Discounted Indies for the PS3

By: ithamore

On: November 22nd, 2007


From GameSpot:

Sony also temporarily discounted several older downloadable PS3 games on the PlayStation Store. Calling All Cars, fl0w, PixelJunk Racers, and Everyday Shooter have all been reduced to $4.99 through November 29.

Although this quote seems to be from an ill-informed opinion from GameSpot (since when, less than 2 months ago, did Everyday Shooter become old), I’m hoping that all those out there with an indie affection and a PS3 will finally purchase these indie games they might have been holding off on for one reason or an other.

  • Gr.Viper

    What’s wrong with fl0w link? Higlightie – yes, clickie – no.

  • nullerator

    Isn’t Sony publishing these games? If so, they’re hardly “indie”, IMO.

  • MedO

    The a! It has no href!

    It does have a few other attributes though, probably a quote went missing or something. Here’s the URL where the link would have pointed otherwise:

  • Al King

    Indies have a shelf life of 1 week, duh.

  • Al King

    Also, nullerator, though publishing is an important point, indie is generally accepted to refer to publisher support – i.e. funding which is not directly based on games sold but rather is based on prospective future sales. Beyond that, there’s no real hard and fast definition.

  • nullerator

    In my view, if you’ve allied yourself with one of the largest companies in gaming, you’re no longer indie. These are Sony-games, just like any other Sony-game from independent development studios. They’re just smaller, and distributed online.

    It’s good that people who were indie game developers have found support and success in the industry. But now that they’ve moved on, I think Tigersauce should concentrate on covering other developers instead.

  • Jonathan Blow

    That is so wrong.

  • Eden


    I disagree, I think that spirit of indie is what matters, not whether you’re funding yourself or not.
    But I won’t get into a big debate on this, there’s already several on the forums :P

  • meh

    Its so funny, cause J. Mak made the PS3 version in his bedroom on his own, and then Sony sold it. And nullerator is like “allied”.

    I guess he’s just kinda dumb.

  • Al King

    Indeed, we don’t need an indie inquisition, attractive though the alliteration may be.

  • PoV

    Boo! Despite our dollar, Canada’s charged $5.99.

  • Al King

    And yours is worth more – here in Australia prices are often numerically double their US counterparts in most cases – games are held at artifically high prices. Like diamonds.

  • Jad