Guppy, and More

By: Derek Yu

On: October 22nd, 2007

In a recent Cryptic Sea blog post, Edmund McMillen took a break from talking about Gish 2 to wax off about a few of his side projects, including a 2d RTS game where your goal is to defend a dead carcass with an army of maggots! Nasty!

But the one that got me hot and bothered was Guppy, shown in the video above!

Guppy is a 2d side scroller that kinda plays like GTA… but not. It’s hard to explain and also still very early in development, but I couldn’t help but post a little video of it.

(Thanks, DMac!)

  • Akhel

    Looks interesting, reminds me of Death Worm.

  • haowan

    Looks great!

  • Space Ranger.

    Reminds me of a giant sperm with false dentures…and two tails

  • BMcC

    Friggin’ great! Love the soundtrack. :D

  • Zeno

    I wish my sperm were that ferocious…

  • KJ

    Looks awesome. Great choice of music too, Tomahawk rules!

  • Tr00jg

    Wow, that’s like Killer Worm and Sexy Hiker mixed together!

  • baconfish

    Sweet zombie jesus. Looking forward to this.

  • Bob

    That’s “Death Worm” and “Sexy Hiking”, Tr00jg.

  • Fishy Boy

    Watching the video and hearing about the programmer, I imagine Guppy will be awesome, in other words a bit like Tri-Achnid.

  • Cas

    Was gonna say that sounded remarkably like Mike Patton or Mr Bungle and lo and behold, it is :)

  • Stij

    Fighting helicopters and government agents as what appears to be a giant sperm?

    With PHYSICS?

    Ed, you never cease to amaze me.

  • Dan MacDonald

    I think it could be improved with better eating animations, so when you pull in a helicopter you actually see the head of the sperm bite into it instead of just bashing the copter into it’s forehead.

    Looks like a blast to play though, looking forward to it.

  • tantan

    DO WANT!

  • Anthony Flack

    Interesting! I’ve never been much fond of E.M.’s creepy-cute art style in the past (I always found it a little bit too, um, teenagey? Sorry!) – but there’s no doubt that this giant scary thing WORKS. Brrrr.

  • Joseph

    Looks like try-achnid + nuclear eagle, but more fun than both combined…

  • makeshifter

    *gasp* gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!!!

  • Edmund

    Glad you guys like what you see, Guppy has only had about a month and a half or less dev time between games so a lot of animations are obviously missing.. hell there isnt even a game yet this is just a video of the prototype.

    Sadly the dev for guppy is on hold till about march due to the fact that Forian (the programmer) is in the army.

    Coil will be done soon though :)

  • Tr00jg


    Oh yeah d’oh. It’s Sexy Hiking and Death Worm.

  • Joseph

    Yeah the movement looks so much more refined and fun than Tri-achnid… CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY!

  • Phasma Felis

    So what’s that music? It’s bloody awesome.

  • Edmund

    Tomahawk – Crow Dance , off of anonymous

  • Petri Purho

    These days Mike Patton seems to be in every game…

  • Edmund

    im not actually using that song for the game, i just put it in the video so there was some sound to go with it :)