From the creators of such wonders as Jetpack Brontosaurus and Off-Road Velociraptor Safari comes a game so objectively awesome it would make even King Minos proud. Minotaur China Shop is Flashbang‘s latest opus, chronicling the day-to-day struggles of Ben Ruiz The Minotaur, fresh out of the Labyrinth, pursuing his lifelong dream of selling fine china. But it’s so much more than that. It’s also a commentary on such sensitive topics as mental illness, discrimination, and capitalism, to name but a few.
In the game you, The Minotaur, must navigate your new shop, delivering various items to a stream of fantastical (but paying!) customers. However, being a big, clumsy minotaur, this is easier said than done. You will often find yourself knocking over and breaking your own precious inventory. Break enough and you will enter MINOTAUR RAGE, a “crippling psychological condition.” Fortunately, your insurance covers any damage done while enraged.
The game lasts five business days, with a chance to upgrade stats and abilities in between. A high score is tallied at the end. As with all titles available through Blurst, Minotaur China Shop is free to play. (And hilarious.) Check it out!
NOTE: You will need to download the Unity plugin to play. But it’s quick and painless, so just do it.
TIGdb: Entry for Minotaur China Shop