Posts from ‘Competitions’ Category

The Wholesome Competition

By: Capntastic

On: September 29th, 2018

In order to promote the flow of soothing energies, starting October 1st all TIGS folk are wholly encouraged to consider taking part in The Wholesome Competition.

Martha Stewart and two dogs, smiling. Text: "TIGSource presents Wholesome: A Competition for All Ages"

Less of a bloody-toothed competition between gladiatorial rivals and more of a friendly environment to tinker away merrily on a small project with pals. A call to jolly cooperation, and all that entails.  Merely post your project’s thread in the specially appointed forum after reading the rules linked above, and find yourself immediately at ease with those alongside you, striving to create a simple and nourishing treat for the world via game development. If you are not a member of the TIGSource forums, then now is the grandest time of all to join; when Summer-time passions are calmed and an air of Autumn friendliness jostles the leaves from their homes and onto colorful new adventures. Be amongst them and be swept up this month with all of us that are certain to be your new friends.

Welcome.  And for those of you aware of how long it has been:  Welcome back.

IGF 2013: Nominees and Student Winners

By: Derek Yu

On: January 22nd, 2013

IGF 2012

The Main Competition finalists for the 2013 Independent Games Festival were announced earlier this month and the Student Competition winners were just announced today. New to the Main Competition this year is an Excellence in Narrative Award to honor “innovation, quality, and impressiveness of storytelling in a game, including, but not limited to, scenario, plot construction, story, dialogue, and other major factors”.

The award show will take place at GDC on March 27th, at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. In the meantime, TIGForums members are discussing the results in this thread.

The lists of nominees and Student winners are reprinted below:

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TIGS Sports Compo: Footbrawl Quest Scores!

By: Derek Yu

On: January 8th, 2013

Footbrawl Quest

Happy new year! The winner of the TIGSource Sports Competition was announced last month… a huge round of applause for (drumroll, please) Footbrawl Quest, the turn-based American football game made in the style of a dungeon crawler! It’s quite fun – go check it out.

The top 5 games from the competition are:

1. Footbrawl Quest
2. Unicorrida
5. Tiny Soccer Manager Stories (TIE)

You can view the voting thread here. Congratulations to anyone who participated! This was a solid return to form and here’s looking to at least one other TIGS competition this year!

Sports Compo: Voting!

By: Derek Yu

On: December 10th, 2012

Voting has begun on the TIGSource Sports Competition, which has 44 final submissions! You can find a list of entries here, as well as a link to the voting page (forum registration required). Voting will last two weeks.

Happy playing!

TIGCompo: Sports

By: Derek Yu

On: October 31st, 2012

TIGSource Sports Compo

After almost two years without a TIGCompo… we finally have a new TIGCompo. The theme? SPORTS.

Since it’s been awhile, let me just provide a quick overview: the objective of a TIGSource Competition is to make a game (or two) in the allotted time (in this case, a month). There are no prizes involved, but a number of the previous entries have become successful commercial titles, like Envirobear 2000 (Cockpit Compo) and Realm of the Mad God (Assemblee Compo). The main thing, though, is to have a good time with your fellow entrants and try to finish something!

With so much potential in the theme of SPORTS, I think this is going to be a good one. Let’s do it! (And happy Hallowe’en!)

IGF 2012 Main Competition Finalists

By: Derek Yu

On: January 11th, 2012

IGF 2012

The Main Competition finalists for the 2012 Independent Games Festival have been announced! The list is reprinted below and you can read some quotes from the jury here. TIGForums members are discussing the results in this thread.

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Trailers: IGF 2012 Edition

By: Derek Yu

On: October 22nd, 2011

Some of the new trailers made for the IGF 2012 submission:

The Iconoclasts (Konjak), a non-linear platform game (demo is available from the website).

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2012 IGF Pirate Kart

By: Derek Yu

On: October 20th, 2011

2012 IGF Pirate Kart

Weighing in at a hefty 1.36 GB, the 2012 IGF Pirate Kart was assembled as a celebration of the small, quirky freeware titles that often go unnoticed amidst the higher-profile games entered into the Independent Games Festival. Over 100 people contributed over 300 games to the project, which was submitted to the IGF earlier this week. Cool effort on the part of Mike Meyer, the kart’s curator, as well as its numerous participants.

The original Pirate Kart was an entry in TIGSource’s very first competition, the B-Games Compo.

IFComp 2011 Entries Now Available

By: Derek Yu

On: October 4th, 2011

IFComp 2011

Judging has begun for this year’s Interactive Fiction Competition, with 38 entries available for play, either online or as downloadable files. You can also download every entry in a big package. Voting, which is open to anyone, lasts until November 15th.

Emily Short is writing short summaries of all the (non-broken) entries on her website.

TIGCompo Winner: 0space

By: Derek Yu

On: March 31st, 2011

The winner of our TIGSource Versus Competition is 0Space, a 2-4 player deathmatch set in zero gravity! Congratulations, Beau!

Here are the top five games from the competition, as voted on by the members of TIGForums:

1. 0Space (50 votes)
2. Masjin (39 votes)
3. Jesus vs. Dinosaurs (21 votes)
4. Brigands (11 votes)
5. En Garde! (9 votes, tie)
5. Kaya Loves Mushrooms (9 votes, tie)

You can see the full results here. Many thanks to all the entrants, and to the people who played and voted for 81 multiplayer games!