Bonkers in the Sewers

By: fuzz

On: January 9th, 2010


This article was written at around two in the morning, hence the strange sentiments expressed within.

Bonkers in the Sewers, by Lazrael, is a game about uncertainty. This isn’t explicitly stated anywhere, as it might be were it by a more self-consciously artistic developer, but it’s integral to the design of the game. This uncertainty is presented initially in the form of various jars strewn about the levels of this platformer, which contain either demons or coins. The likelihood of there being a demon inside a jar, or even a cluster of demons, is much greater than that of there being a coin, yet the player will still smash the jar because it is only through smashing jars that coins can be obtained. This uncertainty is apparent also in the completely foreign nature of the monsters in the game, and their idiosyncratic patterns of movement. Facing enemies without any warning as to how they will act or even if they may damage Bonkers, the player must choose the action that is most likely to result in a beneficial result, which is generally quite difficult to judge. Lazrael is known for making extremely hard platformers, yet this one eases up on the difficulty in favour of a more meticulous and accessible design.

The world of Bonkers is full of strange and delightful monsters such as those in the screenshot above. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, apart from some superficial resemblance to enemies from retro games, the creatures living in the sewers of the game are wonderfully well-crafted and exhibit Lazrael’s unique style. The small details of the world are what really make the art stand out: the cracks in the jars, the curlicues on the noses of the flying heads, the smiling mouths of the blue demons. All of these aspects work together to form an original vision of an insane underground world.

There are a few generic sound effects, but no music, which means that most of the time your ears will be flooded with the sound of fireballs being shot into the air. Seeing as this is only an early demo, this may be changed at some point in the future, which would make it much more enjoyable to play through some of the more difficult sections. Phlogiston has volunteered to work on a couple of tracks for the game, and his work is often quite brilliant. Music is hardly necessary, though, because the player’s focus is usually not on the sound but on the action taking place.

Bonkers in the Sewers is well worth playing, even if you don’t particularly like platformers. If you’ve previously been scared off by the difficulty of Lazrael’s work, Bonkers is fairly easy and, without any clear goal as of yet, roaming around the world without engaging in fights with enemies is entirely possible. Bonkers can be downloaded from The Poppenkast. If you’re having trouble downloading the file, here is a direct link.

  • William

    I don’t understand.
    I see nothing of what you are talking in this game. I’ve got no sound, no jars, no hearts or coins at the bottom, and anytime I leave a room, I enter a random room…
    Did I miss something ?

  • William

    Ok, I think I understand.
    It seems we have to scroll in the forum to find the last released version (31/12/09, i’m right ?).
    Well, it seems the game is not yet finished so…

  • Scott

    Is this hyperbole week?

  • Phasma Felis

    Yeah, it’d help if it mentioned somewhere that the link at the top of the page is a barely-playable old version. William found the right one.

  • fuzz

    ah, i should have linked to that instead. i’ll fix that.

  • squidkid

    I’m confused. Is this game out yet?

  • fuzz

    out, but unfinished. just fixed the link to go to the newest version, by the way.

  • eds

    Just played the game. Found the controls to be a bit frustrating and rigid. For example, to execute a double jump, you will float in the air for about half a second before your second jump. Feels a bit weird; why can’t you just execute the second jump immediately?

    Apart from that, the art style is cool and pixel-ness of it all is definitely indie approved.

  • Alex

    i cant even find the link to the game on that piece of shit 2shared website jesus christ

  • kris

    @alex It’s at the bottom just above the 2shared toolbar link. But when I click it nothing happens! Crap…

  • Dusty Spur

    Yeah this 2shared bullshit is…well, bullshit.

  • core

    I can’t figure out how to download it off of that spammy site

  • BigBossSNK

    Alternate link:

    Content wise, the game is fun and charming, in that 1980’s CGA kinda way.

    The review is a little skewed, though. Coins can be obtained through other means than destroying jars (kinda puts a hole in the uncertainty argument), while deciphering the monster’s patterns towards an effective strategy is easy.

  • PixelProspector

    Nice Game…
    Just created a Download Mirror

  • Eclipse

    ……..let’s talk about a finished game next time

  • Phasma Felis

    I’m confused. I liked the game well enough, for its unfinished state, but I feel like the review has to be some kind of subtle joke. He calls the enemies “idiosyncratic”, “completely foreign”, “difficult to judge”, “without any warning”. Well, no, they all move in extremely predictable patterns, and you deal with all of them by dodging their attacks and shooting them until they die. I don’t recall that any except the wall turrets react to your location at all. They’re very standard 8-bit platformer baddies.

    And there’s nothing wrong with that. But the reviewer sounds like he’s never played an NES game before.

    (That, and there’s not a lot of satisfaction in picking up coins when there’s only two things to buy and you start with more than enough cash to cover them. Presumably that will change in later versions, though.)

  • Dusty Spur

    I agree with Phasma Felis on pretty much all accounts here. The enemies go back and forth. One time a spiral of ghosts came out of a jar, which sucked because I was right by the jar and thus got hit a lot. Which didn’t matter because I somehow didn’t lose much help and it never happened again.

    There’s nothing wrong with a review that says “this is essentially an NES platformer”. It sounds a lot better than a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with the game.

    The most mind-boggling part is “or even if they [the enemies] may damage Bonkers”. Uh yeah, I know I didn’t see everything in the game but I’m pretty sure every enemy damages the player.

  • Dusty Spur

    Health* not help.

  • josepzin

    i love this games!!!

  • Anthony Flack

    “…..let’s talk about a finished game next time”

    I reckon. It looked interesting, so we downloaded it, only to find that it’s some way off being ready to play.

  • fuzz

    so it was the middle of the night and i wrote this, apologies if it came out strangely

    (at the time the enemies that walked in the air without reason- the skull ones, not the heads- seemed idiosyncratic, etc. to me)

    in light of not being half-asleep, this is a pretty shit review, but i like the game, so i suppose i;ll just leave it

  • fuzz

    oh, also some of the enemies don’t actually hurt bonkers, notably the heads with sewage pouring out of their mouths; these direct bonkers downwards rather than hurting him

    but i agree with you phasma, so…

    i have played a couple of nes games, but as said before this was written at around 2 in the morning

  • JonnyB0T

    @fuzz all due respect, but…

    Maybe it shouldn’t have been written?

    The forums are a better place for feedback and discussing unfinished games.

  • Oriz0r

    Needs more jars.

  • Bob

    This review would be better if it didn’t lie.

  • Person

    Was Lazrael’s website hacked? When i go to it i get a blank page and ill i see is 1. foo bar

  • JonnyB0T

    Okay, so I downloaded the December 31st version…

    Whaddya know? There’s actually some semblance of a game there; I like it!

  • Skofo

    Igh, I feel like I just read a modern art fanatic rave an empty canvas. This game is generic, unfun and shallow, no matter how deep you try to make it out to be. Nothing to see here, move along.

    Agh, the writer even gave it a ‘Highly Recommended’ tag. Is there any way to read this blog without having to endure Alex Macqueen’s senseless ravings?

  • FungusTrooper

    I can’t get to the treasure room or find the secret room.
