The B-Game Competition is Over!

By: Derek Yu

On: October 16th, 2007

Cottage of Doom

And the winner is… (dun dun dun) Cottage of Doom, by haowan! This zombie survival game interpreted the theme well on a number of levels, from the theme, to the presentation, to the game mechanics. To top it off, it’s an incredibly fun game. Congratulations, man!

It was a close competition, with the top four games all within a few votes of each other. The next three games were Gunlimb (Radnom), Mondo Medicals (cactus), and Space Barnacle (Golds).

To quote haowan:

I know it sounds cheesy but I really think that everyone was a winner here. So many great games were entered, I had an absolute blast playing through them.

Truer words have nary been spoken. For our first competition, it was a rollicking success. All 29 games had something unique about it that was worth playing to see. If you haven’t tried them out, please do!

We’ll definitely have more in the future!

And be sure to check out the Random Gnome’s 3-part write-up on the competition, as well as TIGSource and Indygamer editor Terry’s picks from awhile ago! Thanks, guys!

  • toastie

    Congratulations haowan and everybody else!

    woo!!! WOO!!!

  • Terry

    Congrats, everyone – this contest was fantastic!

    On that last point: There’s one more summary worth mentioning – Poizoned Mind creator Pacian has posted a nice little write-up of his favourites over at his blog, Space Cat Rocket Ship. His Mosaic of the entries is pretty cool too :)

  • MedO

    Yeah, congratulations haowan! It really took me some time to decide on the games to vote for, because you all made so much great stuff. Can’t wait for the next one ;)

  • moi

    This is the only game I didn’t try because of the .net stuff I didn’t want to install.
    Congratulations HAOWAN and all entrants.

  • Nikica

    POizoned Mind rocks, it’s the best !!!

  • Jay

    Not my results, but thanks TIGS and game developers!

  • Movius

    Gruu Gruu!

    Cottage of doom was my favourite of the compeition. Though they were all excellent.

  • gnome

    Ah…. it was indeed brilliant. Congrats Cottage and thanks for the mention dears!

  • konjak


    Now have a Gameboy-colored game competition, I need an excuse to make a game like that!

  • fish


  • skaldicpoet9

    Right on, much love to everyone who participated in the compo and congrats again to Haowan :)

    I am going to be waiting for the next compo now lol…

  • Gr.Viper

    Cottage is bloody fun and Gunlimb is bloody fun. And together they are bloody awesome!

  • BMcC

    Congrats Alex! Awesome competition, folks. Much love.

    And I second Konjak’s emotion. De-makes next? Or maybe lofi to the max?

  • toastie

    I think gamma256 is already filling the “lofi to the max” niche, not that there is ever a time for LESS lofi games.

    I think a demake compo would be swell, though i’m not sure about the legalities of the idea.

  • Golds

    i think a de-make would considered a parody, in which case it’s all fair game copyright-wise… i think?

  • Fishy Boy

    Glad to see that Space Barnacle was in the top 3, excellent game that. Shame Burnham Striker didn’t do so well, ‘cuz that was an awesome game too. Still, everything I played was pretty awesome. I wanna see more contests, ‘cuz this was awesome.

  • Isador21

    Awesome game!

  • Average Higgins

    Yes! My vote did make a difference!
    Congrats haowan! Just don’t expect to win again next year. ;)

  • Pixel Mort

    This game is a pure little gem!

  • Bezzy

    Haha! I knew it! Congrats Haowan!

  • ithamore

    I’m glad to see no one got 0 votes.

    I actually enjoyed Mondo Medicals the most, even though I had to use Cactus’ walkthrough to complete it. It’s level of difficult and lack of intuitive gameplay were unappealing aspects, but the story was intriguing and made me want to finish it. Also, Space Barnacle was a close second for me.

  • colorFool

    Alright! Congrats to Haowan!
    And a de-makes competition would just be tigsalicious!