Hikkoshi is the latest flash game from NIGORO, a cute story about a boy running after the girl he loves. Moles, birds, and luggage are all that stands between them!
The controls and game mechanics are very simple. Use the arrow keys and spacebar to move and jump. Collect food to replenish your life. You get points by jumping over things or more if you jump on top of them (only some things can be jumped on).
It’s hard to distinguish food and hurtful objects at first – just know that there are only four types of food: the white and black rice balls, the blue and white cans of what looks like Pocari Sweat, and the corn and lemons that the farmer will toss you.
It’s fun! Can you beat my level 3 score of 757521?
(Source: dessgeega, from The Gamer’s Quarter forums)