Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword

By: Derek Yu

On: May 4th, 2011

TaleWorlds has released a follow-up to Mount&Blade: Warband called With Fire and Sword that’s set in 17th-century Eastern Europe. The game features firearms, which is a first for the series, and adds some new quests and maps to its singleplayer and multiplayer modes. The full game is $14.99 and a demo is available from the website.

  • Sacha

    oh look, another game with firearms. pretty sure the charm of m&b was its lack of firepower

  • Gillman

    I kind of thought that the charm was how open ended it all was. I loved in the first one that you could pretty much go anywhere and do anything at any time. I thought was amazing.

  • zeekthegeek

    Worst game in the franchise by a longshot. The guns just feel horrible to play with and many features are just plain taken out (Arenas, character backgrounds, etc)

  • Guest

    I can't help but see the guy on the youtube preview image as Agent 47 reaching for his gun.

  • Hela

    I played a lot of the first game and it was serious fun despite the lack of fancy graphics detail. It actually was a contender for Team Fortress 2 at one time. Then I move to a Mac :( lol. But yeah, great game, I wonder how it is now with guns.

  • Aik

    Everything I've heard about this makes it sound like a half-arsed reskin.

  • Manxandrew

    A first for the game? Nobody has played mods have they? Guns have been made by modders for the original game, from what I can see in this video they work in exactly the same way.

    I'm quite surprised at how long it's taken for this game to be made, the modders make there mods much faster and again, from what I can see, everything in this video has been done before.

  • dakorma

    This game has actually been out for a few years now, just mostly constrained to Eastern Europe. It was out well before Warbands.

  • Gabriel Verdon

    This. I was so excited for the game because I am a huge M&B/TaleWorlds fan but it's really pretty pathetic. Everyone feels like they're in molasses, the weapons are slow, the guns take too long to reload, and even worse the maps are horribly designed. Almost all the siege maps have an extreme defender bias not to mention clipping problems and just lack polish.

  • Guest

    Doesn't the game take place in Poland?

  • Mruqe

    The concept of this add-on (I wouldn't go as far as calling it a game) was based on a polish classic novel by the same title. And let me tell you – the book was all sorts of EPIC! It has it all – war, heroism, romance, politics, great humor, treachery and LOTS of action.

    It's sad to hear that this game recreation isn't really story-driven and offers little character background.

    And here's an excerpt from the movie adaptation… just skip the awkward slo-mo scene at the end ;-)

  • Guest

    It doesn't seem to add much to the previous games besides guns and a different setting, so I don't think I'll bother with it. I was also disappointed that there wasn't much difference between warband and the original.

  • Banana

    WHOA AWESOME! feels like a FPS TOTAL WAR game!

  • Samalis

    Do these even still count as indies? Paradox seems to have pretty much picked up the whole IP and TW. And proceeded to milk it to death, first with an update that they sold as a stand alone title (Warband) and now with this hafl assed mod. Yay… Shame we can't go back to M&B's Minecraft-like beta days with ongoing development and noticable patching…

  • Jelani Harris

    Totally this. I felt the same way when I first purchased Warband at full price on release. I felt like I got suckered.

    Thankfully, the modability of Warband is significantly better than the original so that kinda made up for the lack of expected improvements. But this version of the game totally just screams “cash grab” to me.

  • uxtull

    You're right except for the movie which is not very good, and the battle scenes are really lame in it. However the movie based on “The Deluge” – the second part of the trilogy (whitch was actually released much earlier because of political reasons) – is a different story, excelent movie.