To Jim Sterling, Who Hates Art Games

By: Derek Yu

On: February 19th, 2010

Jim Sterling of Destructoid

Ah, art games, the lightning rod of indie gaming… Jim Sterling (pictured above) recently wrote a couple of inflammatory articles about art games. The first one is titled “Indie games don’t have to act like indie games” and the second one is titled “Art games aren’t innovative and innovation isn’t good”. The headlines are clearly sensationalistic, but Jim does a reasonable job expressing a common view about art games: they’re stupid, boring, pretentious, and not very innovative. If you scroll through the comments on Destructoid, you’ll see many a “Hear, hear, Jimbo! Preach it, brotha!” People are sick of art games.

But Jim and others, here are some important points that I think are missing from these articles (after the jump):

1. Art games are a relatively new concept, and like anything new, they are primitive by default.

2. People do genuinely enjoy these games, and find meaning in them. Even if a player is simply filling in what’s intentionally vague or abstract about the game, that’s valuable. By analogy, there’s value in a cup or a bowl.

3. Jim, you tore apart Edmund and The Marriage, calling them “boring”, “horrible”, and “intellectually lazy”. These are free games made as experiments, as prototypes – the video game equivalents of doodles or sketches, and just as necessary to making games as to making paintings. You railed on two little experimental games for half a dozen paragraphs, and failed to mention that Edmund’s creator, Paul Greasley, also made Zompocalpyse and The Marriage’s creator, Rod Humble, is the executive producer for The Sims (the lazy bastard)!

4. Your argument is the same argument people have used for centuries against artists trying to do new things. Here is what art critic Louis Leroy wrote of one of Claude Monet’s paintings around the dawn of Impressionism (1874):

“A preliminary drawing for a wallpaper pattern is more finished than this seascape.”

Impression, Sunrise

Does that sound familiar? He thought it was lazy, sloppy, and unfinished. In fact, it was the start of something entirely new – something that many people couldn’t imagine living without today. (By the way, there are a lot of other parallels between Impressionism and many of these new experimental game movements.)

I actually agree with some of the things you’re saying, like how AAA mainstream games can be innovative, and how games can be artistic without being unfun or pretentious. But with the attitude you took in your articles (fuck this, fuck that, sarcasm), you may be remembered as the Louis Leroy of this generation+. Food for thought.

Art games will always have a place here on the TIGSource front page, and I will never ever tell people to stop making them.

+ (Although, to be fair to Louis, he at least coined the term “Impressionism”.)

  • Gutter

    So called “Art Games” are only different because of the message they offer, not because of the gameplay or the graphic they sports. Making them into some sort of Gaming Messiah is kinda dumb.

    Statements like “Art games will always have a place here on the TIGSource front page” without mention of quality or originality is exactly what I expect from TIGSource.

    TIGSource has *never* been a source of indie gaming for me. My opinion as a “indie layman” who doesn’t care much about being part of an indie community is that TIGSource is more of a “Game Our Artsy Forum Users Make” kind of place than a blog about everything Indie. I would compare this site to DeviantArt or : They are not sites about “art” and “erotism”, but sites about what their members think that art and erotism is.

    TIGSource is great in that respect but lets not pretend that what goes around here is in the interest of everything “indie”. There is a LOT of indie game out there that are just plain bad, and if TIGSource want to only talk about the ones that they consider worthy (usually because “Edmund” or “Cactus” is written somewhere in the credits) they still need to recognize that, to layman gamers, art games aren’t that artsy or interesting.

    Not everyone likes Monet, and it doesn’t make their opinion on art any less valid that any other.

  • Dinsdale

    This is pointless! People who like art games ain’t gonna stop liking them just because some fatso decided to make a public matter out of his idiocy, nor is there anything anyone can say that will make people set on hating art games suddenly appreciate them.

  • jon schubbe


    I agree with what you are saying, but I understand that certain genres should be compared to others in that genre. I was just merely agreeing to Sterling’s views about how being too vague as a sacrafice for trying to be unique by using 8bit graphics like everyone else, for example, and using some 1-dimensional message is just an excuse to be called an ‘art’ game.

    I find a lot of different games enjoyable in different ways wether they are 8bit poetry simple vague gameplay or not. I just think he’s talking more about the pretentious ones that give up a good message or narrative story or artistic graphics/sound just to have ‘innovative’ gameplay. Innovation can be good if the narrative/message, art, and music, and direction are all good as well. You can not just have one of these and get away with it to have a ‘good’ game.

    The art depends on sound, sound depends on art, story depends on direction/how it’s told, and vise versa. Interactivity depends on all of this if it’s going to be called a ‘game’. And I have to agree that you can’t just lack in everything except ‘innovation in game play mechanic’ and still argue the game is good just because it’s innovative in one of these categories. It has to be innovative in all the categories AND still be aesthetically pleasing in one way or another to keep player interest. Yes that is opinion where reviews come in but you should understand this.

    Sterling takes it one step further in talking about how artsy games think they are unique by using 8 bit graphics, chiptune music, and making everything else (story, narrative, message, gameplay) abstract or boring in every way. The example, Edmund, running back and forth in an 8bit land about rape. Yeah, I agree with him. I don’t see anything artsy about it. Did they ever say it was supposed to be very very artsy? Maybe not, but I have to agree that being pretentious can get REALLY bad when a game looks and plays like all the other ‘pretentious’ games out there.

  • paul eres

    “My problem is that TIGSource is supposed to be the mecca for good independent games. It’s coming off as if TIGSource is the place for art games, period. […] If a game does not fit within this “click” [sic] that this “industry” wants, it wont get 1 minute of attention. Its become ridiculous and it often feels like I am back in High School, I must do some pixel junk so I can get the attention I deserve!”

    which is kind of ironic because you’re saying that games which are majorities elsewhere (and which get covered in places like kotaku and joystiq) are underrepresnted in tigsource. but isn’t that the entire point of tigsource? to cover games that mainstream games journalists don’t? who really cares if we don’t review, say, starcraft 2? that’s not the site’s purpose. the purpose is to review offbeat and strange games.

    it seems incredibly counter-intuitive to come to a site that covers strange games because they aren’t covered elsewhere, and complain that it doesn’t cover the types of games everyone else covers. that’s sort of like going into a black school in the south during segregation and complaining that they don’t allow enough whites in.

  • Matt

    Gutter said it right! I think What he meant is that unless a game falls into the TIGsource style, or clicks from the forum, they will not be talked about, yet many other indie games which deserve to be mentioned do not because they are biosed about it.

    If i made a stupid game, that had a character as a square pixel that moved left and right, TIGsource would probably be…OMG OMG AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ART!!!!!! OMG WOW SERIOUSLY THE GAME OF THE YEAR!

    Yet you see amazing indie games out there that takes years to develop, yes may not be perfect but should deserve some kind of attention, and they are ignored. I myself have sent many times to people here to review or look into a game I made for almost 5 years, and I am ignored. And I know that I am not alone here when it comes to issues such as this. I have friends going through the same situation.

  • Extended

    TIGS covers plenty games that aren’t art games, and has a forum where people post about tons of things the main website doesn’t discuss, giving opportunity to more people to get some exposure within the same community. Derek’s comment doesn’t in any way imply they only post about art games, and TIGS certainly covers tons of games that aren’t art games, and even has the TIGDB. At the end of the day, they aren’t paid to keep this website. If you think you can do a better indie games site that has better coverage, be my guest. I’ll certainly visit it if it’s good. But to be butthurt because your game wasn’t covered for reasons unkown is quite childish, as is to take it out on art games in general.

  • RobF

    @chrknudsen (143)

    “I just re-read Jim’s second article. It’s actually a lot more level-headed than the comments here would have me believe. All he’s saying is that games shouldn’t get a free pass on account of them being “art games” or “innovative”. I can agree with that. I’m not really sure these games are getting a free pass on account of these traits, though…”

    Exactly. They don’t.

    Sure, there’s a few folks out there for whom obscuritae automagically equals good but they’re kinda a minority and none of them are writing for any sort of blog, site, newspaper or magazine with any sort of authority so leave ’em to have fun with their Ert. They’re not really hurting anyone and it’s kinda cute in a “I like Stephen Malkmus” kinda way.

    The rest of the world and the vast, vast majority of people have the ability to cast a critical eye over things. KG’s Eurogamer of The Path is a perfect example of how utterly filled with bull Jim’s argument is. In fact, 99% of coverage of these games says Jim’s argument is a crock.

    Perhaps, instead of pulling his best Richard Littlejohn face and yelling at the world outside for not conforming to his views he did even the slightest cursory research he’d know this.

    But pretending that Sterling’s brand of journalism is anything but Richard Littlejohn-isms (Americans, insert abhorrent Fox commentator of choice here) or remotely grounded in any sort of reality is giving him way more credit than he deserves.

    It’s schtick. It gets hits. Its CONTROVERSIAL! It’s Sterling.

    That’s really all there is to it.

    And whilst I applaud Derek’s attempt at a rational argument against it, because challenging idiots is always a worthy pursuit, it’d be easier to try and talk a camel into cooking you dinner tonight than convincing Jim Sterling to see sense. It’s not like he cares about sense, after all.

  • Extended

    And lol @ people asking Derek to only post about “good games” when if there’s one thing that this “argument” should make clear is that “good” is an extremely subjective matter. If you want “good” games covered go ask Jim what he likes and he’ll be glad to tell you exactly what you should and what you shouldn’t play if you want to match his incedible personality and taste. On the other hand, this place provides coverage for tons of games and lets you decide what you like for yourself. To the possible extend obviously, this is still a hobby for the writers, and they have lives as well.

  • FartyButt

    Art games suck dick and you’re a dumb idiot if you make them.

    Or eat up 150 comments to whine about them.

  • paul eres

    @Matt – i don’t remember anyone contacting me, at least, about reviewing your game. send it over to rinkuhero @ gmail dot com and i’ll take a look at it. i’m happy to do reviews on request as long as i like the game. it just may take me some time since none of us do this editorship thing full time.

    (this goes for your friends too, obviously)

    if i don’t decide to review it, i’ll at least get back to you to tell you why (least i could do)

  • Roger

    Anyone who thinks that just because games didn’t become art after the great “are games art?” debate ran out of steam means that they never will has obviously never created a work of art in their life.

  • Zulkyr

    Awful power you’re giving to the fat guy. To go down in history as the blackguard of an entire genre.

    Don’t stretch too far on how much a critic can affect the medium. Don’t make it look like he’s making the entire choir look bad. He’s just a guy who reviews games. He will express his (often exaggerated and wildly deranged) opinions and they will reach a few minds and not most.

    For every new thing out there there will be detractors and praisers, they will never be able to give the final word, either side.

    I don’t like how the current Art-indie games go and history may prove me wrong, but it might just as well prove to be a big waste of time for you, I think that when it comes to taking a stand for or against the new, we can all just civilly agree to disagree (and, of course, continue to fire away at other as much as possible).

  • Derek

    @Jay, @Matt, @Gutter, et al: You guys realize that a lot of people think we only post about “mainstream” indie games, too? My point being that I believe our coverage is actually pretty diverse.

    Anyway, I usually just try to post games that are interesting in some way, good or bad. I personally wouldn’t post an art game just because it was an art game.

  • Anthony Flack

    A lot of the media studies 101 waffle that art games tend to generate annoys me. But the knee-jerk anti-intellectualism that is, in turn, generated in response annoys me even more. Yes, we need more balanced, intelligent criticism. No, this isn’t it.

    Neither the overblown praise of art games, or the spluttering denouncement that inevitably follows, really has anything more than a tentative connection to the actual work of game developers.

    And let’s be clear – Tale of Tales are NOT representative of indie game developers (or art games) as a whole, and when they make their ridiculous statements, they are NOT speaking for everybody. You can’t criticise everybody else by association when you criticise Tale of Tales’ games.

  • wilbefast

    I agree with Jim… to a degree. Wrote this post on the subject ages ago (more “too lazy too copy-paste” than “shameless self-advertising”):

    I think there’s potential for art in games, but nothing really qualifies yet. We’ve seen artistic art design within games, good music, good CGI movies, good writing – but the actual **game** is the oft-forgotten interactive side of things.

    How many games have moved you in a way that could not have worked in a non-interactive medium? I can’t name one.

    Still, as a medium we have to walk before we can run – it’s unfair to brow-beat those making an attempt: it might have little value in itself but it’s a stepping stone for those that follow, and as such deserves respect.

  • eva-jolli

    1. stating the obvious
    2. its an opinion retard
    3. “you’re wrong”
    4. compare to some other guy and talk down on the guy

    whats your point

  • Derek

    1. hobbyist gam is betar
    2. i angry
    3. poop
    4. oh gr8 jus sum old fart haet new gam!!!

  • ThirdStrikeAnnouncer

    @eva-jolli: Alright, that’s cool.

    @Derek: Yeah! That makes sense! That’s what I expected. What’s next? Decide your journey. We await your return, warrior.

  • ThirdStrikeAnnouncer

    @everyone (Regarding this topic of discussion): Enter the heat of battle, go for it!

  • paul eres

    come on don’t be so mean derek — just cause she doesn’t use exact english doesn’t mean you can dismiss it on the basis of style.

    i.e. don’t live up to eva’s impression of you in this game:

  • falsion

    Derek seems to have anger issues, always resorting to personal attacks or in my case, bringing up a game that exists in some cartoon as a way to mock what I said. What a shame, I thought Derek had way more class than this.

  • Melly

    Oh, the sillyness of people.

    Jimmy may not realise that his inflamatory articles do little more than push the developers of these experimental games to try harder, to show he’s wrong.

    At least, that’s the way I’d feel about it.

    Also, that’s he’d come out with a second article so soon after the first tells me that he’s not looking into making well-thought-out critiques or anything like that. He saw the first article gave him a bazillion hits, a link from David Jaffe and started a few flame wars, so he’s gonna ride those 15 minutes of fame for all they’re worth.

  • falsion

    According to Wikipedia entry for “Calvinball”:

    “The only consistent rule states that Calvinball may never be played with the same rules twice.[49] Scoring is also arbitrary, with Hobbes at times reporting scores of “Q to 12” and “oogy to boogy.”

    Yeah, real mature…

  • Melly

    Hey, Canvinball is awesome.

    Also, o eva, u so silly

  • Melly


  • falsion

    that was directed to derek, i meant that as a double post since you can’t edit posts here.

  • eva

    to “father of indie games”, you trash on someone’s opinionated article and think you’re any better with your snarky ending comment “Although, to be fair to Louis, he at least coined the term “Impressionism”.” and a misleading title “To Jim Sterling, Who Hates Art Games”. misunderstanding sterling’s whole point, just to criticize his use of the word “fuck.”

    and hey, maybe you could respond properly to the criticism you get next time instead of grouping me as an “angry frontpage commenter.”

  • C.A. Sinclair

    @Matt: Your opinion is obviously colored by your resentment over TIGS apparently ignoring your game. I make games too, none of them have received any wide exposure and I know how disheartening it is when people don’t care about something you’ve put a lot of work into, but taking a “these ignorant fools just can’t see my genius” stance is the wrong way of handling things.

    Also, I don’t know what your game even is, but requesting exposure on the grounds that it took long to make seems like skewed logic to me. It’d be the exact same as art games getting exposure simply because they’re “artistic”.

  • jon schubbe

    all i know is Derek is pretty good at Bomberman B-)

  • Farmergnome

    The thing I dont get is, people take crazy shots at me for making Edmund, if you don’t like it im not forcing it down your neck, Ive made other indie games too, im pretty sure no one gave a shit about My First Skydiving Academy, Zompocalypse or any other games ive worked on in my free time, as a hobby.

    Its pretty sad to see people I dont even know taking shots at me, you guys need to grow up and put your time to better use than flaming people who devote there free time to making new experiences for yall to play.

  • Patrick

    Jim Sterling is a useless cocksucker, as are all of destructoid.

  • TeamQuiggan

    I give a shit about My First Skydiving Academy!

  • Dusty Spur

    >Its pretty sad to see people I dont even know taking shots at me, you guys need to grow up and put your time to better use than flaming people who devote there free time to making new experiences for yall to play.

    it’s pretty sad that you can’t take criticism for your tasteless rape game

  • paul eres

    not just standing there and letting bullies punch you anonymously doesn’t mean you can’t take a punch

  • Dusty Spur

    >The thing I dont get is, people take crazy shots at me for making Edmund, if you don’t like it im not forcing it down your neck

    so you release something to the public and don’t expect anyone to voice their opinion about it

    actually, that’s almost fair. i mean i wouldn’t have expected anyone to play it either

  • Dusty Spur

    >not just standing there and letting bullies punch you anonymously doesn’t mean you can’t take a punch

    making a tasteless rape game doesn’t mean you’ve ever committed a rape but it certainly doesn’t help your case

  • Farmergnome

    Dusty Spur: Theres a difference between personal attacks, and attacks on the game, the later I can deal with, because like you said, its given. But attacking the person making it, then its going to far.

  • Farmergnome

    “t’s pretty sad that you can’t take criticism for your tasteless rape game”

    Its pretty sad you say that considering theres 20 odd pages on the forums of me willing and happy to talk Edmund, you act like im ignoring the opinions, I mean, If I was ignoring the opinions, why would I post here?

  • paul eres

    ya — people who flame others for their games often hide behind the ‘you just can’t take criticism!’ thing. but when you’re attacking a person, it’s not criticism of their game.

  • Matt

    No, I am not bitter about anything. All I am doing is pointing something out that was also brought up in the discussion. Something that I and others have experienced. Wether people will agree with me or not on my opinions thats fine, its up to you all, but I am leaving my two cents, thats all I am saying.

  • Matt

    sorry this comment above was for C.A. Sinclair :)

  • hayate

    Farmergnome: It’s a game about rape. With what that says about the person who made it, how can you not expect personal attacks?

  • Cobalt

    Who’s winning?

  • Dodger

    I kind of understand why Derek might be a little irked or irritated when people are either taking what his original post and comments were out of context or simply just trying to bash his comments when he in fact didn’t bash on Jim Sterling or his comments at all. He simply tried making counter points to the points that Jim had made. In regards to the original post made by Derek I didn’t read anything that could be considered a personal attack or defamatory towards Jim. Just as Jim, in his article didn’t really attack any one person in his Destructoid Article. Instead, I think it’s the way Jim was generalizing and talking about people who appreciate “Art Games”. I could see how it might rub people the wrong way because he did come off as somewhat of an arrogant snob, which is ironic since I think one of the points he was trying to make is that people who appreciate Art Games see themselves as something of a different breed. I really don’t know if that’s true or not as a generalization, but I certainly don’t believe that the majority of people who enjoy video games and appreciate diversity in video games would feel that they are above or beyond other gamers or other human beings for that matter simply because they get something out of these experiences where others might not. There might be a handful that do, but I refuse to believe some people need to be bigger assholes to separate themselves from lesser assholes so that they might stand a little higher in the garbage heap. If we’re going to generalize then basically we’re all assholes, we’d just rather deflect and draw attention to a different asshole other than ourselves.

    Wow, that was totally Ramblomatic… but I think it made sense… a little.

    Anyway, point is, Derek initially didn’t start this as a Dick waving contest or as a gay bashing towards Jim Sterling. I think he simply drew attention to an article written out of passion in one form or another that made for an excellent discussion. I think some people took it the wrong way though.

  • Dinsdale

    Whoever wins…

  • Dodger


    Ya, it’s a game about rape, and I sure hope there aren’t any people in here that have ever fully watched any Hentai – in fact to watch half of the Anime or read 2/3rds of the Manga out there would be a cardinal sin as well. *extreme sarcasm sprinkled with hints of absolute truths*

    I realize the subject matter of the game might be tasteless and not to your liking, but hopefully I’ve made my point. To sit here and say that you found such a game appalling only to next go to your favorite porn site is more than a little hypocritical. And I’m sure there are more than a handful of people here that leave comments, hated the game for its subject matter alone, and yet frequent Porn sites. I can only guess and that is a rather general statement, but I’d almost be willing to bet money on it… almost.

  • rodnonymous

    maybe indie game developers ought to stop with the heteronomative bullshit for a little while.

  • paul eres

    heteronomative — like heteronormative, but in name only

  • rodnonymous

    farmergnome: I went into the forums to search for the thread on your game, mainly what I found was a whole bunch of posts by some guy who likes to use crude and often sexual imagery in a very cartoon way in his games? Is your rape game supposed to be about him? If so, seriously not cool.

  • paul eres

    200 comments in one day; a record?