Age of the (Fucking) Dinosaurs

By: Derek Yu

On: March 21st, 2008

1up review of Flashbang Studio’s Off-Road Velociraptor Safari, featuring Mr. Scott Sharkey and Mr. Cesar Quintero. Gotta love how aggro (i.e. drunk) Scott is!

Testing the long-necked, small-brained physics for Flashbang’s next game, Jetpack Brontosaurus. Be sure to check out the new concept art on the site, as well!


Dinowaurs – 2d dino on dino combat. Wear helmets, fire rockets, and command helpless cavemen to do your bidding (or kill them)! Coming soon.

Dino Run

And finally, Dino Run, a new single and multiplayer online platformer from the creators of Gamma Bros.!

Proof positive that, though dinosaurs may not rule the Earth any more, they still rule… our hearts_. Now if only the mainstream game industry follow suit and make a new Rage">Primal Rage game! (Dead serious here.)

  • ChevyRay

    Watching that dinosaur physics video was the best thing that happened to me all week.

  • shaktool

    I imagine Dinowaurs has no connection to Dinowarz?

  • Susan

    aha awesome stuff! :D

  • DR

    hey all,
    is there a way to host Dino Run somewhere other than Blogspot? the country in which I’m living blocks Blogspot, and I’d sure like to play it, as I loved Gamma Bros.!

  • Jared

    Dino Run and Dinowaurs both look like they’ll be excellent.

    The recent Turok release was a decent dinosaur game as well.

    Jurassic Park: Trespasser was an interesting failure.

    And, in my opinion the champion of dino games, the Dino Crisis series was an epic win.

  • Dusty Spur

    How about monocle’d dinosaurs? Any word on that?

  • biphenyl

    Mike and Greg from Intuition, Rich from Pixeljam, and I were having a discussion about our mutual love for dinosaurs (and our respective dinosaur projects) at GDC. The consensus was that there’s a fundamental disparity between how awesome dinosaurs are and the number of awesome dinosaur games out there — we’re all just doing our civic duties to close that gap!

  • Victo

    Trespasser has it’s fun, it just fails as a game …
    I still play :D Just for the hell of smashing a raptor in the face with random objects.

  • PHeMoX

    *How about monocle’d dinosaurs? Any word on that?*

    I think the driver character in Off-Road Velociraptor Safari has one, but we definitely need more.

  • Stwelin

    Hmmm… looks more like hangover brontosaurus than jetpack brontosaurus.

  • Steve Swink

    @PHeMoX: He does and agreed.

    @Stwelin: That BrontoBrew isn’t going to drink itself…

  • torncanvas

    @shaktool: Woah! Never heard of that one. Haha, yeah no relation. Good thing we didn’t go with that name…we considered it, but it wasn’t cheesy enough. :P

    The age of dinosaurs *is* at hand. It’s really a dream come true to see all these coming out at roughly the same time!

  • Eclipse

    Trespasser was awesome, only above it’s own time… it had realistic physics, an an innovative way of playing, but in that years fps were only shooters.

    Anyway the BEST series of games featuring dinos is Carnivores is a cool game were you hunt dinosaurs, those games had all a fantastic gameplay

  • Eclipse
  • aeiowu

    @biphenyl – Hey what’s up Matt, this is Greg. Long-time no GDC. And yes, we’ve taken an oath and have no choice but to serve our reptilian lizard-kings.

    @PHeMoX – Monocle acquired. Another eyeball adornment includes the Clockwork Orange eyelashes. Also, we’re thinking about the Fez hat and other indie game shout-outs for accessory ideas. Owl suit?

  • Melly

    You shall not tarnish the Owl’s holiness with a measly suit!

    Thou shalt build a massive totem in its glory and strap it on the backs of thy dinosaurs.

  • curezen

    ummm has anyone gotten dino run to download.