Happy Aquaria Day!

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: December 10th, 2008

HD trailer here.

Well, Aquaria has been out for over an Earth Year now (as of December 7th). Pretty hard to believe. I remember back in the day when it was all, “Why don’t these damn turtles move?!” And now look at it. All grown up and shipped and critically acclaimed and everything.

Here is the newest trailer ever, in honor of the game’s anniversary and, more excitingly, Big Update. This weekend, Bit Blot will release Aquaria version 1.1.1 (for Windows). This patch includes “widescreen, graphics and audio enhancements, improved puzzles, a new/awesome map system and more.” And a reduced price.

Alec and Derek have been working hard on this update since the game launched, addressing all the feedback the game’s received. (And that’s a lot!) If there was ever a time to get Aquaria, it’s now. (Yeah, I’m talking to you — no more excuses!)

Congrats, guys! A series of increasingly complex high-fives is in order.

NOTE: Dunno why this ain’t been posted yet, but a Mac version is also now available.

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    _Glasses onnnnn._

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    Wait, why wasn’t that said at Gamma?!

  • Optrirominiluikus

    For Windoze? For reals? I’m there!

  • Lez

    Nice one guys, I need to get around to actually buying the damn game as apposed to forgeting aboht it in the christmas/new year season D:

  • Loover

    Great! Hey, how many units have you already sold?

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    I just realized I also got MARRIED December 7th. What a year it has been!

  • jjcast

    Sounds awesome! Can’t wait ’til the weekend… =)

  • mjau

    Any news on the Linux version?

  • Jink

    I would love to play the shit out of Aquaria because it does look like a great game and visually, it is very beautiful. But my fear of the deep sea prevents me from playing it. :( (a fear instilled in me from a little game on the mega drive called ecco the dolphin)

  • Valkyrie

    YES! Now we’ve got something to sate us until the OST comes out. Awesome news.

  • Derek

    Thanks, guys! <3


  • xerus

    It was Goldbuick.

  • ZeppMan217

    Reduced price? For how much reduced?

  • I Like Cake

    Sure, wait until the weekend when I have exams why don’t you?

    In other news: hurray!

  • MedO

    This weekend? YES! YES! YES!
    Also, YES!

  • crukid

    congrats, bit blot!

  • http://theatreinathens.blogspot.com Imaginationac

    This is the worst time for you to release the patch for Windows. I have exams and paper to write. Damn you Bit Blot!

    Seriously though, can’t wait. Hopefully now I can finish the game.

  • Damir

    i am from Serbia and i was born on December 7th and i bought Aquaria on the same day AQUARIA IS AWSOME

  • Noyb

    YESSS! I’ve been waiting to buy Aquaria since the announcement of the patch this summer. :D

  • Gold Cray

    Well, I guess it’s time to start playing Aquaria again…

  • Big Lon

    Have yet to play Aquaria… but seems that will change very soon indeed.

  • Cobalt

    So… no Linux version? That’s too bad. If I made a game, I’d at least make native ports to Windows, OS X, and Linux. But that’s just me. How big is Aquaria, anyway? Maybe you could plop all three versions on the same disc…

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    Yes, because that’s SO easy it’s practically no work at all.

  • shinygerbil

    *high fives while grabbing one foot with the other hand*

  • Cobalt

    Hey, I know, BMcC. I know that it’s a pain, but making games is pretty difficult, too. There are game libraries like LOVE (not the game) that make it extremely easy to port to Windows, OS X and Linux, though. I’m guessing that Aquaria was made in some commercial suite or with a library that’s difficult to port with.

  • Sigvatr

    Posted by BMcC, !Derek

  • Alec

    Cobalt: Assume makes an “ass” of “u” and “me”!

    Aquaria was programmed with SDL, OpenGL and FMOD which are all cross-platform. In fact, I even got a really broken version of the game running on Linux back in the day. Check it:


    However, actually getting the Linux version fully tested and primed for release is something that I don’t have time for right now. I’ve got a pile of stuff left to do with Aquaria, a bunch of proposals to finish and I’m also running and working for another indie company. (http://infiniteammo.ca)

    I’m really swamped right now! A linux port is something I’d like to do, but until I can find the time, its low on my priority list.

    However, with all that said, the Windows version of Aquaria runs perfectly fine in Linux under Wine. :)

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org/ Eclipse

    i’ve lost my ye olde aquaria registration code :'( is there a sort of “put your mail and get back the code” form around?

  • Ghede

    I bought it but never backed it up. There is no redownload feature at the store. At some point or another, it was uninstalled. The install file was deleted or lost. Crap.

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org/ Eclipse


  • Alec

    Shoot me an email with some of your purchase details: [email protected]

    I would recommend waiting until the weekend though, so you can get 1.1.1 when I reactivate your download. :)

  • corpus

    Aquaria is the rockingest.

    I need to buy it..

  • Cobalt

    @Alec: I *assumed* that you were having difficulty porting, and I was right, wasn’t I? I’m sure the libraries are cross-platform, but apparently they’re difficult to cleanly port with if you’ve been having so many problems. No offense or anything.

  • http://teknopants.com Teknogames


    This deserves a chair five:

    Get two rolling chairs and kick off the opposing walls, when you come toward your friend, hold your hand out so that you high five.

  • Alec

    That sounds epic. O_O

  • Kovski

    Ha! I did it! Finally I am a proud owner of an original Aquaria copy!
    Now I only need to save some money to preorder Overgrowth…