Cortex Command Build 23 – With the LUA you love!

By: Xander

On: May 13th, 2009

wolverinyourcortextcommand Cortex Command, the game I can simply describe using its own genre definition of ‘Awesomesoft’ has finally released Build 23. Among other changes that I don’t have a list of is the much awaited addition of LUA scripting. There’s a pretty indepth wiki too, so time to get creative!

(Image and news courtesy of Kaboogeyman!)

  • Nikica

    Oh, finally, today I didn’t check the Dev Log, heh.

  • Sparky

    Congratulations on yet another significant build!

  • BMcC

    Awesome awesome, *just* finished downloading. :D

  • Super anon

    Rocket-propelled chainsaw launcher… This game just got that much more awesome!

  • Teknogames/Beau Blyth

    My god. My only concern is what is keeping you from buying the rediculously awesome weapons as opposed to the normal pistol and such other crap ones?

  • Bremze

    You need something that keeps you from using awesome weapons? :)
    One thing is gold, that you have to mine for but that can be changed easely to something more desirable in the ini’s. Another is weight, a clone won’t be able to carry much more than one rocket launcher.

  • robolee

    I pretty much never have used the pistol, there is no need

  • LuaFan

    Just as a head up, LUA is not an acronym. It should written as Lua:

    *The More You Know!*

  • data

    In the campaign, you’ll need to find/get artifacts and do research to unlock the more advanced stuff. Also, pistols make good backup sidearms for when your big heavy gun is blown out of your hands..

  • Kaboogeyman

    Just to let you know, LuaFan, the phrase is ‘heads up’ rather than ‘head up’.

    *The More You Know!*…

  • jeb

    A Cortex Command news update without an animated gif? :(

  • data

    Jeb: here you go:

    One of the first lua mods: mind-control gun, by TheLastBanana