The Bernie Situation

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: April 11th, 2007

Bernie puts the '?!' in 'VIDEOGAMES?!'Bernie, creator of such classics as A Game With a Kitty, Darkside Adventures, and Reactor 09, has been busy lately. He got himself a new ISP, moved into his own place, redesigned his site, and best of all… started work on a new game!

I would give you a link, but that screenshot is literally all that’s been made public at this point. I imagine it’s going to turn out great, though!

Let’s hope these new things add up to another successful year for our man Bernie.

  • axel

    It looks very much like Darkside Adventures, in a positive way. I really love his graphical style, it reminds me of Kirby’s Dream land, and those games.
    I just hope he’ll put down more time on making the game more fun to play this time. Darkside Adventures was a bit dull really.

  • Stwelin

    My mind has been corrupted, every time platformer screenshots are posted i am compelled to yell ‘CAVE STORY RIPOFF’

    …someone had to.

  • Stwelin

    Although, it doesn’t look like shooting is involved (yay.) Hopefully the gameplay will be innovative. looks neat.

  • Joseph

    wow BMcC has been quite busy. YAY!

  • dumb


  • deadeye

    I still haven’t finished Darkside yet.

    Well okay, I haven’t even started Darkside yet.

  • BMcC

    @Stwelin: And also it looks _entirely different._ I hope you were joking…

    @dumb: Yes CLASSICS. What, are you dumb or something? :P

  • Stwelin

    I was, of course.

  • BMcC
