Experimental Gameplay Workshop 2008

By: Derek Yu

On: December 18th, 2007


Jonathan Blow has called out for submissions for the Experimental Gameplay Workshop in 2008. The EGW is a series of live presentations about innovative or interesting game designs (both WIP and finished). It’s part of the Game Developer’s Conference that takes place in February.

Past games have included Katamari Damacy, Ragdoll Kung Fu, early versions of Braid and Everyday Shooter, Jim McGinley’s Jugglin’, Kyle Gabler’s Experimental Gameplay Project, and Masaya Matsuura’s visual-rhythm game Mojibribbon (depicted left).

Participants are expected to give a 10-15 minute live presentation about their game, including slides, and answer questions at the end of their presentation. The deadline for submissions is January 15th.

  • Jim McGinley

    2008: Year of the Jugglin’
    Mark my words.

    In the meantime, who do I have to bribe to get Noodle highlighted at TIGSource?
    It makes Jugglin’ look normal