After many restless nights, Balding’s Quest, the greatest community project since God invented community projects (okay, slight hyperbole), is back!
Balding’s Quest: The Quest of Guy Balding (also known as “BQ”) was started way back in The Dark Times, at the very beginning of the forums. I created a thread about Manic Miner which turned into a discussion of single screen platform games in general. Then Niklas “Arne/Prom” Jansson (of Cortex Command and Gravity Hook fame) posted a link to a gameplay concept of his for an original retro platform game. I opted to make this game, and BQ was born. It quickly became the largest and fasting moving thread on the young forums. People came out of nowhere to contribute and within five days the first Milestone was reached.
However, Milestone 2 didn’t come so easily. A little bit after Aquaria was finished, for many (mostly personal) reasons, I went on an extended hiatus. Most people assumed the project (and possibly I) had died. But it had not! I recently got back to work on Milestone 2 and, long story short, it’s done. The engine is now entirely open for community development, many, many additions have been made, tools and scripting are in place, and much more. With your help, we can bring BQ back to life!
Check it out and spread the word!
> Go here for the latest build and answers to all your questions.
> To get involved and see what’s in store for this project, go here.
This has been my White Whale for over a year now, so, please, show some love on the forums. (Especially if you were around when this project was first active!) Everything is in place to make a truly wonderful game here. But BQ needs YOU!
Additional screenshots here.
Is there something holding up the progress of BQuest? Or some insidious developments in the background going on…
Featuring a special guest appearance indeed. Still playing Blocksum, eh? Nice.
Okay, so once you get into the tree, you climb up the first few platforms ‘till you get to some rotating logs that you have to quickly jump on to get up to a vine and pull yourself up. Then you come to this patrolling squirrel who’ll push you all the way back to the bottom of the tree if you get hit by him. So you have to hurry up and jump into one of those spaces above where you’ll dangle as if between two ledges, but unable to pull yourself up. Then repeat into the next one when the squirrel runs back the other way, and finally to the end of the corridor. There should be a ladder there. I guess I forgot it. Ok, so jump up, then you come to a room with maybe 2 or 3 squirrels in it. This could be like a mini-boss where, when you enter the room, the squirrels dive into the tree’s foliage and pop up every once in a while to dash at you and hit you. Jump and hang onto the ceiling and wait for the squirrels to poke their heads out to look for you, then drop down on them and bam!, they’re out for the count. Do this to each squirrel, each time they get faster. Then that door will open and — ok, I forgot to add the way out, but it drops you onto the telephone pole, and that’s as far as I got.Maybe you can ceiling-shimmy across the telephone wire, too?
Now that I think about it, I don’t think the squirrel mini-battle would fit well in this game…but hey, not my call. Just thought it’d be cool.
– Xion
Some really hot shit going on in the forums lately, so go contribute or something.
(No, I don’t know why my posts have been edited and deleted like crazy. Probably a bug in the system)
Yeah, it’s a lot of fun posting these screenshots. (besides another Cake Maniacs mention… lol)
An early beta of Balding’s Quest can be found in the TIGSource forums, demonstrating some of Guy’s athletic abilities. Press ‘1’ to switch rooms, and use the F2 function key to play in full screen mode.
New single-screen platformer in the works. Development team currently consists of Prom, Derek Yu, BMcC, Alec, Zaphire and D-Mac. Shigeru Miyamoto, Peter Molyneux, Hideo Kojima and David Jaffe were rumored to be future additions to this All-Star cast.
Expected release date: Summer 2007. (Listen to a tune from the upcoming soundtrack.)
Derek’s Update: We have a special thread for the project now!