Everyday Shooter Heading for PSP

By: Derek Yu

On: August 21st, 2008

Everyday Shooter

Everyday Shooter, Jonathan Mak’s acclaimed musical shoot ’em up, is heading to PSP, according to a Sony press release announcing the new PSP-3000. Players can buy an “Entertainment Pack” which includes the new PSP, along with a 4GB Memory Stick and a voucher to download the PSP version of Everyday Shooter from the Playstation Store. The entire bundle is $200.

No word on how much the game will cost alone, or what Jon’s involvement with the port is.

(Thanks, architekt!)

  • Jonathan Blow

    Sweet. I will buy it, day one.

  • Trotim

    200$ is a little steep for me D;

  • Brent

    It pisses me off that Sony has this trend of introducing a new PSP every other year. Why couldn’t they have honestly had these features with the first one!? /rage

  • MedO

    The game is certainly not for everyone, I bought it and played it twice, then never came back to it.

  • Defacid

    Why does Sony hate PSP-1000 users? :'(

  • PHeMoX

    Yeah, a PSP-1000 user here… I guess PSP-2000 users soon will find out what it is to be left out with the latest stuff. :p

    I’m not going to buy a new PSP every 1 and a half year. Damn.

  • Skofo

    Yay for calling random abstract shapes killing each other “good game design!”

  • Jonathan Blow

    Have you even played the game?

  • Tyheam

    @Phemox: Thanks I’ll prefer my Cave Story over a useless mic and a lil brighter LCD. :P

  • Mr Innovation

    I have, made the mistake of buying the hype and getting it via Steam “we don’t do demos or refunds” – wow Steam is great, really is the future.

    Game was fun for 5mins, then I died and had to start again. Wait, it’s ok, you can permanently unlock levels to stop you redoing them. Except you need to play the same level over and over again to earn the right. Oh dear.

    p.s. eternity’s child – no demo. Outcry! 2min demo appears. What?

    p.p.s now “direct 2 drive” are getting in on it. Bionic Commando Rearmed – no demo. Hmmm, is this a conspiracy :)

  • PHeMoX

    @Tyheam: Yeah, you’re right. I just saw what the hardware ‘improvements’ where going to be. If the sun is shining too bright to be able to see your PSP screen, then uhm, maybe you should just put it away and enjoy the sun instead anyways, right? The new PSP design does look slightly sexier, but a built-in mic doesn’t quite sound like a huge improvement either…

    I guess I miss out on nothing after all, thanks! :)

  • PHeMoX

    *getting it via Steam “we don’t do demos or refunds” – wow Steam is great, really is the future.*

    Last time I had to deal with Steam and it’s customer service, they do give both refunds and also often have demos of the games you can buy there…

  • Stwelin

    MedO: This post is about Everyday Shooter, not Everyone Shooter.

  • splotki

    Jonathan Blow and Jon Mak should kiss and make a baby, which is an abstract musical shooter where you can rewind time and learn new things about your feelings.

  • Defacid

    It is good to see that Everyday Shooter is coming to PSP. I’m definately going to get it.

  • Trotim

    His only aim was to make fun of the random abstract shapes ethnic minority in the most blunt way possible!

  • trabitboy

    new screen seems to have far less reflection; maybe it wasn’t industrially possible 1 year and a half ago ? or cost wise ?

    anyway on psp it will be a good fit since you can mostly fire in 8 directions, which will be well controlled by the face buttons.

  • Esha

    Is it just me or with audiences based around the everyday (ahem) gamer and critics alike, the only type of people who don’t seem to like Everyday Shooter are those who suck at shooter games. Isn’t this a bit of a misnomer? I think they should’ve expected that they wouldn’t like a game where they didn’t have the appropriate skill-set to actually achieve anything within the game.

    I saw the same kind of backlash around The Internet with Bionic Commando: Rearmed though. Same problem, too! It was bought by people who just didn’t have the mental capacity for figuring out its puzzle mechanics on the fly, so they whined about how bad it was.

    Is this going to be the fate of anything that’s not completely casual these days? If so, what do I have to look forward to tomorrow? Will I have my games played for me? I suspect I’ll just sit in front of the TV screen, waggle a thumbstick aimlessly and then be greeted with a huge, feel good “GREAT JOB!!! :D” message at the end.

    Oy vey.

    I should’ve seen that coming, to be honest.

    As for my personal experiences with Everyday Shooter, they were interesting to be sure. When I first played it, I have to admit I wasn’t sure about it. Then, however, I took a moment to sit back and think “Instead of trying to enforce upon it the game that I want it to be, let’s try and find out what it actually is.” I spent the first level or two just experimenting, and learning what kinds of tactics work in Everyday Shooter.

    That worked very well.

    It’s amazing these days how I can point out to people that not shooting in Everyday Shooter allows the player to move around faster, and the amount of people who’ve played Everyday Shooter and actually don’t know this is absolutely absurd.

    But that’s today’s game audience; don’t read, don’t experiment, don’t explore, don’t think, waggle dem stickz!


    I still love you, Mak, even if some mentally undernourished children don’t.

  • cuntface

    Had a similar experience to Esha with the game. Everyday Shooter really didn’t click with me at all for a long time. It felt like a poor man’s Geometry Wars. I think I really started to get interested after I was bothered to play to the third level, and now I play it a couple of times almost every day. It’s a great piece of work.

    However I really don’t I’d like the controls on the PSP…

  • Skofo

    @Esha: You’re kidding. This has -nothing- to do with the difficulty of the game. Difficult games are fun. Making a player replay the all the same levels from the beginning to unlock more starting lives and the ability to play them whenever you want to… a good game, does NOT make. The dude that made this seems to have wanted to add replayability to this, but the way he did it is the cheapest way to artificially extend a game imaginable. It’s throwing a player into a vanilla world and promising more fun the more you grind through it, like in MMORPG’s. If a game is fun, explorable, and a bit procedual from the very beginning to the end, it’s pretty much infinitely replayable. This game is barely playable.

  • HostFat

    He is a bad developer, he doesn’t take care about his costumers.
    He hasn’t released any patch for the PC version, and there are many people like me on the Steam forum that are asking for it.
    I’ll never buy a new product from him until he will give the right support to everyone.
    He is following the same way of the Rag Doll Kung Fu’s developer >(

  • haowan

    bu bu buuuuu

  • cuntface

    he doesn’t take care about his costumers

    Gotta hate his taste in clothes.

  • jph

    skofo – perhaps you did suck at it,. I found that each time I played I got new stuff open,. and besides you are able to play throught the whole game on one go, there is no limitation that requires grinding! the unlockables are just bonus stuff,.

    “random abstract shapes killing each other”,. really? if you didn’t like the art direction why would you buy the game? There where loads of videos avalible when it came out on steam,. although a demo could have forstalled some of these babys crying out loudly at their own purchesing choices. Personally I quite enjoy that game, it is well designed, has great art that I dig, and is fun to play.

  • PHeMoX

    *He is following the same way of the Rag Doll Kung Fu’s developer*

    Who also continues to make very awesome games????

  • Hopping V

    It seems like people aren’t getting the point of the more lives unlockable. From my reading the purpose is to make it possible for anyone to eventually complete the game NOT as a big flashy reward. If you get stuck on a level you can always play it until you either get skilled enough, or get enough lives to get through it. I’m not really seeing how this is bad design.

    Regarding being able to unlock the ability to play a specific level. I think that if you fall into the camp that finds the game play (and play generated music) inherently pleasing, this is a decent unlockable. I’ve certainly found there are specific levels I like to play again and again over others.

  • Aubrey

    Oh yeah, I remember the small gripe i had about the 8way tweened shooting, rather than analogue. So this should fit the PSP pretty well. Good fit. Well done Jon!

  • Oddbob

    “Is it just me or with audiences based around the everyday (ahem) gamer and critics alike, the only type of people who don’t seem to like Everyday Shooter are those who suck at shooter games. Isn’t this a bit of a misnomer?”


    I saw the same kind of backlash around The Internet with Bionic Commando: Rearmed though. Same problem, too! It was bought by people who just didn’t have the mental capacity for figuring out its puzzle mechanics on the fly, so they whined about how bad it was.

    Also whut?

  • PHeMoX

    I think the problem is obvious.

    Hint: It’s not the game. ;)

  • Skofo

    Why do faggots keep counterarguing with “you’re not good enough?” You’re missing the point. I’m great at video games. I could probably wipe the floor with half of you in a shooter like this. The point is, even IF you’re “skilled enough” to unlock these achievements, you shouldn’t have to play the same eight levels over and over again! It’s just lazyness – the developer could have just as well made more levels or added variety. Why, is he not “skilled enough” for it?

    tl;dr Making your customers play through the same levels over and over with the promise of unlocking things, no matter the individual customer’s skill level, is *horrible* game design.

    @jph: Buy? What?

  • Skofo

    You’re sugarcoating your comments, Derek? Really?

  • zum

    I don’t think sugercoat means what you think it means.

  • jph

    skofo- buy = verb (used with object) to acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, esp. in money; purchase.

    so I take it you are complaining about a game you just pirated?!

    and now refering to people who call you on your lame BS names that you take to be derogatory,. (“faggots”) just crawl back under what ever rock you slithered out from,. . anus-faced monkey.

  • Oyunlar 1
  • Skofo

    @jph: I have to buy something to be able to criticize it?