You Got a Grappling Hook

By: Tim

On: January 22nd, 2008

You Got a Grappling Hook is a self-explanatory title – guide the 8-bit boy from Ico across the cavernous landscape and over deep ravines to discover what lies at the end of the tunnel. This is achieved by using your tool to reach high platforms, since the protagonist’s jump height is severely limited and may not prove enough to overcome most of the obstacles you’re to face.

There are several “Punishment” moments in the game to reward action fans with decent arcade skills. What’s interesting though, is messhof’s announcement of his collaborative project with cactus, currently titled Seizurific Punishment. The game’s setting is in hell, and will require 3D goggles to play. Barf bags not included with free downloads.

  • Bobo

    Messhof AND Cactus? Wow. Shame about the 3D goggles, those things never work for me.

    I keep extra barf bags next to my computer, doesn’t everybody?

  • Benzido

    Someone should tell him that it takes more than pretty graphics to make a good game, these days.

  • toastie

    Invisible rope ftw!

  • messhof

    “Seizurific Punishment”..?

    I’m also expanding the You Found The Grappling Hook. I’ll post it when I’m done.

  • messhof

    oh i get it

  • Advenith

    Crap. Seems I killed someone’s dog out of neglect.

  • TakaM

    that was a cool little game :)

  • Lez


  • MindSnap

    I like grappling hook games, burt the combination of the short, invisible rope and the quick speed at which the game plays makes it a bit too difficult for me. In my eyes Ninjah was close to being the perfect grappling hook game. I might pick this up again later though.

  • Pyrrhon

    As basic as a grappling hook game can be. Rather bad level design and way too easy.

  • Aldous B. Winsome

    “Messhof AND Cactus? Wow. Shame about the 3D goggles, those things never work for me.”

    You may have them on backwards. Otherwise YOUR EYES ARE WRONG.

  • Truth

    Played for a while, came back and found it didn’t save my progress, so I deleted it.

  • Fishy Boy

    Rather easy, but the last level was a fun challenge. Also, I have this suspicion that you get some sort of proper ending if you go all the way back from the end.

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  • evilmrhenry

    Fishy Boy: no you don’t. Or at least I didn’t see it. (The last level reversed is “challenging”, but the rest was easy.)