looking really sweet, so is 2009 the release year of the game or did polytron just want to date the video? =p
damn! (that’s cool)
Chris Whitman
That looks crazy good.
http://drhaisook.wordpres.com Dr Haisook
Looks really great. And that 8-bit inspired music is even more awesome.
Splinter of Chaos
The trailer had me at [beep] [beep].
Sweet, finally. Oh hey, black holes and flashlight mode~
After going away for a while and then watching it again, my feeling is the game seems to have changed fairly fundamentally.
This video really shows fez as being a 3d game with graphics that look 2d in screenshots, far more than being a 2d platformer it seems more of a 3d puzzle than it did before?
I may be wrong.
Also, anyone else getting a strong EVE Online vibe from the (awesome) soundtrack?
Anyone know who is making that lovely music for them?
Cave Story rip- *gets shot*
OMG Speccy graphics! SOLD!
(I’m serious, by the way)
XBLA bound ?(please)
Anyone know a mirror for this video? It won’t play for me here.
I dig the post-punkie chiptune.
other than the 8 bit graphics, how is this going to be different from C.R.U.S.H?
http://www.roachpuppy.com IceNine
I don’t think it ever was a 2D platformer. The gameplay in the trailer looks similar to the version we got to play at GDC last year. Still looks like you flip the camera one side at a time. I don’t think you can move when you use the free-form rotation camera.
Am I the only one who finds the music for this otherwise charming and nostalgic game downright annoying? I am a fan of 8-bit music just like the next guy but next to the classic works of genius such as “Bionic Command”, “Gremlins 2”, “T.M.N.T.”, and “Ninja Gaiden”, these chip tunes are neither memorable nor appealing.
WTF, my post got ate.
@ Mark
Try the original source on Vimeo:
vimeo dot com slash 3841540
@ Ampersand
I do find (and have been finding) the music a bit lacking. Actually, a lot lacking. Frowny face.
http://0xdeadc0de.org/ Eclipse
looks awesome.
roffelol: GTFO…
please please bring it to XBLA!
@ Ampersand
Yes you are.
The music is super sweet, and about 500x better then anything I heard during my 8bit gaming days
Dragon MC
I can’t wait.
Now, what platform is this going to be for, so I can start saving up?
I posted a post but it kept getting ate.
@ Ampersand, no, I agree with you. There are a lot of superb chiptunes and faux/pseudo-chiptunes out there, and this is lacking.
http://www.roachpuppy.com IceNine
It’s written in C#/XNA so it’ll be on either or both Windows and Xbox.
http://pqgames.wordpress.com mirosurabu
What’s the genre of the music in this trailer? Chi[ea]p trance? ;P
It’s decent though.
I’m worried FEZ is falling behind The Underside in terms of trailer production rate.
http://studioeres.com Paul Eres
“Am I the only one who finds the music for this otherwise charming and nostalgic game downright annoying?”
As bad as it is, pointing out that it’s bad in an insensitive way is worse. :)
Oh man, you didn’t listen
You didn’t even try
Go back to those chiptune and just LISTEN to what happened there in them good old days.
I mean yeah the chords are more trance:y than anything that you heard during the chip 80s but what the hell
journey to silius
castlevania 2:belmont’s revenge (gb)
castlevania 3
They fucked around with volume to create fake-delay echo, blipped and blopped around notes in octaves to create fullness of sound that noone would believe a pulse synth would have, the western composers bathed themselves in arpeggios and fat chords while the japanese used quirky compositions and arpeggiating melodies, countermelodies and basslines to imply advanced jazz harmonics in a medium where you can only play 3 (sometimes 4) at once.
This is .. a square/pulse bassline and then some phasing in/out pulse wave notes and some noise-based drums.
I mean. Just. It’s good music, it creates a very nice feeling (though I don’t feel it suits the game 100%) using limited resources, but…
It is simply not 500 times better than the game music of old. I know this is a subjective issue so I dunno why I’m arguing about this but I’m just trying to say ..
This music is good, I agree, but I URGE YOU to listen to some old nes music and just FROLICK around in the yummy fullness and richness of the sound.
and if you don’t like it then ok. Nerdrage over.
http://b-mcc.com// BMcC
**@ Gravy:** Nah, the game’s always been like this.
**@ Whoever:** The music is great. Chippy tones, but much slicker than the wall-of-sound approach in most old games. (At least, that’s my opinion.)
It’s by Jason “6955” DeGroot, who has done crazy chiptune remixes in the “traditional” style before. Fez’s tracks have clear intent.
Teknogames/Beau Blyth
Oh my god. Once he entered the cave my heart stopped. Style to the max.
BMcC: Yah, does hold true for a lot of classic tunes like the super mario bros theme song, most megaman songs, bubble bobble, etc.
But on the other hand castlevania 3, kirby’s adventure .. there are still lots of nuanced stuff there O:
Man, I’m really coming off as the naysayer, well, I do really like the track and it’s obvious that the composer knows what he’s doing, and that the simple utilization of pure soundwaves without faux-delay and bloppiness or arpeggios is intended and not sign of lack of skills. So yes. Happy rant over .. ?
http://b-mcc.com// BMcC
**@ Jad:** Yeah, there are definitely some gems from back then. I was responding to that other guy more than you, I guess. I wanted to point out that the tracks are stylized and purposefully different from the average chiptune.
My nipples are so hard right now.
OMG. so sexy. <33333333333333
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