A Message to TIGS from Teh Internets

By: Derek Yu

On: May 12th, 2009

  • Paul Eres

    Eclipse: I think he actually meant the TIGSource frontpage comments, not the forums, even though he said “TIGSource fourms”. You don’t see as much negativity in the forums because people have to actually have names and accounts and emails and can be held accountable for what they say there.

  • Doctor for communication

    Paul, I don’t think he’s concerned with your comments. I think he’s talking about Edmund’s opinion on negative comments. I think he said he doesn’t appreciate negative one-liners or something like that, regardless if they are rude or a bit nicer.

  • http://www.dyson-game.com Alex May

    Edmund’s stance does appear to be a little more hardline than Paul’s.

  • Paul Eres

    I kind of agree with Edmund that negative one-liners are rude and usually useless, but I agree with AmnEn that negative one-liners aren’t as bad as personal attacks and can sometimes be helpful too. But It’s like, say Jon Blow sees a comment on Braid that says:

    “It’s just a Super Mario Bros. 3 clone.”

    That’s a negative one-liner. It is a criticism of the game. But is it helpful? Can he actually use that to make his games better? It’s not like Blow will read that and suddenly have a revelation that he shouldn’t make Mario 3 clones or something and instead make something that will please that critic.

    Sometimes a developer *can* get useful info from negative one-liners though. For instance a common negative one-liner about Immortal Defense is that the person is confused and doesn’t know what’s going on in the screenshots/trailer. That’s helpful to me, even though it’s a negative one-liner.

  • Guy

    Well, here are the flaws of your video, eddmund.
    While you try to portray some indie gamers that comment bad comments on indie games.
    You are actually portraying yourself with this video.
    Because this video is exactly like a mean comment about a game.
    Only its you making a mean comment about gamers.
    So think of the gamer as a game, if that helps. You are criticising the people who play the games?
    Ok, thats your right to do so(although, I don’t like the idea of making fun of people).
    But you are no better than them, you are even worse. Because instead of making a few lines in a comment, you make a whole “video comment”.

  • Paul Eres

    @Guy: Well, at least Edmund isn’t insulting anyone specific, he’s more of insulting a particular form of behavior. So I think it’s different than a character attack on a particular person.

  • http://iterationgames.com jph

    Its the internet-s- fools, gets it rights.., great video,. but it sucks! and cost too much, and was not fun,. and your such a premadona video developer who gets all the attention and you don’t deserve it,. because you suck,. loved the video though. I could make a better one,. but I am too important.

    Always feed the trolls, as with out trolls what fun are the internets..,

  • http://www.glaielgames.com Glaiel Gamer

    Funny how there’s less trolls in this topic than in the blow topic.

    Also I like how the video essentially shuts itself off from criticism by making anyone who tries to point out its flaws look like who Edmund is making fun of.

    Well played.

  • mirosurabu

    Where’s Cactus in whole that story?

  • http://www.threeli.com/ Eli

    .Yes. – You get those game makers on the onlines.

  • Guy

    Paul Eres,
    I am sure edmund had the intetion of insulting people, and not make them think “Hmm, maybe my behaviour is not appropriate, I better change my ways”

  • contra

    I definetely feel that the whole elitist you-can’t-critisise-my-gimmicky-game-cuz-it’s-art attitude is a way bigger problem in the “indie scene” then trolls. Every time I see anyone make a bad remark about some game (even when it’s totally well put and to the point) theres always a bunch of flames practicaly demonizing that person for having an opinion. The buddyreviewing and exaggerated defensiveness is counterproductive and leads to crappier games.

  • Sninnyer


  • DalaranJ

    @Glaiel Gamer

    Why would anyone need to criticize it when it inherently metacriticizes itself?

  • moi

    This video suck, The lighting is so awful it makes my eyes bleed, I didn’t even watch half of it.

  • bateleur

    etc. wrote:


    Clearly not necessary, since it’s already well known that nothing beats wrok!

  • knollus

    hehe, fat guys are funny, no matter what they do. hehehe.

  • shinygerbil


    shitstorm because a guy, said some words, because some other guys, said some other words, about a thing.

    it’s all just words and things really. lolol

    oh no i said some other words, about a thing. oops

  • Paul Eres

    “Paul Eres, I am sure edmund had the intetion of insulting people, and not make them think “Hmm, maybe my behaviour is not appropriate, I better change my ways””

    Actually it at least worked on me. After watching this video whenever I found myself even thinking about criticizing something I held back and realized it’d be stupid. Maybe this effect will only last a few hours, though.

  • pnutz

    This is almost as embarrassing as the “Indie Games Rant Session” from GDC.

  • Xia

    Hey! I know that guy! I may have occasionally read some of his posts!

  • xerus

    This video is funny, except that it’s the front page commenters that are the target, not the innocent TIGForums members :I

  • toastie

    Yay, if we’re going to feed the trolls, we might as well do it with video.


  • sparklez

    this is the official comment on the posting of the video about the guy complaining about the behavior of people posting on a forum.

    Coming Soon!

    The video about the official comment on the posting of the video about the guy complaining about the behavior of the people posting on a forum.

  • I dunno

    I have no idea, really.

  • heywood

    Yep! Funny video. On the subject, I recently read an article on dealing with non-constructive comments. Seems like a simpler way to go than to try to crusade against millions of trolls, if anyone had such intentions.

    Might be a little bit far out for some, buy it or don’t.


  • http://www.touchmypixel.com/ Tarwin

    What we found with Scarygirl is that people on forums / blog comments were like this – people on Twitter were all “Wow, play this game, it’s awesome”. Strange difference!

  • Guy

    toastie, don’t you know that saying “feeding the trolls” is considered trolling as well? ;)

  • Jonas


  • Anonymous Duronymous

    I fully endorse Malasdair’s suggestion. I believe TIGSource would be a better place with a virtual slap upside the head.

  • I_smell

    I played this game on the internet called spwerer it got 10 out of 10 alot but I can see that its obviously more like 9 out of 10 I mean what the fuck the main guy is a circle anyone can draw a circle I can draw a circle I could do that thats not hard atall you dont deserve recognition for something thats not hard, thats not fair, thats not fair on me and the hard things I do, on the internet.

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    Corpus: i was joking :O but i think i’m not so good at this in english…

  • Renton

    Any popcorn left, guys?

  • Max

    dude, mix down the room tone.

  • Chris Whitman

    For people who are still mad because “everyone at TIGSource hates it when you criticize Jon Blow” or whatever: maybe you should note that not every critical post is receiving a lot of angry responses. For example, there’s a big difference between:

    Example 1: “I didn’t really get Braid at all: it seemed like there wasn’t much to it. Why did you guys like it?”


    Example 2: “Braid is a shitty game. In fact, I’m not even sure it is a game. There’s no gameplay at all. You’re stupid for liking it.”

    And all right, these are cartoon versions of what I’m talking about, but you get the idea. Example 1 is where we have a conversation: you say something, I say something and then we talk about our things. Example 2 is where you barge in and loudly declare that everyone around you is stupid.

    Also note that, in Example 1, you are asking a question. You are showing concern for what other people think. This is a good indicator to people that you are interested in actually talking about the topic, and not just declaring your opinion.

    In an actual conversation, people can even disagree with your opinions, and that’s okay. If you pull an Example 2, and people tell you that you are not being constructive, the worst possible response is, “You just hate it when anyone says anything bad about anything. You’re trying to restrict my freedom of speech.” Honestly, I don’t know what that is. Trolling? Total obliviousness to a social situation?

    Look, it isn’t hard to put some care into how you say things, and to try to engage people on the internet like there are actual people on the other end. Tons of people manage to do this every day, and I don’t think it’s beyond anyone here. I can’t believe I’m even having to say this, but just don’t be a dick. It isn’t actually particularly difficult.

  • Chris Whitman

    Aw, my comment got moderated.

    But yes, I really did write a simple guide on how not to be a jerk on the internet.

    It’s so simple that anyone can do it!

  • http://b-mcc.com// BMcC

    I ACTIVATED it, Mr. Whitman!

    Now you look silly, ho ho ho.

  • http://www.phubans.com/ phubans

    Shit! Is this guy me? :(

    I… I never realized… OH GOD WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!

  • judgespear

    Is this about Spewer? I mean look. That whole thing was people overreacting to something that easily could have been ignored in the first place.

    Yeah, some comments on here don’t elaborate too much or can’t be considered detailed arguments. The thing is though, a comments section is not a review section. A comments section implies just that; “comments.”

    Kind of like if someone asks you to comment on the shirt they’re wearing.

    If someone asked you “what do you think about my new shirt?” Would you give them a long detailed review about it? I don’t think so.

  • Chris Whitman

    Curse you, McCartin!

  • judgespear

    Crap, this site is really messing up for me for some reason. It’s loading very slowly and my posts aren’t showing up the first time I post them.

  • http://b-mcc.com// BMcC

    I think it’s cuz I made some posts, I dunno. It’s super slow for me too.

  • Paul Eres

    “If someone asked you “what do you think about my new shirt?” Would you give them a long detailed review about it? I don’t think so.”

    The thing is, a game or a developer isn’t like a shirt. If you say “your shirt is ugly” you aren’t likely to hurt someone’s feelings because they aren’t their shirt and they didn’t make their shirt. But if they actually *did* make their shirt (designed it) and you tell them it’s ugly they’re liable to be offended, just as if you tell them their face is ugly they’re liable to be offended.

  • Krystman

    Looks like somebody can’t take critique. Here is a pro-tip buddy: if you don’t want people to bitch about your stuff, don’t make public. On teh internets I mean.

  • Nemo07

    Ok, seriously? This shit needs to stop.

    I agree with going back to talking about games rather than talking about talking about games. Like judgespear said, this all started because Edmund and his cronies acted like big crybabies and threw a tantrum when not everyone was writing a doctoral thesis on the positives and negatives of his oh so glorious game about throwing up and then consuming said vomit.

    They’re called “comments” for a reason.

    There will always be people that will hate absolutely everything you do. This isn’t exclusive to the Internet. The best thing a person can do is ignore the unhelpful comments because feeding trolls will only cause migraines.

  • the doctor

    >> Kind of like if someone asks you to comment on the shirt they’re wearing.

    If someone asked you “what do you think about my new shirt?” Would you give them a long detailed review about it? I don’t think so.

    The thing is – nobody asked you about opinion. It’s an assumption, but if the author of the post or the person the post is about asks you not do something in particular way (like post a negative comment) I think that’s a fair mean of communication and should be respected.

    Sure, Edmund’s video is not that fair nor is constructive, but that’s possible outcome when people are dicks to people who can’t ignore dicks.

    It’s sad that meta-communication is popular topic on frontpage, but oh well.

  • judgespear

    If your feelings are hurt by things people say on the internet, then you really need to step back and see what you’re doing wrong or learn to ignore those comments.

    And don’t get me wrong, but I’m all for detailed arguments and the like but do they really belong in the comments section? If anything, talk about that kind of stuff on the forums, don’t try to force it in the comments section. I mean, look at what happens when you try to get someone here to elaborate on their little one liner sentence about the fact that the game didn’t load for them or they didn’t enjoy it? It turns into a meaningless discussion over nothing.

  • michael

    i like juice :)

  • Kneecaps

    This made my life. I need to buy Edmund a pony.

  • judgespear

    “The thing is – nobody asked you about opinion. It’s an assumption.”

    Nobody asked for a long detailed review on the game either. There is no way you should force or assume that everyone is going to give an elaborate reason as to why they didn’t particularly like or enjoy something.