A Message to TIGS from Teh Internets

By: Derek Yu

On: May 12th, 2009

  • http://infiniteammo.ca Alec

    Edmund is still my hero.

  • Chris Whitman

    “My take on that is: Well, fuck morals, i’ll just go for what is fair and is efficient.”

    This makes the Frankfurt School of critical theory cry.

  • Camozzato

    The Jon Blow interview’s trolling was more about “who does he think he is to be talking about games?!” than about Braid. Trolls don’t get interviews, so they get angry.

    So many things to read, so little time.

  • Dustin

    If you like this video, you are probably lame. Not being sarcastic here, this was really lame. He got so worked up about people insulting his favorite games that he yelled at a camera for 6 minutes in a primitive form of satire. Stop letting cognitive dissonance make you angry, Seth Rogan! Honestly I liked you in Superbad but this is just pathetic.

  • Lyx

    “This makes the Frankfurt School of critical theory cry.”

    If that school was unable to differentiate between “something being the case” and “wishing that something be the case”, then it probably wasn’t all that “critical” after all.

  • Chris Whitman

    “If that school was unable to differentiate between “something being the case” and “wishing that something be the case”, then it probably wasn’t all that “critical” after all.”

    Oh snap!

    Actually, they were bright dudes. Max Horkheimer’s “Eclipse of Reason” is largely about the utilitarian outlook. You should check it out!

  • Lyx

    Well, what i tried to imply with my sarcastic comment was: that some people once said “morals should be about this and that” doesn’t imply that CURRENT morals ARE about this and that.

    So when you said that my earlier post would make those people cry, then you were misinterpreting “me considering current morals stupid” as “me considering ANY possible morals stupid”.

    Anyways, this is heading way off-topic. Thanks for the hint regarding the book.

  • Llort

    Hi Edmund

    A professional developer would see attacks of their game on the internet, and ignore it.

    Man up and stop being a cry baby. How you can take attacks personally from anonymous internet idiots is beyond me. By responding you are only encouraging them and making the situation worse.

    If you are driving down the street and someone yells an insult at you because they don’t like the colour of your car, what do you go? Go home and cry? Get out of your car and start a fight? If they are insulting a complete stranger then obviously they are an idiot and should be ignored.

  • William Faulkner


  • Paul Eres

    “A professional developer would see attacks of their game on the internet, and ignore it.”

    Then good thing we aren’t professional developers.

    Also, I never said we should be polite to trolls for altruistic reasons, the whole morality thing is besides the point. I’m just about the least moral person you can imagine, but I still think it’s a good idea to make friends with one’s enemies rather than ignore them. Just like it’s in a nation’s interests to make friends of its enemies rather than ignore them.

  • William Faulkner

    GET HOME!!!1

  • http://infiniteammo.ca Alec

    Edmund is still my hero.

  • William Faulkner

    isee u are posting a lot today etc?? they must have upgarded the badwidth on yoUR AOL TELEPHONE to 256FHZ!!!!!lol!

  • lol

    trying too hard

  • Melly

    Hey guys, this video is outrageous.

    Sincerely, me.

    PS.: I have not watched the video.

  • Günter

    You know what I think?

    I think you guys are taking this way too seriously.

  • Dusty Spur

    i <3 edmund

  • Chris Whitman


    “I’m just about the least moral person you can imagine…”

    Holy shit, you’re Cesare Borgia, infamous son of Pope Alexander VI?

  • Chris Whitman

    Wait, didn’t you die in 1507?

  • moi

    I shall come and fuel this discussion when necessary

  • http://erikbriggs.me Erik Briggs

    Beholden! I haz an opinion

  • Vince

    Awwww cute, some game developer is angry and frustrated. Come here, you need a biiiiig hug!

    Ok after watching the rest of the video I have to say:
    Wow, you need help coping with critics.

  • chutup

    this is just one of those videos that feels like an extended tutorial

  • alspal

    this video makes me laugh every time.

  • http://www.g4g.it Firesword

    The End?

  • Bezzy

    People who give me feedback always make me feel sad, because either it is nice, and I think they’re just being polite, or it is nasty, and even if it’s potentially constructive, I can’t see past the negative tone.

    Then, if I do get some positive, constructive feedback, you have to decide how to take it on board without feeling like you’re doing it for the wrong reasons: just to be polite, or because you’ve run out of faith in your own ideas. Or if you have to turn it down, you have to try not to offend the person whose feedback you have to politely disagree with.

    It is a mine field, that’s for sure!

    Learning to deal with feedback is definitely a skill in its own. I hope I will get better at it as time goes on.

  • Mirosav

    >> How you can take attacks personally from anonymous internet idiots is beyond me. By responding you are only encouraging them and making the situation worse.

    You are calling yourself an idiot?

  • Paul Eres

    @Chris: well, it was hyperbole. What I meant was that I don’t normally meet my own standards of morality and often fail to live by my principles. For instance, I set deadlines and then watch YouTube or play Starcraft all day instead of being productive. I say I will do things and then don’t due to laziness, sometimes for months at a time. Of course there’s a slight difference between supreme incompetence and supreme immorality, but that difference is just in the interpretation, in practical results and for all intents and purposes incompetence is immorality.

  • Corpus

    This discussion is less interesting than other discussions which I have seen on the internet in the past.

  • Kvalsternacka

    Boy, there sure are a lot of posts here!

    PS. Love you Edmund!

  • ugh


  • Josh

    It was all the hype. Hype kills things. Kills them dead.

  • http://www.paul-jeffries.com Paul Jeffries

    “Then good thing we aren’t professional developers.”

    There’s a difference between being non-professional and being unprofessional. This video is the latter. Here’s a crazy idea; if you want people commenting on games to act in a mature and responsible way, would it not be a good first step for developers to do the same?

  • Paul Eres

    My point was you can’t expect indie developers to be more mature than the people who play our games. We’re amateurs. So what you’re saying may theoretically work but is practically impossible.

  • http://www.paul-jeffries.com Paul Jeffries

    Maybe not, but I can expect the people complaining about immature behaviour to behave more maturely that the people they’re complaining about.

  • Anthony Flack

    My only expectation is that people who post seven-minute video rants ought to try to at least be entertaining.

    I realise that, having never made a video rant myself, some people might feel that I have no right to criticise. But I’ve certainly experienced having my work ripped to bits by internet critics, and while it’s not pleasant, at least it serves as a reminder that I can’t take my audience for granted and become self-indulgent.

    Edmund may be a talented game developer, but his video ranting is sub-par.

  • Paul Eres

    @Jeffries: I agree, but telling people to act more professional usually doesn’t make them act more professional. Besides, I think funny videos are slightly more mature than anonymous internet insults; at least the former takes work.

    @The Claymaster: I liked the video though — it’s rated highly on YouTube too and has a lot of positive comments there so I do think many people enjoyed it. Not entertaining to you doesn’t equal not entertaining. My rule is that I should never (or at least almost never) judge the quality of something by my personal reaction to it, instead you get more of a measure if you use the average reactions of others.

  • judgespear

    “I agree, but telling people to act more professional usually doesn’t make them act more professional. Besides, I think funny videos are slightly more mature than anonymous internet insults; at least the former takes work.”

    Work that isn’t even necessary to begin with considering the latter could easily just be ignored in the first place.

  • Paul Eres

    It wasn’t necessary but it did provide entertainment.

  • Anthony Flack

    Ehh, people like all kinds of crap, just like they hate all kinds of good stuff. They can’t be trusted. Which is kind of what this is all about, I guess.

    I trust my own judgement as to whether something is good or not; I didn’t use to, but back then I recognised that I didn’t really have the experience to judge. Nowadays I feel like I do, that I’ve experienced enough of the good and the bad to have an idea of where something might sit on the scale. Although I’m always amenable to having my mind changed by somebody with a persuasive argument (as opposed to just a forceful opinion).

    In my not-humble opinion, the video fails by being too long, too repetitive, and not witty or cutting enough. It’s basically an extended session of “this is you: nuur nuur nurrr I’m a retard”. Heartfelt, I guess, but hardly a great piece of video.

    I suppose people who are sympathetic to the sentiments expressed may be more enthusiastic about it, but I can’t help but think of the example of someone like Charlie Brooker, who can spew bile for extended periods while being sincere and clever and funny and offensive all at once. That’s the gold standard of venting for me.

    In a way, this whole thing is weirdly self-referential. I think Edmund’s rant was lazy and needed improving. I guess he didn’t really want to go to TOO much trouble to make it, but then again, if you’re going to make something and release it to the public (even if it’s just a video rant) you should try your best to make a really good one. Or failing that, make it shorter.

    So as an audience member, I kind of feel like my time and attention was taken for granted a little too much. And here I am slagging it off on the internet.

    It’s all very meta.

  • http://elvisbrevi.blogspot.com Elvis Brevi


  • undertech


  • Lucien

    Sooo… is this Cliffski finally having a nervous breakdown on the Internet because of the evil pirates and those who think his games are a tad dull?

    Because… well… it looks like it.

    Should we be starting a donation drive? For the inevitable and necessary rehabilitation?

  • alspal

    I’m glad most indie developers have personality. They’re almost like real people!

  • http://www.g4g.it Firesword

    More than 200 comments?


  • Prio

    That was pretty funny

    Also bawwwsome

  • Stink from Land of the Lost

    Wow, way to go. Feed the trolls more. This kind of response is a sweet ambrosia for those who have elicited it.

  • Kobel

    Who cares if it’s feeding the trolls? No one should avoid doing something they want to do just because it might provoke an internet-asshole. Feed the trolls ’til they pop, people.

  • Zaphos

    Like most fish, trolls are opportunistic feeders. When an excess of food is offered, they will produce more waste and feces, partly due to incomplete digestion of protein. Overfed trolls can sometimes be recognized by feces trailing from their cloaca. Trolls need only be fed as much food as they can consume in one to two minutes, and no more than three times a day. Contrary to some common belief, extreme overfeeding will not increase the size of the troll but can actually be fatal, typically by bursting of the intestines.

  • SohpaZ

    Yeah, definitely keep on showing trolls how much of an effect their trolling has on you. Maybe instead of making them feel GOOD, it will make them feel bad and they’ll stop.

    And see if you can blow it up to a seven minute whinefest. That’s great.