Blush Prototype

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: January 27th, 2009

Flashbang has begun production on another one of their world-famous eight-week games. This one looks to be a bit less silly than their previous entries, but no less excellent.

Be sure to check The Blurst Blog for frequent behind-the-scenes updates. (I’m talking so behind-the-scenes, they even reveal their wallpaper color picking process.) Also, check out this excellent interview with The Flashbang Hivemind up on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

  • BMcC

    I swear I remember seeing an *even earlier* version of this at TIGJam. Is that possible?

  • Matthew

    It is! I created a squid prototype during TIGJam (about 4 hours total, spent most of my time chatting with people). We used that as the basis for Blush…

  • sinoth

    Woot, sperm in space!

  • Trotim

    All right!

    …what is it about!

  • rndlll

    Looks like a spermatozoon simulator. Not my cup of bukk…, um, tea.

  • pnutz

    I think this will be Flashbang’s semenal work.

  • BMcC

