Castle Crashers: Behind the Scenes

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: February 25th, 2009

Progression of The Frost King

The Behemoth has been uploading time-lapsed video of Dan’s drawing process to their Dev Blog, from Tom’s concept sketches to the final, in-game art. If you’re interested in seeing what it takes to make award winning graphics, check it out. So far they’ve uploaded development footage of The Necromancer, The Frost King (pictured above), and The Undead Cyclops.

Also, The King Pack, the first downloadable content for Castle Crashers, was released on XBLA last month for a measly 160 Points!

Also also! They’re working on a new game… but haven’t given any details yet.
Maybe we can squeeze it out of them at GDC?

  • a

    Anyone got any other videos like these? Watching other people draw/animate really relax me =)

  • O..O~

    Castle Crashers started off one of my favorite games of 2008. Till 10 minutes after starting it I discovered that online play was completely unplayable and it was for unplayable for 4 long months after the games release. I still feel like that was completely inexcusable for a game that is supposed to be played with 4 players online.

    I still had fun with the single player stuff none the less….till that glitch erased all my characters that I had unlocked for me to never see them. In its whole, I don’t think a game in 2008 was more disappointing to me that. At least I was expecting mirror’s edge to be mediocre, this I was expecting the same amount of quality and polish that came from alien hominid. What I got was an extremely broken game.

    I couldn’t believe they got rid of the boomerange glitch with that patch either, after so many people had their characters lost from the earlier glitch that was pretty much the only hope of ever unlocking all them again.

  • Random

    That’s pretty cool :)

    a, there’s a lot of similar things on youtube, but not sure about for video games. Plenty for things like cars and anything related to website clip art graphics

  • yougiedeggs

    Before they start working on a new game, I’d like them to release a PC version of Castle Crashers.

  • J

    Hear hear, yougiedeggs! I’ve been interested in Castle Crashers since it was announced, and was disappointed to learn it was XBLA-only. Where’s the PC love, Behemoth?

  • river simons

    Had immense fun with this online yesterday. The game definitely benefits from playing with a few good pals.

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