iSplume (that’s Splume for iPhone/iPod touch, kids) is now available for purchasing in the iTunes App Store… for, like, three bucks. (What’s that, a pack of gum nowadays?) And it incorporates all that touch screen and tilting wizardry I’ve been hearing so much about. It’s even getting mentioned alongside the likes of Spore: Origins in press releases and such. (Which means something, I think?) Quick tangent: What the heck could Spore: Origins be about, anyway? Doesn’t Spore have you starting out as a single-celled organism? We developed the theory on Skype the other night that this “Origins” installment will have you starting out playing as God or The Big Bang or the primordial ooze itself or something. Of course, going from God to microorganism would be a bit of a letdown, wouldn’t it? I’m just saying… I’m glad I’m not the one to have to answer these questions!
Splume (which you can play here) was the first release in a series of games started as an experiment in rapid development by the gentlemanly and modern gentlemen at Flashbang Studios, who went on to craft such indie touchstones as Off-Road Velociraptor Safari and Jetpack Brontosaurus, as well as host the first annual TIGJam. (For future reference, you can find their weirder, mostly dinosaur-themed games over at their new site, called Blurst — I guess maybe to create some distance from Flashbang’s more “casual” reputation?)
Dang, this might be the best TIGS post I’ve ever written. I mean, look at all the formatting. And the video! I’m going to take this moment to point out that my first article on TIGS was also the first (yes, in the world) to break the news of gaming on the iPod, and now it’s like the gosh-darned Golden City of Milk & Opportunity over there! I humbly accept all credit for this and wait patiently for the numerous parades in my honor.*
Hrm, I just noticed we haven’t yet posted the first gameplay video from Jetpack Brontosaurus. Shameful! Dare I create a new article? No, that’d make for one-too-many videos on the front page… Okay. I’ll stash it after the jump. With a secret TIGJam-related note!
*Also, I’m a huge narcissist now?
SECRET NOTE FOLLOWS: Derek, Jeff, Steve, Matt… someone. I need to go to TIGJam. Fantasy Grill alone sparks a roaring fire in my loins. And I was thinking. I’m like the F’n Senior mother-F’n Editor of mother-F’n TIGSource, mother-F’ers. For word. Like, I should already be on my way via a courtesy rickshaw following a path of, like, rose petals or peonies or whatever. Lilies. Some pimp stuff.
But seriously, I know I haven’t been the most consistent “mother-F’er” on the planet, and I know this article is pretty erratic (likely to the point of warranting concern), and I know I could be contacting you guys directly (wait, why haven’t I done that?), but this would bring me scads of happiness. I wanna see you guys again! I wanna smell you guys again… I mean it. Gimme a call or email or something, yeah? Hopefully we can make this happen!
And so ends the last article I will ever write… today.