific exchanges about the topic), which meant that it got kind of messy coding alternate answers if the player asked multiple times about the same thing. Many pieces of Galatea’s logic are just a tangled mass of if-statements and flags attached to each conversation topic.

    So while the model I used then was (barely) manageable for a game of that size and ambition, it would not have worked for anything bigger; it also makes Galatea a pain to maintain and would be completely unsuitable for any kind of collaborative work. So I wouldn’t quite say that it was a nightmare, but I would say that that process revealed the inadequacy of the Galatea model.

    If you’re interested in what this kind of structure has produced, my most recent project is the collaborative game (ie, jointly written with other authors) Alabaster; it’s not in official release yet, largely because it needs an accelerated interpreter to run acceptably fast on a Mac; such an interpreter will I think be available soon, at which point I’ll give the game an official release push. But otherwise it’s essentially done, and you can download a copy here:


    The source text linked from that page is not the absolutely most recent version, but it’s close enough that you can also see how the source is structured and how the rules are written.

    The metadata does get more complex than the article outlines — for instance, quips also determine their availability based on whether the player knows certain facts, and facts can be set by multiple quips or even when the player makes observations about the external world.

    Anyway, you’re right that I was writing this article for people who were probably not familiar with Galatea, and from the perspective of trying to convince a reader that the proposed structure would be useful in a traditional PC or console game that used dialogue menus and had some kind of narrative agenda in mind.

    But what I’m outlining is exactly the kind of code I would use if I were building another Galatea-like work.

  • Lyx

    Uh oh… it seems that we got a serious misunderstanding there. Yes, the article gave me the (wrong) impression, that the outlined structure is not just a means to keep track of conversations, but rather a fixed “script” from which the player can not break out, unless he follows the defined “paths”. Thanks for pointing out that this is not the case.

    To understand the following, i should first explain what i mean with the word “event”. With event i mean… well, basically any single “transaction” in the game, but WITHOUT the “why” (metadata, etc) behind it. So, so AI cannot really by itself make sense of it. As a simplistic example: One could defined that player action 1 leads to response 2, and that in turn makes player action 2 possible. So, it is like a connection between nodes, but without an explanation (to the AI) why that connection was made.

    Typical stories, and to a significant extend, IFs, depend on this “manual linking”. The problem with it is, that it results in an explosion of complexity. Every additional player choice potentially doubles the number of combinations of events which can happen. But since the AI doesn’t really understand it, the author has to deal with every single possibility as an exception.

    There are various ways to get around that problem. Most of them deal with metadata – giving the AI information about what the events “mean”, so that the AI can decide itself, instead of the author having to write an exception rule for every single case.

    However, since your article is primarily concerned with connecting events and mostly leaves out metadata (mood, etc) i wonder how this fits into the big picture? Lets say the flow of the game plot is majorily influenced by mood and similiar things – so far that it is more important than the event-prerequisites… how would one deal with this? Creating seperate quips for each possible “state”? That seems quite unelegant to me – i’d guess that things like these instead belong into the quip, be extending it with such features?

    Oh, i almost forgot – when i started writing this post, i wasn’t sure if you’re comfortable with continueing such a long discussion in the comments. So, if you’d prefer a different place, then i’m open to that.

  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short

    “Yes, the article gave me the (wrong) impression, that the outlined structure is not just a means to keep track of conversations, but rather a fixed “script” from which the player can not break out, unless he follows the defined “paths”. Thanks for pointing out that this is not the case.”

    It isn’t, but I should also point out that the amount of apparent freedom one gets from this system will depend a lot on the UI chosen.

    A menu-based UI will force the player to select from a choice of options. This will still be more dynamic than a script, because the menu is being chosen from all the quips that are currently appropriate, so you get something more fluid than the tree script.

    A parsed UI may also allow the player (as Galatea and Alabaster do) to choose a completely different topic to bring up. (Or wait, saying nothing; or do something in the gameworld that has significance to the conversation…)

    “Lets say the flow of the game plot is majorily influenced by mood and similiar things – so far that it is more important than the event-prerequisites… how would one deal with this? Creating seperate quips for each possible “state”? ”

    Well, that depends a lot on what you have in mind for how the conversation should be influenced.

    If you want the player and NPC to say roughly the same things but with different intonations depending on mood, that is a complexity that I would put into the quip itself. (Alabaster does this, in fact — there’s a sort of markup that lets it select alternate phrasings depending on the mood of the major NPC.)

    If you want completely different flow depending on mood, then yes, I would use different quips, and I would make some quips have a mood prerequisite: we can only get into the “date” thread of conversation if the NPC is feeling romantic, say.

    That said, in my experience it is very rare to write a conversation where no quip in the conversation refers to or depends on something said earlier. As soon as you have that situation, you need some mechanism to express the dependence — either by saying “quip Y comes after quip X”, or, more abstractly, by saying “quip X reveals fact F; quip Y depends on fact X”. The latter structure may appeal to you more because it comes closer to procedurally representing what is “really” going on in the conversation. In practice, though, I find that most of the time it’s enough to do the dependencies at the quip level and only represent as abstract facts a smaller group of things that will come up over and over in conversation.

  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short

    Er, that should have been “quip Y depends on fact F”. (Somehow I manage not to see things until after preview…)

  • Paul Eres

    I don’t think the post was really intended to be a book on conversation systems covering all aspects of them, so I think it’s unwarranted to be upset it doesn’t cover some things and focuses on interfaces.

    And I agree that the early IF system where you use ASK and TELL also is a good example of what I meant. I agree that you can’t really produce “scenes” out of that, in the sense of story progression, but conversations are not really “scenes” — a conversation is often just a conversation, not a plot point. Most of our conversations in real life don’t progress the story. I think if you want to model scenes, you need a scene-modeling system rather than a conversation-modeling system.

  • Anthony Flack

    I think that everybody can see the utility in designing NPC converation interaction in a way that seems a little bit more natural – a little less obviously like a complicated way of basically checking your phone messages, which is what most NPC conversations boil down to.

    Which is fine. Making the NPC conversations seem more natural is unquestionably a good thing. I especially like the idea that you can use NPC AI to steer the conversation back on topic and keep the game moving in the direction you want it to.

    But if you want to go beyond that – if you want to make the conversation and NPC interaction the actual meat of your gameplay – then you have to deal with the matter of whether your conversation structure is ludologically satisfying. Can you create a set of rules that leads to interesting situations that the player can interact with in an intelligent way? Does the player have enough information to “play” the game in a way that feels satisfying, without resorting to trial-and-error, or brute-force problem-solving? Is there any specific objective? Does the dialogue represent a puzzle you have to solve in some way? Is the possibility space defined by the rules broad enough, or is it too granular?

    I imagine it a little like a game of chess. Chess is extremely granular – an 8×8 board, six different pieces, you take turns to move, one at a time. You can’t move by fractions of a square. And yet, there is enough there to provide an interesting game-space. It is finite, but still offers enough permutations for satisfying play.

    Whereas naughts and crosses, with nine squares and two pieces, does not provide an interesting game-space. It is easily solvable.

    So clearly for any conversation-based game, there is a minimum number of states and elements required before you have a ludologically interesting game-space.

    But it would also be possible to create a game with all the elements of chess that is not an interesting game. You could do this by giving the queen the power to move to any square on the board, for instance. Do this, and the game is no longer interesting. It’s broken and out of balance. So it’s not enough to have defined a large possibility space – you also have to make sure that your rules are balanced enough to provide the player with interesting situations which they can make meaningful decisions about.

    Then, having done this,you are also faced with the problem of how to communicate the game data to the player in a way that they can make use of, in order to make meaningful decisions. In a game of chess, that’s simple enough: all the game data is clearly displayed on the board. But if you’re building a game around NPC interaction, where most of the data is deliberately hidden, and you are only given vague hints (in the form of conversation responses)… now imagine a game of chess where you can’t see the board, but the other player gives you vague indications of how well you’re doing.

    The question is, can you take these elements and build a satisfying experience for the player, or are you creating a game that, as Sid Meyer(I think it was him?) said “the computer is having all the fun”.

  • Lyx

    Okay, i guess i should give a more practical example what i’m talking about.

    Let’s say, the NPC gets a behavioristic model, in the form of 4 variables. Those variables are not to be treated as seperate from each other, but instead form a 4-dimensional space. Think of it as an emotion-space, except of that it also contains aspects like creativty, analytical intensity, etc.

    Each event/quip sends an impulse in that 4 dimensional space to the NPC. The NPC has a short and longterm memory of impulses received.

    The relevant feature now is this: When deciding how to react, the NPC can take past quips/events, the just send impulse, short term memory impulses and longterm memory impulses into account (not necessarily all of them, but if he wants to, he can).

    In other words: The NPC not just keeps track of events, but also keeps track of his emotional experience with the player. That experience includes mental abilities, “mindsets”, character, etc – all via that 4D map.

    Now, some background: Conventionally, most IFs make AI-decisions dependend on past events. As i mentioned, an AI doesn’t really understand an event – the Author has to tell the AI everytime. With every new event which you add to the game, you need to ask yourself “how does that affect the other quips already in the game? Do i need to add more exceptions?”.

    Of course, we cannot completely get around about that problem. But my experience so far is, that if your game mainly deals with relationships, it often is not/less the case, that past events really are important, but rather the mental relationship which the NPC and the player have. So, in such a case one gets the luxury that quips can become “autonomous” in that as long as the AI can do maths with past mental impulses, you often can add new events/quips without worrying about the already existing ones. The code-complexity doesn’t increase in such a case.

    As for the scope of difference which the mental state can make: It’s practically unlimited, and it of course depends on the severity. Just saying something “sweet” or “serious” may only make a difference in phrasing (though, not necessarily), while kissing the NPC or attacking him may make a strong difference. However, from a code-aesthetics POV, it isn’t really elegant to partially put them in the same quip and partially put them in seperate quips.

  • AmnEn

    What baffles me most about Conversation in Games, and just general AI is that a couple of years ago, there was a strong movement to give NPCs Personality.
    Artificial Intelligence made a couple of leaps, enemies were suddenly capable of dodging attacks and seeking cover, they could coordinate with their squadmembers. Heh, they might even do something as trivial as harvest a crop and go about their everyday life. I still remember the great feeling I got from Outcast, upon watching those Harvesters for a while, only to see them return home, converse with a friend or do something else.
    Even though it was within firm boundaries, it felt alive.

    The whole AI Momentum seems to have been lost. Nowadays all they can do is run at you and shoot and perhaps perform some stunts in a hardscripted sequence.
    And I think dynamic conversations were part of that AI Momentum and got lost along with it. After all, an AI based upon needs is actually quite close to a conversation based upon opinion. Under the hood its just numbers rising and falling and decisions being made based upon those numbers.

    The curious thing for me is that games have made leaps in Immersion, overall Production Quality and Atmosphere. We get orchestral soundtracks, professional Voiceactors, Motion Capturing for Animations, great graphics… so many great inventions. And once in a while a game like “The Witcher” comes along and proves that even creative writing isn’t dead yet, strangely… the research for AI and dynamic dialogue seems to be dead however. What happened? Did the 3D Age roll over it?

  • Lyx

    Thank you AmnEn. This is one of the rare moments where i feel understood ;-)

  • http://emshort.wordpress.com Emily Short


    “Conversations are not really “scenes” – a conversation is often just a conversation, not a plot point… I think if you want to model scenes, you need a scene-modeling system rather than a conversation-modeling system.”

    In the kinds of games I’ve been writing recently, conversations are often scenes. This may be coloring my approach. But even if there is not a plot-advancing purpose per se, most of our real life conversations *do* have some sense of state and movement: there is some persistence of topic, or, if not, the movement between topics is signaled in various subtle ways; there are cues when the conversation is beginning, and others when it is about to end; and some remarks make sense only in the context of an existing exchange.

    Stateless ASK/TELL has worked out fine for many IF games for a long time, but they are most often games without a strong emphasis on character.


    “Then, having done this,you are also faced with the problem of how to communicate the game data to the player in a way that they can make use of, in order to make meaningful decisions. In a game of chess, that’s simple enough: all the game data is clearly displayed on the board. But if you’re building a game around NPC interaction, where most of the data is deliberately hidden, and you are only given vague hints (in the form of conversation responses)… now imagine a game of chess where you can’t see the board, but the other player gives you vague indications of how well you’re doing.

    The question is, can you take these elements and build a satisfying experience for the player, or are you creating a game that, as Sid Meyer(I think it was him?) said “the computer is having all the fun”.”

    This is, of course, one of the standard complaints leveled against my game (if it deserves the name, which possibly it doesn’t) Galatea: that it isn’t clear enough to the player what is going on, and therefore it is hard to steer the conversation; agency is reduced.

    This is something I’ve tried to address in later work in various ways, but in general with the intention of clarifying what the player’s options are from moment to moment, not in the sense of creating a ludological space in which conversational strategies can be developed in the abstract.

    Alabaster deals with this in several ways: it uses a sidebar of illustrations to represent aspects of ongoing game-state without having to tell the player repeatedly that the NPC is in a given mood; it offers the player the option of finding out what topics are currently useful; it suggests some appropriate remarks for the player at many turns, though this list of remarks is never a complete list of everything the player is allowed to say, only of the most appropriate things at the moment.

    But essentially I do not believe it’s possible to do conversation as a game in the same sense that chess is a game, and for the most part I don’t structure my conversations as things to win or lose. They may be occasions to make choices, discover NPC feelings, change the relationship between NPCs, etc.; but they’re not abstract strategy games.

    So possibly what I am trying to do is fundamentally different from what you want to accomplish.


    “So, in such a case one gets the luxury that quips can become “autonomous” in that as long as the AI can do maths with past mental impulses, you often can add new events/quips without worrying about the already existing ones.”

    I’d be curious to see what you’ve written, here, when it’s finished — while I can somewhat envision what you’re talking about, it seems to me that this will only really work if the conversation contains no important factual content whatever, but consists entirely of emotional signals. In which case, it seems like it might come out a bit like the iPhone game Ruben and Lullaby, or maybe like a Sims interaction.

    I could be wrong, though, so like I said I’m curious about what you’ve come up with.

    “However, from a code-aesthetics POV, it isn’t really elegant to partially put them in the same quip and partially put them in seperate quips.”

    Erm, well: I don’t have a problem with the code taking different forms when it has different functions. In this case the distinction is whether the mood is merely giving color to the conversation, or whether it is actually creating a new branch in the exchange. If the latter, it deserves its own quip.

    But tastes in these things vary, I realize.

  • Lyx

    Emily, just to clarify: I never wanted to imply that event-tracking is unnecessary, but that if relationships are central to the plot, much less event-checks are necessary. Since with event-tracking, we’re potentially talking about exponential growth in complexity, that IMO is quite valuable.

    Anyways, yes, i’d be happy to inform you once that project has reached a phase where a preview makes sense. This may however take a few years, because it is a sideproject on which i only work when i’m “idle”. I’m only seconarily involved in designing games. My primary projects deal with philosophy (then again, considering the the “theme” of the described “game”, one could as well call it philosophy, or a game? or a chatbot? Or interactive introspection? Sounds familiar? ;)

    Thank you for the interesting info, Emily.

    *off for today*
    – Lyx

  • Anthony Flack

    “But essentially I do not believe it’s possible to do conversation as a game in the same sense that chess is a game, and for the most part I don’t structure my conversations as things to win or lose. They may be occasions to make choices, discover NPC feelings, change the relationship between NPCs, etc.; but they’re not abstract strategy games.

    So possibly what I am trying to do is fundamentally different from what you want to accomplish.”

    Yeah, I’m not sure it’s achievable, either. Or if it is, it may not be desirable. I was more interested in exploring the possible implications of Lyx’s desire to “take it further” by looking at the issue from a player’s perspective rather than the programmer’s. It is very much a question of “what are you hoping to achieve?” and “why?”.

    Creating a system for more believable AI interaction obviously helps immersion; any game with NPC characters would benefit from this, and your post gives a good, solid discussion of techniques you can use.

    But Lyx’s suggestion that it needs to go further leads me to wonder whether that would be something that the player would actually appreciate and enjoy, or whether it is simply a fun intellectual challenge for the creator.

    AmnEn has noted that the movement for increased AI realism in games seems to have lost momentum. My suggestion is that this is because it was a movement driven by what the programmer wanted to do to be clever, rather than what the player wanted to experience to have fun. It turns out that dumb and predictable AI can, in many cases, be much more satisfying than complex and inscrutable ones. I also think that the movement for more realistic AI tended to forget that the purpose of AI characters is to help the player enjoy the game, rather than merely to act in their own simulated self-interest.

  • Günter

    I think there is now more content in this comment page than the actual article.

  • Flamebait

    This is something I thought about recently. Seems I took a different approach though, because I’m more into the idea of holistic simulation in games, whereby the game spins its own yarn.

    All conversation is an exchange of information (albeit possibly one-way). So what sort of information constitutes conversation in real life? Non-exhaustively, but including much of the important stuff, we have:

    -knowledge of
    /opinions of
    -people e.g.
    -relation with the person
    -remembered (notable) actions they have taken
    -where and when they can be found
    -places e.g.
    -its purpose
    -its location
    -how to get there from here
    -events e.g.
    -where it happened
    -who was involved, and how
    -what happened
    -proposals for actions e.g.
    -exchange items
    -go to a place
    -attack person(s)
    – … [anything an NPC or player could do, alone or in a group]

    Another crucial point is the distinction between information request and provision; most of those above could be questions, not answers. For my purposes conversation flow isn’t so important, and the subject of the next statement could just switch probabalistically, weighted towards similarity to the present subject, at a strength depending on how much of it has already been discussed. There isn’t much structure to conversation when the kinds of information mentioned above are considered.

    Things get more complicated if (for example) disagreement and comprimise must be allowed. In terms of interfaces, I’d use a tree of statements available to the player, rather than coded arbitrary input. Like “[What do you think of {person}[Jimmy]?]” or “[Let us [go to {place}[the opium den]].]” As long as it’s clear how to say every particular thing, it has no disadvantages in expressivity while being simpler to implement and condusive to a GUI. In Facade I was too frequently annoyed by the NPCs’ agape mouths at my simple, apparently unambiguous statements. Machines are still too stupid to read. Of course, what I describe would be more useful for interaction over a long period of time with multiple of NPCs. I plan to eventually formalize all this, then design the AI itself based on how the player is allowed to interact with NPCs, which also dictates how NPCs may interact with one another. Think a more dynamic Shenmue, obviously sans most models, textures, and all voice acting.

    @Anthony Flack:
    “My suggestion is that this is because it was a movement driven by what the programmer wanted to do to be clever, rather than what the player wanted to experience to have fun. It turns out that dumb and predictable AI can, in many cases, be much more satisfying than complex and inscrutable ones.”
    I’ve heard people say this a couple times, yet from all the interaction I’ve had with gamers, it’s clear to me that people generally prefer more advanced AI. Have you gotten a different impression?

    “I also think that the movement for more realistic AI tended to forget that the purpose of AI characters is to help the player enjoy the game, rather than merely to act in their own simulated self-interest.”
    Right. But most often AI acting in its self-interest is precisely what helps the player enjoy the game. Traditionally games have been competitive events, and many kinds of single-player computer games today continue that legacy by including AI agents whose goals are in opposition to the player’s. If these agents are more adept at achieving their goals through reasoning, then the game is not only more challenging, but also poses a more interesting challenge (to certain people) than (e.g.) tests of dexterity.

    It’s not as simple as mere adversarial conduct, either. The player may also enjoy a game more because of smarter allies and neutral agents. I’m sure you’ve played first-person shooters or real-time tactical games and been irritated by your troops’ stupidity. And, in the case of many non-competitive simulation games, the behavior of AI agents makes the simulation. The Sims tries and failed at this. Since I played it, I recognized the problem as a focus on food, sleep, hygiene, to the detriment of meaningful social interaction: symptoms of bad AI.

  • Flamebait

    Looks like the tree of the information examples got flattened. You probably get the idea (not that it was worth much when represented properly).

  • Anthony Flack

    Thinking about my own tangental argument gave me a weird idea.

  • Squidi

    My opinion is that if you need anything more than a dialogue tree, you aren’t thinking like a storyteller or a player – you are thinking like a programmer. That’s great. I like programmers. But even with the most complex conversation system in the world, but the end result will reduce down logically to a dialogue tree. It’s like fractions. You can work real hard to get to 4/8ths or get 1/2 with less work, which you’ll end up with anyway.

  • O

    Does anyone else ever get the feeling that Emily Short is the Lawnmower Man? I mean minus the psychosis thing.

  • Anthony Flack

    “I’ve heard people say this a couple times, yet from all the interaction I’ve had with gamers, it’s clear to me that people generally prefer more advanced AI. Have you gotten a different impression?”

    My impression is that people generally want their AI to behave in ways that appear plausible within the given setting (to the player observing), while still secretly orchestrating things to make sure the player has a good time.

  • Person what enjoys indie games

    I think Bethesda’s “Radiant A.I.” is a good example of implausible A.I.

    Favorite examples:

    A disc jockey is never seen recording his show. He merely eats, wanders a room, and sleeps. (Fallout 3)

    Bandits chat about the gods rewarding followers for doing good deeds, while surrounded with the corpses of their innocent victims.

  • Paul Eres

    Understandable response Emily, thanks. Conversations do often have beginnings middles and ends, and sometimes have a topic. I don’t think those alone will make conversations more interesting though — it may just reach an uncanny valley where the player feels like the conversation makes less sense and feels more awkward because it’s closer to how people normally talk but not yet there.

    I also still think ease of coding is an important factor, especially for an indie game developer. If a game only has one programmer, there’s only so many lines of code they can write per day, and if the conversation system alone takes tens of thousands of lines and achieves not much greater of an effect than the ASK/TELL system would, it might just be wasted effort. It’s good to do for experimentation to expand the medium and all that, but I’m not sure anything more complex than the ASK/TELL system is practical for most indie developers right now (unless conversation is whole point of the game and not just something you do with npcs occasionally). You probably know this already though, but just putting my thoughts about it into words.

  • Unhelpful Stranger

    Am I the only person who finds the richness of this conversation about conversations rather ironic/meta?

  • Jotaf

    @Unhelpful Stranger, Squidi: This seems pretty obvious to me, but there’s a *huge* gap in complexity between the usual conversation with an NPC, and any tiny sample taken from this single thread of comments :) Could you think of a way to model conversation flow that even resembles this? BTW, Squidi, extreme reductionism is a mental trap that often results in you dismissing a whole subject, please don’t do it :P

    I remember once seeing a “dev interview” showcasing a “breakthrough” in AI, and basically the enemies saw the player through a window and went around a “complicated set of corridors” to catch him. They showed the waypoints that were placed by the level designer. I was like “WTF?!”.

  • Anthony Flack

    This is tangental, but that comment reminds me of a discussion of AI implementation in Goldeneye. In that game, you can snipe on enemy characters through windows, but the AI can’t see you through the glass.

    The developers acknowledged that this was unrealistic, but when you play the game it doesn’t “feel” as wrong as it sounds on paper. And it was found to make the game more fun, so it was kept that way.

  • Camozzato

    @Paul Eres

    “I liked the approach of final fantasy 2j and some of the ultima games, where you learned keywords which you could ask people about, and they’d have specific text in response to specific keyword questions.”

    While it’s a good way to pass information about well-defined topics, I often found myself sleeping as a clicked past dialogues in Ultima. Simply adding options for what you will actually say (and the way you say something) makes it a bit more interesting… but yes, I guess in 1990 having 20 topics to ask a character was great. :D

  • Paul Eres

    Well, some people enjoy text in games and some don’t. It corresponds with those people who enjoy reading and those who don’t. If you do enjoy reading, having 20 topics to ask a character is fun; if you don’t, it’s just annoying.

  • Rockvillian

    I think the real question is why people are hell bent on wanting games to be like real life. Sometimes just sitting down and playing a game is great – not sitting down and playing a cold, re-created version of what you were just doing before you sat down.

    Also, conversation relies a ton on what’s not said too. Good luck programming that.

  • Flamebait

    @Anthony Flack:
    “My impression is that people generally want their AI to behave in ways that appear plausible within the given setting (to the player observing), while still secretly orchestrating things to make sure the player has a good time”
    Of course within the limited domains of a game, the AI *could* be too good, but given the current state-of-the-art, that’s no reason to cripple it (excepting very simple games). I’ve never heard of developers toning down AI because it was too good in genres where it’s highly relevant, such as strategy or complex action games. Also, you can’t speak in terms of mere “appearence” with respect to AI; it affects the actual game state.

    “I think the real question is why people are hell bent on wanting games to be like real life.”
    Did you notice the topic of discussion? Conversations are a real-life phenomenon. Prescribed conversation trees are just one implementation, and constitute no less of an attempt to model reality than more complex techniques.

    “Sometimes just sitting down and playing a game is great – not sitting down and playing a cold, re-created version of what you were just doing before you sat down.”
    Oddly enough, when I start playing a game I usually hadn’t fought dozens of people with firearms beforehand. Realistic games are relevant, because they can model parts of reality we don’t directly experience, e.g. Positech’s Democracy.

    Even realistic games with mundane subject matter can be appropriate. Shenmue is an adventure game with a contemporary urban setting, yet it is joyous for non-Japanese to explore its foreign environments.

    “Also, conversation relies a ton on what’s not said too. Good luck programming that.”
    You must not have read the original article or these comments, because nobody’s talking about natural language processing.

  • Anthony Flack

    [quote]I’ve never heard of developers toning down AI because it was too good in genres where it’s highly relevant, such as strategy or complex action games.[/quote]

    You’ve never heard of, say, skill settings in a chess game?

    [quote]Also, you can’t speak in terms of mere “appearence” with respect to AI; it affects the actual game state.[/quote]

    That’s the point. The main purpose of the AI is to keep the game state interesting to the player by any means necessary. The secondary purpose is creating the appearance of acting like autonomous people (to whatever degree is appropriate for your chosen level of disbelief-suspension).

  • Anthony Flack

    Excuse my incompetent tagging there…

  • Flamebait

    @Anthony Flack:

    “You’ve never heard of, say, skill settings in a chess game?”

    That’s the *player* dumbing down the AI, with the developer giving the *option*. And for the near-entirety of strategy and action games, that option is unnecessary, as the best AI that can be practically implemented at this time is still pretty daft. Maybe in another 5 years or so we’ll have reason to start worrying about AI that’s too smart for .

    “That’s the point. The main purpose of the AI is to keep the game state interesting to the player by any means necessary.”

    The most direct means, and the one that allows a coherent world, is for the AI to be as smart as practical. I don’t dispute the first part of that purpose, but I’d formulate it as “to vastly expand the state-space”, such that the player has a more interesting world to interact with. In a game where failure is present, and the player is repeatedly failing, I believe the game should let them do so. If the player does not learn from the failure and therefore cannot correct it, then either the mechanics or the player’s mind are to be indicted. It’s not AI’s failure for refusing to ease off.

    In general, I don’t like anything I’d call “abitrary” or “whimsical” in games, and AI that treats the player as a patron is one of those things.

  • Anthony Flack

    But that’s assuming that the game is symmetrical, and that AI is merely standing in for other human players. In such cases, the best thing to do is probably to go multiplayer.

    But single player games aren’t symmetrical. Even if the player and the AI are performing interchangable roles (which they usually don’t), the player IS the patron. The AI’s feelings don’t matter. You don’t have to make the game entertaining for the AI. The only thing that matters is the player.

    You might want to make the game as challenging for the player as possible, and you might want to make the AI as cunning and strategic as you can in order to do so. But it IS entirely for the player’s benefit.

    You wouldn’t, for example, want to make a FPS game where all the enemies on the level huddled together at the start, formulated a strategy, and decided the best thing to do would be to wait in ambush and then all rush the player at once. Maybe that IS the best strategy for them. But who cares about them, if it’s a crap experience for the player?

    If you approach it with the view that the AI is there to help make the game interesting to the player, then that is just as interesting an AI challenge as trying to program them to win outright, and it keeps the focus where it should be, on the player.

    That doesn’t mean that AI agents shouldn’t try to beat the player – perhaps that is what is required to make the game interesting. But it should still be for the player’s benefit; as I say, AI isn’t a player, it’s a part of the game mechanics.

  • Flamebait

    @Anthony Flack:

    “You might want to make the game as challenging for the player as possible, and you might want to make the AI as cunning and strategic as you can in order to do so. But it IS entirely for the player’s benefit.”

    That’s very close to my point: good AI which acts completely in its own interest generally provides the most interesting and intellectually stimulating set of challenges, within games where interaction with AIs is relevant. Enemy AI should try to “win” (whatever that constitutes) against the player because it’s for the player’s benefit. The alternatives, as far as I can think of them, lead to dull challenges, incoherent worlds with poor causality, or an overabundance of exploitable weakness within the AI.

    “You wouldn’t, for example, want to make a FPS game where all the enemies on the level huddled together at the start, formulated a strategy, and decided the best thing to do would be to wait in ambush and then all rush the player at once.”

    Right, that would be an instance of the AI being too clever for its domain. Perhaps if it was a non-linear FPS the same intelligence would be appropriate.