A video explaining the game mechanics behind “Hermies,” jazzuo’s entry to the B-Game Competition!
The B-Game Competition has been a resounding success so far. All the entries look amazing and we’re having “tons o’ fun” on the forums. (Yes, I’m trying to make you feel silly for not having signed up yet! Why haven’t you!)
One thing I’ve been really happy about is how differently people have interpreted the theme and yet they’re still staying true to the basic concept behind “B-Games.” The entries run the gamut, from action games, to text adventures, to… Petri Purho’s word processing simulator which requires the use of a microphone?!
So you know how in Dead Rising, when you take photos, it tells you the genre? EROTICA! DRAMA! BRUTALITY! OUTTAKES! Yeah, we got ALL that, baby.
Even jazzuo, who’s amazing Sexy Hiking inspired the competition, is now getting in on the act (see the above video)!
This is your official reminder that there are exactly two weeks left to submit your game. I also wanted to let you guys know that I putting up an awesome “Making Of Grindhouse” book and a CD version of MDickie’s latest masterpiece, Reach, as the prizes for first place!
Hit the extended for a list of all the current entries:
Bloody Landlord! – Woodwolf
Brain Drain: Attack of the Mutant Brains – skaldicpoet9
Brave Karma Warriors – cactus
Burnham Striker and the End of Civilization – Lurk
Cottage of Doom – haowan
Dump Jumper! – Average Higgins
.flesh. – Alec
Hermies: the Game – jazzuo
Hick-a-Billy Bride – can-o-spam
Johnny Ferguson’s Albino Tae-Bo Fighter – guillermo
Poizoned Mind: A Texty B-Game for the Thinking Man Person – Pacian
Rap Attack: 2pacalypse Now – Farmergnome
Save the President! – jwaap
SM Word – Petri Purho
Technojam Dance 34,000 – Melly
Toadzilla – hamster
Untitled – Terry