By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: September 16th, 2009

BIT.TRIP VOID, the third entry in the series of groovy, retro arcade games from Gaijin Games (the previous two being CORE and BEAT), is coming to WiiWare later this year. VOID seems to be less rhythmic than its predecessors, and more like a shooter, which is okay by me. I’m pretty bad at the BIT.TRIP games generally, but I just can’t seem to resist forking over my Wii Points for them…

(Source: Offworld, as always.)

  • nobody

    I’m not gonna buy this game based on the god awful studio name. Just kidding, I wouldn’t have bought it anyway.

  • Scapetti

    Brandon… “more like a shooter”? is it possible you didn’t quite understand the video XD

    Looks awesome though :)

  • BMcC

    Haha, hey, I understood the video! I mean it’s more *like* a shooter (than the previous games, at least) in that you move freely, dodging and absorbing “bullets.” Also, I am not good at writing articles. :P

  • Scapetti

    :P Sorry if I offended you, I just couldn’t help but point that out. I just sorta feel that this is the least like a shooter. The first game you reflected “bullets” and the second game you had to destroy “bullets” with a beam as it were.

    But yeah I know what you mean, I’m just being pedantic :3