This came up waaay back when, during our site outage, and it was reposted all over the place, but it’s important enough that I thought it was worth bringing up again here: 2DBoy reported that, by dividing the number of unique IPs in their highscore boards by their total number of sales, they estimated the number of pirated copies of games out there as anywhere between 82-90%. This created a lot of hubbub over the high percentage, but I think the most interesting part of the discussion is this:
It’s interesting to note that this is also the year that EA released Spore with some insanely crippling DRM, and it won top honors as the most pirated game of 2008. On the other hand, indies had the opportunity to experiment by trying out DRM-free solutions, posting numbers, and even talking directly to pirates themselves. Another nice little freedom that independence enjoys.
Speaking of 2DBoy, they’ve also been kept busy winning like every award on IGN, and also Indie Game of the Year at the Spike Video Game Awards, an honor that was bestowed to them by NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) of all people! You can watch an interview with them on SpikeTV here.