Castle Crashers… 2008?

By: Tim

On: March 10th, 2007

Castle Crashers

Infiltrate! Storm the gate! 2008!

  • Twisted Rabbit

    SO…. Long…… To……. Wait…….

  • Dan MacDonald

    150mb eh? I’d hate to see all the cool streamlined XBLA titles start looking like their big juicy retail counterparts.

  • simonc

    I was talking to John Baez at The Behemoth, and he was a bit hopeful that Castle Crashers might make it out in 2007. So we shall see!

  • Optrirominiluikus


  • Xander

    2008? That’s much too late!

  • harkejuice

    yeah, 2008, when nobody remembers who made that neato alien hominid game

  • Dan MacDonald

    Well in their defense, they did just release alien hominid HD on XBLA and while CC an AH are different games there is a possibility that they might cannibalize sales from one another.

    I think a big reason for the delay is that there are so many games in the pipe waiting to get up on XBLA that it would have taken them 8-10 months before CC would be released anyway, I suspect they decided to take that time and available download size to make the game better/bigger.