Hooray — Guxt has reached version 1.0! I’m just gonna borrow wholesale from Tim’s blog if ya don’t mind:
“Some noticeable differences:
– Trial Mode is now called Score Attack.
– The cleared.bin file from the previous version cannot be used to unlock this new mode, although all replays will work.
– Several sprites and enemy flight patterns changed.
– An additional bonus (like Ikachan) can be found by shooting one of the middle tiles halfway through Stage 3.
– There’s a proper ending sequence now, in which the entire cast (enemy ships and bosses) are properly introduced as the credits roll.
This should be the final version of Guxt released by Pixel for a long while."
I also noticed: The game now has an icon, a manual, and those darn little lines on the side of the screen are finally gone! Very cool. I think I’m gonna try and actually beat this thing now.
Though, there’s a clear binary sitting right here if I just can’t cut it. (Simply unzip into the temp_guxt folder created when the game runs.)
Enough talk! Download Guxt here.
(Source: Indygamer)