TIGJam 3

By: Derek Yu

On: August 31st, 2010

TIGJam 3

Hey, everyone! The dates for TIGJam 3 have been set. We be jammin’ over Halloween weekend, so feel free to dress up as your favorite Cave Story character (best costume wins a date with Jeff Lindsay). This year the jam will be held at the palatial Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California… just a hop, skip, and double jump from San Francisco. Like previous years, the cover charge is $50 and goes into a secret slush fund that is used to bribe IGF judges and also feed and clothe you while you make cool stuff and enjoy the love of your fellow indie developers.

For more information, keep an eye on the TIGJam forum.

  • Peevish

    I'ma show up naked with $50 and say “you're clothing me, ain't'cha BITCH?”

  • xot

    YES!!!! Dude! I am SO not there! Alaska or Hawaii next time, please.

    Bitchen poster, by the way.

  • http://koduco.com Jon Beilin

    Hey, finally something exciting in the valley!

  • Stefano

    I wish….

  • Rich Vreeland

    I was really hoping this was posted by Jeff Lindsay. Haha.

  • Quanrian

    I always wanted to go to one of these, I'm actually in California but that is one hell of a drive…

  • Philippe

    Man, I seriously live like 10 minutes from this… I should go.

  • http://twitter.com/samuraidan Dan MacDonald

    I love this poster, had me laughing :)

  • R3D5

    ARGHHH!!! That's just over the distance my car can go! I'm in Marin. A ride anyone?

  • http://twitter.com/pandafresh Christian Ruiz

    Sweet poster. If was making games and stuff, and this was in like New York or the Tri-state area i'd totally go, and be all awkward and stuff. like “oh hey….mm..um…so…you like….indie games?”

  • http://www.playthisthing.com Dustin

    Fuck yes, if anything indie happened in Alaska I could die happy. Have fun dudes!

  • the2bears

    Wow, this is close by and very tempting.

  • http://twitter.com/nickthedude nickthedude

    can we do one at noisebridge in SF?

  • Ella Helga

    Exciting news about TIGJam 3! Looking forward to jamming over Halloween weekend at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View. Dressing up as Cave Story characters sounds fun—can't wait to create and connect with Build Now GG fellow indie developers!