no place to hide

By: dessgeega

On: June 26th, 2006


no place to hide is a rather shiny homebrew title for the nintendo ds. it gives off a sort of warioware vibe: your goal in each of its ten minigames is to avoid being touched by things for as long as you can using the stylus. for example, help a cat dodge the rain, keep a sketch ghost away from toothy pac-men, don’t let jesus get hit by dance dance revolution arrows. some of the games are kind of samey, but a couple are pretty good.

it’s wifi-compatible too, which doesn’t mean much for you if you don’t have a passme. i was able to get the game running on DeSmuME, allowing me to sate my need for jesus versus ddr action for one more day.

  • Drake

    You accidentally put some capital letters in that link. Or is this special treatment that you reserve for emulator names, but not game titles, developers, hardware, or the Jesus?

    I just want to understand. :)

  • TESanders

    I just want her to start using the damned caps. Is that too much to ask?

    Dessgeega, please! I will give you my first-born.

    Disclosure: he’s a complete brat.

  • dessgeega

    caps are for teeth.

  • Teeth

    *dons cap*