La Mulana Not Coming to NA/EU Wii

By: Derek Yu

On: May 3rd, 2012

La Mulana, by NIGORO

Nicalis has decided to suddenly cancel the North American and European release of La Mulana, citing declining sales on WiiWare and developmental issues as the cause. Nicalis’s Tyrone Rodriguez told GoNintendo: “With the Wii U in the not too distant future and WiiWare sales almost non-existent, I had to make a call today. I wish them the best. They’re good game developers and good guys.” Click the link for the full statement, which points to the DLC as the main reason why La Mulana was having trouble passing certification in North America and Europe (it’s apparently more strict than in Japan, where NIGORO already self-published the game). You may also want to check the Twitter accounts of NIGORO and Nicalis for more details.

Thankfully, it’s not all bad news: according to NIGORO, a PC release of the new La Mulana is almost finished and will also be self-published. Distribution has yet to be determined.

  • iffi

    Looking forward to the PC release! =D
    The original is one of the best games I’ve ever played, and the remake brings enough new stuff to make me legitimately excited about this (not the getting cancelled for Wii part).

  • SirNiko

    Nicalis did NOT publish La Mulana in Japan. Nigoro self-published the Japanese Wiiware release.

  • Paul Hubans

    Hmm, there’s something slightly off-putting about the pixel art in this game; the statue looks great, but the PC sprite looks flat and amateurish in terms of rendering and it’s odd that this is the only sprite with a black outline. The other objects (tombstone, crate) don’t seem to mesh with everything else, which helps them to stand out in the scene as objects you can interact with, but everything looks like it was done by a different pixel artist.

  • kukouri

    Disappointing to hear.

  • Lema

    So it´s realy just good news..

  • Lema

    Yep, they are no match for the graphics in the original but it still looks interesting enough I think.

  • Derek Yu

    Thanks, you’re right.

  • Anonymous

    Perhaps for Wii U.

  • Anonymous

    very good news! i hope NIGORO will publish the PC version themselves, I’d hate to have go give money to Nicalis

  • Arucard

    This is exactly what I was waiting to hear, my Wii also broke recently as a sign of things to come. I would rather hand my cash straight to Nigoro than pay Nintendo, Nicalis, and Nigoro.

  • Oliver Seims

    Wii download sales aren’t ever great because its expensive as hell usually, the only reason I have any downloaded Wii games is from using the stars to points cards they did. That and the fact buying Excite Bike on the Wii apparently doesn’t mean I should be allowed it on the 3DS as well without paying again.
    At least Sega has the right idea for old game selling, get 10 games for about £5 instead of Nintendo trying to resell Links Awakening for the game boy for the sale price by itself.
    But yeah nice to see PC isn’t going to be affected.

  • Jeff Bandy

    I’m pretty indifferent to whether I get to play this on the Wii or not — I just hope it eventually comes out here! This has been on my radar for a long long time!

  • BananaGuy

    This game is better than Fez.

  • Nanashi



  • Eobet

    Screw NIcalis for never releasing Cave Story on the Wii in the EU.

  • Marmot

    …declining sales, eh? I bought a Wii a few weeks back, hoping I’ll soon get to play La Mulana on it, actually. This is bad news indeed :/

  • Rubereaglenest

    Well… jailbreak it. Best thing could happen to your Wii. There is a marvellous homebrew scene for the Wii, with plenty of really good emulators, and the discovery that Quake was designed for play on Wii XD

  • jim

    Nicalis disappointed from day one. They could’ve been an all time great indie publisher, but they’re shoddy work and poor decision making have sunk almost every title they’ve been allowed to touch.

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