Underrated Indie Games II: Under the Radar

By: ithamore

On: October 6th, 2012


After months of effort, Underrated Indie Games II was wrapped up a little while ago. It is part of moshboy’s endeavor to bring attention to overlooked indie games. The videos in this new addition to his series cover a 100 games of a wide variety to give you a glimpse of what you might have missed.

To continuing working in this direction, moshboy has also released Oddities, which is “very much a continuation of Underrated Indie Games in blog form.” It already has a hearty selection of games that has been growing over the weeks. And if you like anything in Underrated Indie Games II or from the original series, Oddities should be worth your while to keep a tab on.

  • http://www.twitter.com/BeeMickSee Brandon McCartin

    Rock on, moshboy. Super-greatness. :)

  • Pickboy

    Wow, this is great. Did putting everything together cost you 100,000 too, Moshboy? Hmmm, wait, all this work in such a great presentation must have cost 1,000,000.
    (Seriously, though, great work. First thing I see I a loooong time covering actual indie games with an actual indie spirit).

  • Friedrich Hanisch

    First time I see one of my games on tigsource, even if it’s in less than 3000 pixels. <3

  • Graham Luke

    Liking this so far.

  • http://www.facebook.com/tomybg Tomy Barrios

    I can’t beleive my game is there :D!

  • moshboy

    So happy to see this get exposure for so long. :-]

  • http://twitter.com/FlipSwitchX Walker (Blake Fix)

    http://www.invincibletime.com/ ANOTHER ONE. i love you <3 this is not sad this is what a man must do.

  • maly

    I love discovering underrated indie games; they always have so much creativity and charm! Oddities sounds like a great way to find more hidden gems. Also, if you're into unique gaming experiences, you should definitely visit this website and download Lucky 97 —it's worth checking out!