You Meet the Nicest People Making Videogames

By: Paul Eres

On: June 11th, 2010

You Meet the Nicest People Making Videogames was actually a Kickstarter project before Indie Game the Movie was but wasn’t funded on its first attempt. While that one focuses on more well-known indies, this one focuses on more offbeat ones, like Gregory Weir and Amon26 (All Your Friends Are Dead). You can even see Daphaknee briefly in the video above, behind Anna Anthropy. Hopefully the movie will interview her too.

I’m sure both this one and Indie Game the Movie will be fun to watch when they are finished. In an attempt to get this one made I’m posting this up here and going to be contributing myself after this is posted. You can see a breakdown of what they intend to use the money for on their tumblr.

  • Saul Eres

    I'm not planning on it, but that's kind of beside the point, don't you think?

  • Superfly Johnson

    in that case, please provide a list of reasons that justify a person making a game.

  • Saul Eres

    Superfly: “Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit!”

    -argument won-

  • Superfly Johnson

    no, i'd say it's pretty relevant.

  • Superfly Johnson

    doesn't take a genius to see his hypocrisy; not my fault if other people would be too stupid to see it.

  • Superfly Johnson

    i'm sorry that swear words get in the way of your understanding of a point.

    i have an idea, let's just use kindergarten rhetoric.

    you are a big poopie head.

  • JWK5

    Let's say that is true, then so what? Why does it matter and why do you care? What does it have to do with you personally? Do you need the person at McDonald's to be a certain race, gender, religion, etc. before you're willing to eat the food they serve you?

  • Saul Eres

    I guess it helps you feel better about yourself, because you get to enact your rage on others… so in that way it's relevant.

    But as to the discussion about whether or not Anna is a hypocrite, not really.

  • Saul Eres

    If you really wanted people to agree with you, you could present your views in a way that would be positive and agreeable. (even though everyone might not agree with them)

    For example, pointing out the actual problems in the discussion would be valuable.

    Swearing randomly doesn't make much of a point, other than suggesting that you're pissed off and not thinking very clearly.

  • JWK5

    Irony… gotta love it.

  • Superfly Johnson

    did i ever say anything about anna being a hypocrite?

    i'm implying you're a deplorable fuck, in case you didn't catch that.

    and i feel fine about myself actually. don't know why you would assume otherwise.

  • Saul Eres

    That's just more of the same, I'm afraid. I'm asking you to actually think out your argument and present it honestly, rather than trying to intimidate others into agreeing with you.

  • Saul Eres

    Clearly, violence is always the best response to intolerance.

  • Saul Eres

    Again, I don't think the bullying tactics really help the situation.

    I didn't suggest you didn't feel fine about yourself, I imagine you feel quite proud of yourself actually.

  • Saul Eres

    How about I just swear a bit? That can prove anything, right?

    As long as I'm mad enough about something, I -must- be right.

  • Dinsdale

    naturally, that's how!

    it's a man, man!

  • Superfly Johnson

    i did point out the problem.

    try reading the words that aren't swear words once in a while.

  • Superfly Johnson

    being belligerent invalidates a point now, or what?

  • Superfly Johnson

    go on a spiel about how intolerance makes the world a better place.


  • Superfly Johnson

    “I didn't suggest you didn't feel fine about yourself”
    “I guess it helps you feel better about yourself”

    why would i be posting comments on the internets to make myself feel better if i already felt fine?

    your logic doesn't follow through.

  • Superfly Johnson

    i don't think anyone ever suggested anna was not physically a man.

    that does not mean anything about her self-identification.

  • Dinsdale

    your analogy is flawed.
    this isn't about gender, it's about trust.

  • Superfly Johnson

    cut out the self-righteous ad hominem bullshit.

  • Dinsdale


    seriously guy, are you trolling?

  • guest

    God dammit, here I was thinking Anna/Ancil was actually female or transgendered, but it's just some fat guy. :/

  • Dinsdale


  • Llort

    I have trouble self-identifying as a human after reading this comment.

  • Anarkex

    The only difference between Redder and a frustration platformer is Redder's lack of challenge in execution: it's too fucking boring to be frustrating. I actually stopped playing it out of a lack of anything remotely stimulating. I mean, COLORED SWITCHES THAT TOGGLE COLORED PLATFORMS? NEVER SEEN THAT DONE IN A VIDYA BEFORE. That's beside the point, though. The important part is that Redder has less mechanical complexity than games made 20 years ago, as do most of Anna's games.

    Response to p.s.: You've misinterpreted the definition of “depth”. No, I don't think Braid is the pinnacle of storytelling in games. Hell, “storytelling” in games has nothing to do with my previous post at all. I was talking about whether or not Anna's games cut the mustard in terms of depth and mechanics, and they don't, for the reasons I've described.

  • Superfly Johnson

    fair enough; can't change your mind if you thought it was boring.

    response to response: so what was the thing about “abortive theories about storytelling”?
    i mean, all her theories about storytelling seem pretty effective to me, unlike braid's “here read a bunch of vague short stories” approach.
    disclaimer: i never read the books in braid because lolfuckthat.

  • Superfly Johnson

    maybe you can self-identify as an extinct species.

  • Superfly Johnson

    i guess i should have expected this, having even pointed out myself that you don't seem to grasp what “transgender” means.

  • Superfly Johnson

    learn what the term transgendered means before you try to use it.

  • M

    When they cut it off

  • Anarkex

    The truth is, man, that “storytelling” is taken far too seriously in video game writings. This is because video games are not “media”, but “simulations”. Video games simulate worlds with rules and possibility spaces simpler than our own. A player is allowed to do whatever he wants to within the rules of the simulated world. And so there really is no “story” to a simulation. The “story” is what the player does within the simulation, an account of the actions the player took during his time inside (likely told by the player to his friends at the 7-11 a few hours later). The developer doesn't tell a story at all.

    Anna's concept of “storytelling” in games involves using game design to “suggest” emotions and ideas to players. And it's not an entirely shitty way to add to a game, in the way that the “practical jokes” I mentioned in my first post are funny and clever the first time you see them. But there are so many ways to improve on a game before resorting to petty little “look what I did here” puzzles with obvious answers, that the effort and theories she's devoting to the suggestions put forth by the first two screens of Super Mario Bros are practically absurd. Note that there is a fuck of a lot more to SMB than she's analyzed, or would probably see fit to analyze: all she cares about are that the first two fucking screens constitute a funny little mini-tutorial. Some games don't force themselves down your throat. Some games leave parts of their mechanics to be discovered. Do the level design parlor tricks of “Monuments of Mars” make the likes of Imperishable Night or Monster Hunter any less awesome? Anna, who says that STGs (“shmups”) are a “dead genre” because they have evolved to appeal primarily to the people who ENJOY PLAYING STGs, would answer with a resounding “yes”.

    And it's that kind of idiotic logic that's kept her games an uninteresting wasteland of MEANINGFUL shitty little one-screen level design jokes, ever since the utter shitshow known as “Calamity Annie” was met with unbridled praise for including a scene where you light a cigarette by clicking on it.

  • guest

    Saying “O LOL I AM FEMALE NOW OLOLOLOLOL” doesn't make you transgendered.

  • PhasmaFelis

    I'm going to optimistically assume that the transphobic bigotry here is due to simple ignorance and not raging fuckwittery.

    Transsexualism is not a psychological problem. It is physiological. There are significant structural differences between male and female brains, and transsexuals have been found to have brains physically matching their self-identified gender. When a transsexual says “I'm a woman's brain trapped in a man's body,” that is the literal, medical truth. It is not a delusion, and “attention” is the last thing most transsexuals want.

    Sources for medical evidence:

    Also, is a poorly-laid-out but very informative site about transsexuality for laymen.

    If anyone would like to seriously discuss this, feel free to message me on the forums as “Phasma Felis”, because I'm sure as fuck not reading this sewer anymore.

  • anthonyflack

    Right; in fact you could google Dani Bunten, who has written very honestly on the subject without ever pretending to be an obnoxious lesbian.

  • JWK5

    What the hell does any of this have to do with video games?

  • Dodger


    If anyone needs thicker skin it might be you. Anonymous comments aren't truly how you find out what people really think about a given topic. I don't think you really buy that, but if you do then more power to you. People posting anonymous comments really wasn't the issue anyway since 90% of the people who make comments in threads like this are usually posting using a nickname or handle of some sort, and again that's not a problem. The problem is when people attempt to belittle or attack others through anonymity simply because they can hide behind it. Then all it becomes is a cowardly act of hate, spite, fear, and envy. Ultimately those that use anonymity as a means to conceal themselves so that they may attempt to spread hate or be hurtful towards others come across as assholes, pricks, bitches, and douche-bags, as I said before.

    So don't take it personally moo. Unless you've got something to hide, there's no reason my comment should have offended you.

  • DGFAzazel

    Y'know, no matter what side of this argument you're on, and this is not directed at anyone in particular, it's important to remember that this kind of negativity never accomplished anything worthwhile. So you think Anthropy is a fraud? Well chances are that no amount of negative commentary, no matter how well constructed or correct it is, is going to change the mind of anyone who disagrees. Same thing on the other side, if you think someone's a close minded bigot, then what makes you think you can ever present your argument in a way that will get into the closed mind? In cases like this, the best thing you can usually do is ignore and walk away. I'm not saying negative CRITICISM, or criticism of any kind, isn't worthwhile. But the only real criticism I read here, good or bad, is about the camera the clip was shot on, and how it compares to the one used in Indie Game: The Movie. The reality is that people are beginning to get this view of the indie game community as being a bunch of snobs, for right or wrong. And the arguing and trolling (some of it HAS to be) that we've got here, it just reinforces that. If I was someone just learning about indie gaming, and I came to this site, and read these comments, I wouldn't want to be a part of this community, because it comes off as being a group of people who, when they disagree on something, start pounding out the best witty insults they can think of. People tend to think that the things you say online don't matter, but it puts forth a tone and image that makes people seem unapproachable at best, and mean, rude people at worst. Whatever happened to “To each his own”?

    Again, I'm not posting this comment to bag on anyone in particular, or the group as a whole. I'm a pretty peaceful guy, I don't usually ever have need to argue with anyone. At the end of the day I hope you ALL are happy and enjoying yourselves, because that's what drew me to indie gaming in the first place, that it was a community of people who got so much joy out of a common passion. When it starts turning into a fight, maybe it's time to reevaluate your motivation for being part of this community? I don't know. Be happy, guys, it's a lot more fun than being pissed off.

  • Guest

    The guy is a perverted sadomasochist with a transgender fetish. He is not a female.

  • Saul Eres

    I could say the same to you. :)

  • Saul Eres

    I'd say bashing people's heads into your point repeatedly doesn't really help you make a good case for tolerance.

  • Guest

    Disallow anonymous comments then. Tie it to forum accounts.

  • Saul Eres


  • bombboy

    YES. I think a bunch of mildly reasonable people just flat out ignored this blog post because they didn't want to be part of the reekingly awful comments.

    I seriously can't believe that everyone got their panties in a bunch about someone's gender identity. Seriously. MILES OF ANGRY DISCUSSION.

    You guys!

    Talk about games or something.

  • Kvalsternacka

    High five bro!

  • Dinsdale

    again, it has nothing to do with tubby here wishing he was a little girl, it's about him being a liar! and i'm sure nobody would give a shit if it wasn't for the whole S&M lesbian bullshit which just makes him so annoying and fake.

    that said, i'm willing to bet that it's not his gender he is unhappy with with but either his self or body image, or both, and if he has been for a long enough period of time, some kind of mental instability was bound to occur – although i honestly don't think for a second he actually believes he's a woman or transgendered.

  • Danielleorama

    Ugh ugh all you little boys and tiny men :/ your jealousy is so transparent, like paul eras transparent. There's this whole thing called…. you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Isn't there something else you could be doing than trying to figure out how someone else feels in their very own brain? like looking at keanu reeves being sad with those cats.

  • Dinsdale

    but how can i be happy if ancil is lying to me?