As everyone knows, the holidays are a very sexy time of year. And in the spirit of such an occasion, I bring you five very sexy indie game videos to watch while you drink hot marshmallows and launch missile toes at your loved ones. Enjoy!
To begin: here’s some new footage of thatgamecompany’s latest project, Journey. It looks beautiful, natch. But also so very ronery…
Unknown Worlds released a cinematic trailer for Natural Selection 2 a month ago that showed off the alien “Fade”, but I think this is the one we’ve been waiting for – plenty of in-game action, including Commander View and combat from both marine and alien perspectives. (Source: Rock, Paper Shotgun)
Retro Affect’s Snapshot has certainly come a long way! This new trailer shows off the game’s HD graphics and some of the puzzles.
There’s definitely a lot to like about Black Pants Studios’ Tiny & Big, whether it’s the physics engine that lets you slice things up any way you want it, or the fantastic art style that’s inspired by comic books. A demo of the game is already out, and according to the developers, new episodes of the game will be released in the coming weeks.
The last trailer I’ve got is not about one game, but rather a whole host of XBLIG games that are being released this month under the banner “Indie Games Winter Uprising“. Their goal is to make a big splash on Xbox’s Indie Games channel and offset some of the negative stereotypes about it. Personally, I think there’s a lot to like about XBLIG, and pushes like this really show off its potential. Thanks to my impeccable timing with posts, most of the uprising games are already released, so check it out!