
By: Derek Yu

On: March 13th, 2012

DoomRL, by Kornel Kisielewicz

Version of Kornel Kisielewicz’s DoomRL was finally released this month. If you haven’t played the game in awhile, there’s lots of new content, from new level features, skills, and challenges to high-quality audio upgrades. This is also the first graphical release of the game, and includes my graphics (tiles and title screen) and mouse support.

Players who prefer ASCII graphics will still be able to play that way.

  • Slakinov


  • Ryan Szrama

    Way to go! Excellent job on the tiles, Derek.

  • Michael Bacon

    So very pleased. Been looking forward to this since the original announcement/rumor of your tiles. Good work.

  • GGringo

    great… another cave story remake.. pff

  • Christian Joseph Brandt

    Ouch, is there a torrent for this? DL is taking forever.

  • Dialock

    I keep reading DoomRL as Doom, Real Life… Is that a Scifi crime procedural?

  • Guest

     Wow, can your joke get any more lame?

  • Guest

    Yeah, it’s obviously a minecraft ripoff!

  • GGringo

     Terraria ripoff, more like.

  • guest

    Enjoying the game, but it seems to love burning up my graphics card.

  • Reignald

    Oh Derek! * The Tiles! The Colours! They are simply wonderful!
    I was waiting for it for so long and now they are here! Oh! You must be ever so proud!

    * I feel comfortable calling you by only your first name… you… you just have that sort of effect on me uh huh

  • Francis Coulombe

    NICE. Im going to play the shit out of this game now! These tiles are s w e e e t

  • Nail_Bombed

    Got this about a week ago. Loving it. The fact that it is no longer in ASCII is not a drawback – quite the opposite. IT…. IS …. AWESOME. Plus a Sonic Clang Doom sooundtrack? Killer.

  • Toom

    Call me any variant of clueless ninny shithead you fancy, but how the hell do I get this thing running in OSX?

  • Lucid

     No, that was genuinely funny.

    Cave story remake…

  • Lilo

    Thanks for pushing down the previous news story.

  • Guest

    FINALLY. Graphics! Thank you, developers. Yes, ASCII is “hardcore” and all that, but it also makes every single roguelike in the universe look the same, and to be honest – it’s quite boring. Now, DoomRL has a completely unique look and feel. So again, thank you. This game is awesome.

  • Nathaniel Sabanski

    I played the shit out of this. 

  • Havocplague

     So, when do we get to make our own tileset? :)

  • Wasin Thonkaew

    Nicely done, old atmosphere flowing around.

  • Elephantfluff

    AH! FINALLY! This is the update!


  • Anonymous

    We finally get to play this great game with your fantastic tileset, Derek. Thanks for making it.

  • Derek Yu

    :’) My pleasure.

  • Carlos Rodela

    would like to see this uploaded to our new indie games/music/and video site – we love indie and promote the hell out of rad games like this!

  • Toom

    Are you seriously using this release to hype your own indie gaming blog? Is this an awake nightmare?

  • Derposaurus

    Wow, that was funny as hell. Can you post that again please?

  • PRovoke

    Doom’giRL is sending you a doom-kiss^^