Cortex Command Test Build 27

By: Derek Yu

On: June 5th, 2012

Cortex Command, by Data Realms

Cortex Command B27 is out for Windows and Mac. This build is the final public test release before the game hits 1.0, and includes a complete campaign mode that can be played against the AI.

In the following video, which was taken before the release, Dan “Data” Tabar talks us through a campaign as he plays through it:

And here’s some footage of two AIs battling one another in B27:

  • AGuy

    in unrelated news, hell has officially frozen over and pigs have begun to spontaneously sprout wings

  • 2disbetter

    The awesome that is presented here blows my mind. Seriously looking forward to firing this up again. 

  • The Monster King

    why is this so hard to play and full of bugs >: (

  • geust

    so… my $20 wasn’t a total waste?!

  • jay

    Bought this twice ( standard + humble bundle) because it looked so promising. Never really played the test builds.
    Hope the final version rocks, so I can finally play it. ;D

  • Jonny

    I think this version already rocks! I tried to play and failed so hard with both the difficulty and the ragdoll-physics when walking on terrain. After watching a few Youtube movies on how to do stuff I enjoyed it 500% more…now I can’t wait to get home and play Skirmish!! argh. It’s like the best of Worms and Clonk (anyone knows Clonk here?) put together with gibs and gore… :)

  • News

    sleepy dan’s redemption

  • Guest

    So it goes straight from vaporware to final public test?

  • JJ

     And Dwarf Fortress got finished too!

  • Guest

    I bought it a loooong time ago. I didn’t regret it back then since I had so much (buggy) fun with it, but I haven’t played and of the recent builds.. Time for a Cortex revival!

  • Christian Knudsen

     Tarn died?

    I keeed, I keeed…

  • Anonymous

    Don’t have time to watch the 50-minute campaign video. Can someone tell me if it’s actually playable now, or still just an endless parade of useless AI trying to to walk through walls, tripping over their own footprints, and barricading the enemy’s corridors with their own corpses?

  • John Sandoval


    the main glitch i saw was that characters would explode at “seams” in the level

    but other than that, looked fun

  • Jonny

     Yeah, I saw this game for the first time now. Purchased and played. So much fun. To be honest, the AI is quite stupid, but the CPU manages to get into my skirmish-fortress quite often. So it’s basically looking for the best basedesign to make use of silly AI movement… = fun :)

    About barricading the floors with gibs…I think that’s a feature, actually ;) They do exactly what I would do: shoot or dig away the heap of meat before crawling into it :D

  • Anonymous

    Maybe I’ll give it another try. The first and last time I tried a defense game in b25, I spent quite a while building an elaborate underground fortress full of traps, ambushes, and strong points, and then watched in disgust as the AI hordes spent 15 minutes utterly failing to get past the machinegun walker in the very first corridor.

  • GaryOak

    Shame I can’t access my indie bundle 2 anymore.

  • To90zeroblue

    Linux version? 

  • TheMan

    Very Nice