Nicalis has decided to suddenly cancel the North American and European release of La Mulana, citing declining sales on WiiWare and developmental issues as the cause. Nicalis’s Tyrone Rodriguez told GoNintendo: “With the Wii U in the not too distant future and WiiWare sales almost non-existent, I had to make a call today. I wish them the best. They’re good game developers and good guys.” Click the link for the full statement, which points to the DLC as the main reason why La Mulana was having trouble passing certification in North America and Europe (it’s apparently more strict than in Japan, where NIGORO already self-published the game). You may also want to check the Twitter accounts of NIGORO and Nicalis for more details.
Thankfully, it’s not all bad news: according to NIGORO, a PC release of the new La Mulana is almost finished and will also be self-published. Distribution has yet to be determined.