Look: In-game beta footage of Hitlers Must Die!, the first track off Cryptic Sea’s upcoming game album, No Quarter. Seems to be coming together rather well! (Those shadows… *swoons*)
http://b-mcc.com// BMcC
I’m usually skeptical of physics-based platformers, but this seems to use physics in a fun-not-frustrating kind of way.
Adam Atomic
I am loving the whole “jump over the hitlers and they can’t stop in time so they fly out the window in a shower of shattered glass” thing…pretty much that’s the tits
This looks brilliant :)
Teknogames/Beau Blyth
Looks like it would be fun to try new things, so dying wouldn’t be a chore.
super cool footage
I like all the sliding around…
I first thought the quick explosions where from suicide bomber Hitlers. That would’ve been awesome. Please include? :)
I hope this gets released for free download.
http://tumblr.theschoon.com Schoon
Quite the contrary, Nikica.
I hope it’s released via Steam, so that these gents can get recompensed for their wonderful work. That way, we can get even more games at this level of pure awesome.
Beel the Bub
Gish with firearms. Awesome.
I’d definitely pay for this.
http://lumberingdream.com/ !CE-9
awesome HUD, physics, shadows, and 30 seconds of kick-ass music.
awesome lighting, fuck.
This is what videogames are all about.
Paul Eres
Pah, celebrity game designer, another preview video of this game was just posted a month ago.
(kidding, kidding)
level, score, lives, health, ammo, awesome.
This one looks awesome:
the involved physics fit perfectly and so does the style.
I’m really waiting for this one.
what BMcC said. I like how this game seems to incorporates physics into an action platformer rather then focusing on physics-related gameplay alone.
Looks sweet.
Oh mein Gott, that’s the craziest game Edmund McMillen has ever worked on (to put that statement in context, see his other games).
Dusty Spur
The lighting is making me drool.
It looks like the combat is has a nice feel to it already, and the level design is looking pretty good. Looking good, folks.
??/??/09 oh yes, sure
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