Torque Game Engine 1.5 Released

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: November 1st, 2006

Torque Game Engine 1.5

Garage Games has released the Torque Game Engine version 1.5. (For those of you who don’t know, the Torque Engine is a comprehensive 3D game-centric SDK targeted at independent developers.)

Some of the bigger additions to version 1.5 include an integrated 3D lighting kit, expanded Mac support, and new art tools and assets. All this comes with a larger $150 price tag (for indies), though previous owners may upgrade for a smaller fee.

Check out the Torque Game Engine site for more detailed information on the engine, some games made with the engine, and specifics of the 1.5 upgrade. OR ELSE.

  • Wolverine

    or else what

  • nothappy

    Oh my! “Or else” you say.
    Is this news or an ad? Pfff whatever.

  • BMcC

    Wolverine: Oh, I think we *all* know…

    nothappy: Wow. Not so bright.

  • Oddbob

    Is the “OR ELSE” the “other thing” Tim was referring to? ;)

  • Derek

    Let’s start a petition to make Tim tell us what “that other thing” is, and make him describe it in full detail!

  • Al3xand3r

    Oh no, Torque is mostly used to make games that involve killing, why do we get news about it on this great site :(

  • MeatLoaf

    I would do anything for love,
    but I won’t do that.

    or that “other thing”…

  • Al3xand3r

    I usually try to view everything that this community spawns under a very positive light.

    “What is Penumbra then? It’s a little wonder in a box.”

    Come see my little wonder in my box sometime, Tim. ;)

  • Teeth

    It’s not really an SDK, it’s more of a highly scriptable engine. Approaching it as an SDK will only bring you tears and pain.

  • Tim Fan

    Al3xand3r, you must have some crazy obsession towards tim. it’s starting to freak us out.

    get over it.

  • Al3xand3r

    I have a website.

    So there.

  • Teeth


  • mushu

    Teeth is right on the money. (for once) XD

  • Teeth

    BTW XNA beta 2 is out.

  • BMcC

    I thought Torque had the full source included… And that you didn’t have to use their scripting language.

    Well, whatev. It’s still fo suckas who can’t write in machine code!

  • Teeth

    You do indeed get full source, so it’s possible to go in and extend or modify it that way, but making a game that way would probably be harder than using the scripts. And making a game using Torque that isn’t suited to using its scripting system is probably a case of bad engine choice.

  • BMcC

    Aye, like I said — fo suckas!

  • XNA beta 2

    Torque is for people who love pain. i.e. most people who try to post meaningful comments on TIGSource.