Comic Dice

By: Derek Yu

On: June 12th, 2007

comic dice

Matt Hammill, the illustrator and creator of Gesundheit, has released a fun little toy called Comic Dice that generates a random comic. Not really a game, per se, but I found it quite fun! Wish there was an option to roll all three dice with one click.

(Source: Timmy)

  • Eudaimon

    I am reminded of the “Garfield Randomizer.”

    This one, however, is much more graphically pleasing, as well as usually being slightly more coherent. Not that incoherence is necessarily a bad thing.

  • Neon

    “what a beautiful day”
    “BAM BAM”
    “And only one week from retirment…”

  • PHeMoX

    They should have added more dices, it’s pretty funny actually ^^

  • !CE-9


    “what a beautiful day?” “what should I do? I know, I’ll try this button!” “oh my god I’m naked!”

  • fish

    this is so clever/cute/cool.
    the art reminds me of Doug Tennapel’s.
    especialy gears.

    guy must have grown up on a steady flow of Tennapel games, cartoons and comics.
    like me.

  • moi

    Yeah probably inspired by the garfield randomizer, but more coherent.
    But garfield has hundreds of panels to chose from, I don’t know how many this one has.
    anyway the results are funny. Nice toy.

  • rey-o

    i had the pleasure of rolling these comic dice forreals! it was pretty hilarious having three seperate ppl roll a die.

    btw – if you check out matts site proper you can check out a few more pics of various other gaming/animated projects he’s made.

    go matt go!

  • ZeHa

    It’s a very cool idea, but sadly, most of the resulting comic strips don’t really make sense ;) perhaps the panels should be a little refined… or is it supposed to be that way?

    I once found a similar thing, this is truly genious:

    Just take any path you like :) (of course reading is only possible left to right and top to bottom)