Indie Brawl – First Public Release

By: Derek Yu

On: August 26th, 2009

So I’m happy to announce that Indie Brawl, one of our two community projects (the other being BMcC’s Balding’s Quest), is seeing a public release today. IB puts many of the virtual heroes of indie games together in a multiplayer fighting extravaganza. This build has three “complete” fighters to choose from (Naija, The Golden Knight from Bonesaw, and Liero) and several WIP ones (The Dwarf, Trilby, Nikujin, Xoda Rap, and Iji).

One of the things that makes me really proud to be a part of the TIGSource community is that our collaborations and projects see fruition. It’s not an easy task to complete a project over the ‘tubes with so many disparate people – it requires a lot of dedication from the community and management on the part of the project leaders. That we have people who are passionate enough to take a "hey, that’s a cool idea!" and turn it into something real is nigh incredible.

Big props to Soulliard, the tireless team leader and programmer, without whom Indie Brawl would not exist. And also to godsavant, Oracle, and Clemens, who put a ton of work into the pixel art. And Josh “TwiTerror” Whelchel for the music. And everyone else who contributed! Hope you enjoy the build! Remember, the project is always looking for more help!

  • Q

    appart from the screen positioning (wich is playable on low gfx quality for me) it runs really good on wine!

  • BMcC

    **@Rostiger:** Yarr, I would have, but I was asleep! Anoush started school this week — been waking up way too early. :

    **@Blade:** Right on. :)

  • mr

    How about getting in touch with Nic Destefano and seeing if you could get permission to use Lyle of Lyle in Cube Sector?

  • mr

    Or maybe Mia from Eternal Daughter. (Shouldn’t be too hard to get in contact with Derek about that one, since, well, he runs this site :) )

  • Soulliard

    @Q: You charge the Bonesaw by hitting opponents with your attacks, or by absorbing their projectiles with his down-special.

    I’m really glad to hear it runs on wine! I had my doubts that it would work.

    @mr: We’ve already got permission for Lyle. He’ll probably be the next character we work on (we’ve already got a few sprites).

    We’ve got permission for Mia, too, but she’ll probably be a support character. Naija and the Spelunker are both going to be main characters, though, so you’ll still be able to play as some of Derek’s characters.

  • IceNine

    Congrats to everyone involved, I didnt know it was this far along already.

  • MeatGrinder

    Is the soundtrack assembled from tracks from the games the characters come from or is an original score being composed? Because if it’s the latter… I would like to help!

  • Soulliard

    The soundtrack is composed mostly of remixes (though in a few cases, an original song done in the theme of the game could be used instead). It’s all composed specifically for Indie Brawl, though.

    Here’s the music thread, complete with a listing of which levels still need music:

  • Soulliard

    The soundtrack is composed mostly of remixes (though in a few cases, an original song done in the theme of the game could be used instead). It’s all composed specifically for Indie Brawl, though.

    Check out the music thread on the Indie Brawl forums for a listing of which stages still need music.

  • skaldicpoet9

    Wow, just wow. A big congrats to everyone that made this possible. I am going to download this right away. I am only sorry that I couldn’t have been more of a help throughout the process. When I first heard about the project I was thoroughly excited to say the least. It is great to see all of the hard work that has gone into this project. Kind of inspiring actually :)

    Anyways, keep up the great work guys

    ;”;’ ;'”‘.
    .’, ;; ‘;’
    | ; | | :|__
    | | ;| | _ |
    | | |’ || | |||
    | ||| | | ||| <-my first ever ASCII | ||| '| | | | Congrats! | | | | :|_||| | | | | | |

  • skaldicpoet9

    Oh, oops the very last lines of that post was supposed to be an ASCII beer. Well, I am sure you guys get the point. Grats! :beer:

  • daleMO

    liero is reeely overpowered, other than that i love it, sux that quote wont be in it though ):

  • mr

    And given that La-Mulana is being given the Wii treatment too, I’d imagine Lemeza would be off limits too. (Still, the Spelunky guy is probably close enough.)

  • Battlerager

    Indeed, permission for Lemeza was denied. So far, only games that are being ported to wii were outright denied. Interesting, huh…