Eurogamer Expo 2009

By: Xander

On: September 16th, 2009


Eurogamer will be holding another Expo this year after the mild success of 08’s offering, and returning once again will be the Indie Games Arcade which will also be present throughout the event emitting rays of awesome from whatever part of the convention it will have landed in.

Among those exhibiting as part of the event will be the works of Tunatech, Introversion, Robert Fearon (Oddbob), Hayden Scott-Baron (Dock) as well as Rudolf Kremers and Alex May. I realise I used the same link for both of them, but that’s just how rad Dyson is. See, had to do it again.

EGExpo 2009 tickets are available now for £6 and will be open for four days. It starts at The Royal Armouries on the 27th and 28th October in Leeds, before moving to London at Old Billingsgate on the 30th and 31st October. I’ll be around on the 31st so I’ll be sure to take some photos and post up some impressions, especially for Cletus Clay, but hopefully it’ll be redundant if you’re a UK TIGer as you’ll be dropping in to show your support. Right?

Looking forward to seeing anyone who heads out there!

  • raigan

    aaargh, stop it! enough with the posts!! 5+ in one day?!

    TIGS needs an internal queue system so that posts are put up regularly (twice daily?) instead of days of nothing and then a bunch at once.

    Otherwise some of your news items get buried! :(

  • Adamski

    Leeds! :o that’s 45 mins from me :O

  • Dugan

    The london show was pretty good last year

  • someonespecial

    Boy, it sure sucks living in a small country. I rarely have the chance to attend any of these awesome events. :(

  • Rudolf Kremers

    Be great if any of you guys/gals can come to our stand.

    (And bring beer!)

  • juice

    Mmm. Leeds is just over the motorway: I’ll try to head over :)