
By: Derek Yu

On: December 28th, 2009



(Starting at 6pm PST!)

  • Hideous

    How long does it last?

  • Krux

    can i download it later, because i will sleep when your show starts.

  • Skofo

    I listened for 10 minutes, which had a half minute of music, then turned it off. Wayyy too much talking. Is this a radio or a podcast?

  • AlbeyAmakiir

    Unfortunately, you decided to stream video as well. My internet, while being broadband, was not quite fast enough, and there were a number of long pauses every few seconds, making it unwatchable.

    Can you have an option for sound only, next time? My internet will be able to handle that. (From the looks of things, the visuals weren’t that important anyway.)

  • kYn
  • cougarden

    yeah, mp3 was great for mobile players too

  • cougarden

    and for playspeed control too, 2x speed rox

  • aerloth

    good job, mates. constant development of TIG…

    i wonder, what is the name of track that plays on the beggining? :D

  • kYn

    I ripped it to mp3 for my lonely train trips:


    feel free to download it.

  • TheBeefiest

    Don’t bother, its just a bunch of cock drawing.

  • Untitled

    this is cool fellas, my suggestion would be to have a large part of the next episode dedicated to the coverage of assemblee. You could go through and describe the games in development and each give your opinions on them :)

  • FrankieSmileShow

    Just listened to it. It was pretty cool, nice job fellas!

  • Raisins

    Thanks for the mp3 kYn

    you guys need to get this on itunes podcast list or at least provide mp3s. It’s a long drive to work :D

  • Raisins

    nvm my last thing, you guys brought it up at the end. :D

  • http://jrjellybeans.wordpress.com/ jrjellybeans

    I can’t say that I thought it was that great :(

    I think there was a bit too much Spelunky love. So, much so, that I got kind of bored and turned it off at about the half way mark.

    I hope there is more coverage of other games next time.

    (I don’t really like Spelunky so take my advice with a grain of salt)

  • http://www.josephburchett.net Joseph Burchett

    I am with everyone else, please an mp3, itunes setup and rss feed for the show. Besides that great stuff hope you keep it going!

  • Nicklas W Bjurman

    Any RSS feed, I do not like to miss potentially interesting media. And a podcast would allow me to listen on demand.

  • xhunterko

    What’s wrong with featuring a game? They said they were going to so, why be angry? Besides, I thought it was rather neat how they analyzed it in some ways. Furthermore, they’re going to do shows on other games, okay? Otherwise, some very excellent stuff in there! It’s nice to see another radio/pod/cast out there! Way to go guys!

  • PoV


  • yy

    song name at the beginning?!

  • paul eres

    it’d be interesting to make an actual streaming radio station, 24/7, prerecorded, composed of indie game music

    especially because i found a great plugin for google chrome that lets you tune in to streaming radio stations while you browse

  • paul eres

    i’d start one but i don’t know anything about the technology behind doing something like that — if anyone does maybe we could team up

  • Laremere

    I think there’s a chip tune station somewhere.

    I really enjoyed the show. I don’t think that any one segment should really be always in the show (like you were saying about news), keeping it mixed up and with whats going on should make for a varied and interesting show. However the show could use planned time for segments. Not all segments should be the same length, but a planned schedule would do the show good. What I would love to see is the segments archived separately, so someone who misses the show can chose the segments that interested them. That also allows the show to be an hour without many of the drawbacks of being that long. You should also take advantage of the fact that the show is live. 15 mins or so towards the end could very easily be dedicated to any questions listeners have for the guests. The guests should chose the questions, but the host ask it. Possibly have a chat for those in the show to talk about what questions and other various things.

    A few tech requests: When the show gets close to airing, have the page reload with the upstream on there, so that while someone is waiting for the show to start they won’t miss the beginning of the show because they were looking at something else. Also, if you can, turn down the fps on the video very low, or turn it off entirely. Like someone posted above, if you don’t have the best internet connection the show may lag or go out for a few seconds, even though the video isn’t needed and if it were audio only there would be no problem with lag.

  • ZacharyX777X

    The Underside.