Tame Gunnel

By: Derek Yu

On: August 3rd, 2006

Game Tunnel

As per usual, Game Tunnel’s July Monthly Round-up is like a guidebook to every indie gaming stereotype. Let’s see, we got the match-3 and match-4’s… natch. Turn-based fantasy strategy RPG… check. Shooters with particle effects up the ass… double-check. (Kento Cho 4 lyfe, bitchez!!!) World War 2 FPS? That’s kind of a mainstream thang, but whatever. Sports game with ugly Poser models… check. And so on.

I like how the one kinda interesting game, Penumbra, isn’t even given a score because two of the editors can’t run it on their crappy rigs. Good lord! Why don’t we just make a website that says “Indie Games Suck and Are Really Boring and Derivative” and be done with it?

  • PoV

    May as well generalize and go with “Games Suck and Are Really Boring and Derivative”. But that’s too much work. It’s easier to build an MMO.

  • Poo Bear

    Isn’t Penumbra a generic horror first person shooter though? I don’t know because I can’t run it either ;)

  • Sergio

    There’s no shooting, so no.

  • Alex

    I don’t understand your point?
    What are you trying to say?

  • Teeth

    He’s saying, why not review some interesting stuff.

  • NO!

    PoV is an idiot

  • Dracko

    He’s certainly off the money.

  • http://www.gametunnel.com Russell Carroll

    So from what I’m gathering here you think that the PEOPLE who make the games covered on GT should stop making games b/c they make horrible garbage that isn’t worth playing?

    I’ve got to say I strongly disagree with that. There are a lot of people putting a lot of heart into their games and they are coming up with quality games that bleed of the passion put into them.

    This month wasn’t really my favorite month of round-ups either, but there were a couple of good games in the mix and dismissing them (without playing them as it appears you did not from the inaccuracy of your comments about the games), the work they did, and the final product is the exact opposite of what Game Tunnel does.

    We look for games and give our fair opinion of them so that more people can see them and maybe try a few things that would have been otherwise missed (instead of making gross generalizations about things we haven’t looked at…in fact you can directly see from Penumbra that the panel makes sure they’ve had a reasonable experience before spouting off an opinion, but that doesn’t keep us from letting people know that a game exists and that it goes beyond the average users system…and you will see a full review of the game in the future to give the high-end system users a feel for the game)

    I’m really surprised that TIGsource would state that indie games are crap. Just astounded really.

    Do you really believe that there are no worthwile games on Game Tunnel? Seriously!? Do you really believe that GT does nothing good? I’ve never been a huge fan of TIGS, but I think it has its place. I’m glad that there is diversity b/c otherwise life would be boring. I was glad to see TIGS come back b/c that means more coverage for games that people would probably have missed.

    Please reconsider your approach towards the games covered on GT. You do everyone a disservice by dismissing GT and its games and developers as garbage.

  • http://www.cokeandcode.com Kev

    I think Derek *might* be implying that there are a lot of innovative, different, clever indie games out there but the only ones GT focus on are the ones with mass appeal (match3, match4, shooters, turn based RPG) – which is a trait more common in non-Indie (nindie?) gaming mags.

    If this is what they’re doing then the message they’re sending is that the indie games are all infact like these select crop – derivitive (not a bad thing in some cases) and generic (mostly a bad thing imo) – which would be a shame.

  • Pasodio

    “So from what I’m gathering here you think that the PEOPLE who make the games covered on GT should stop making games b/c they make horrible garbage that isn’t worth playing?”

    It seems like the point is that its sad that GT isn’t covering games that don’t suck, or you could look at it as a lot of the games out there suck. (depending on how much you trust GT’s coverage)

    “I’m really surprised that TIGsource would state that indie games are crap. Just astounded really.”

    Cool, a blatantly obvious attempt to try and make it look like TIGsource hates the idea of indie games. Super smooth. I totally buy it. When are you running for office?

    “Do you really believe that GT does nothing good? I’ve never been a huge fan of TIGS, but I think it has its place.”

    I’d ask for your detailed review of TIGsource, but you’d probably charge us for that.

    “Please reconsider your approach towards the games covered on GT. You do everyone a disservice by dismissing GT and *its* games and developers as garbage.”

    I’m willing to bet GT doesn’t own any games or developers. ;)

    I found this TIGsource article particularly hilarious and entertaining. Hopefully people won’t stop expressing their opinions just because it makes Russel sad.

    In short, duh! People should keep making games. It would just be kinda nice if 95% of them weren’t crap or if websites dug for the real gems instead of turd polishing. And yeah, man… find a decent computer to play ’em on.


  • Moschops

    I’ll happily read both sites since they cover different stuff and I wouldn’t really want them to cover the same stuff. We don’t really need squabbling between sites, flaming isn’t productive.

    I’m a bit alarmed about people not having a powerful enough machine to Penumbra though. My machine ran it fine, it’s two years old and only cost me £300 back then. A grahpics card with pixel shader 2.0 support can be grabbed for about the same price as a full price game off the shelf now, there really isn’t much excuse.

  • http://www.gametunnel.com Russell Carroll

    I’ve taken plenty of ribbing from TIGS over the time it has existed and never taken any jabs back at any time.

    I agree that diversity is good.

    That is where the problem is. When the attack shifted from GT to the games, I was disappointed.

    There were bad games last month…and good ones. Have you read what was written by the person who made And Round Again? It’s a puzzle game so it is being dismissed here, but that doesn’t mean the person was any less passionate about building the game they loved. I wasn’t a huge fan of the game…BUT I will defend those games having a place…one that I think and Indie game site should appreciate.

  • NHP

    GT went down the moment russell joined reflexive. sorry dude, your indie-credibility is gone.

    if you can get reflexive to pump money into real indie game development, you might have some sympathizers. else, fuck off.

  • raigan

    i don’t think the amount of effort or passion someone has put into something has any bearing on the merit or interest of the project.

    if beethoven had knocked off every one of his symphonies in a single night, while hung over, or molesting farm animals, would it make the music itself sound any better or worse?

    would the music of N*SYNC sound any better if the boys had spent 20 years painstakingly building all of the equipment they used from scratch from parts they salvaged out of junkyards?

    yes, this sort of background makes for a more interesting story _behind_ the music, but ultimately if the music is commercial trash then the story behind the music becomes somewhat moot: “one man’s epic journey” is only interesting if the _goal_ of the journey is something more interesting than yet another derivative product.

    admittedly i do hold a long-standing grudge against GT because of your “won’t review freeware” policy — which only reenforces the appearance that all you’re concerned about is pushing the most mainstream, commercial games so that you can affiliate with them and get a cut!

    alternately, a totally different argument against reviewing puzzle games is that there already exist MANY marketing outlets for casual games that appeal to a mainstream audience. why pander even more to that brain-dead, cash-laden demographic?!

    giving those people even more exposure while brilliant gems like cave story or lyle in cube sector are ignored doesn’t make any sense.

    valuing diversity is a very misleading argument.. you could use it as justification for reviewing any game you want — if you truly want indie games to be diverse, then you should be providing some sort of impetus towards more diversity!

    consider: if there were only two types of game, A (value -1) and B (value 1), and you wanted to actively encourage diversity, you might look at the mean/average value of games reviewed to date: if it’s currently 0.75, then you should be reviewing more type-A games and less type-B games, to try to drive the system towards equilibrium (i.e a uniform distribution of game types)!

    anyway, enough procrastination..

  • YES!

    raigan, you are TEH man, you just said it all.

    When someone makes a game DEPENDING on market research, popular trends, etc to please people, so they can buy, then it is not an INDEPENDENT game anymore.Doesn’t matter if it was made by a single girless geek with a 2 Mountain Dew six pack budget.

    That’s why, usualy, freeware games are TRUE independent games, they don’t depend on you to buy or even play’em.

    Sadly, nowadays, even small developers are afraid of risking their fucking 3 cents budget, so they try to play it safe making a lame ass clone.

    So now, these developers call themselves ‘INDEPENDENT’ but they are acting just like the big guys just with lamer and cheaper games. We don’t need that. REALLY.

  • http://www.bravekidgames.com jankoM

    quote>>I think Derek might be implying that there are a lot of innovative, different, clever indie games out there….<< Well, but how many these (a lot) games that were released in last month or so have you mentioned here? (I read both sites occasionally and think it's stupid you must fight)

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    “I’m really surprised that TIGsource would state that indie games are crap.”

    That would be surprising!

    But he was saying _your_ site makes indie games look boring and derivative.

    Instead of trying to get people to take back bad press, why not be thankful for the honest feedback and improve what you can improve?

  • dessgeega

    i’m really not convinced game tunnel does anything other than attempt to convince independent developers to jump onto the bandwagon of developing those few types of games that are perceived to be profitable.

    (or that might once have been profitable. diminishing returns, etc.)

    prove me wrong, game tunnel.

  • http://www.bravekidgames.com jankoM

    >>i’m really not convinced game tunnel does anything other than attempt to convince independent developers to jump onto the bandwagon of developing those few types of games that are perceived to be profitable.<< dessgeega, can you please be concrete then and list "those few" types of games and also all those other that it doesn't cover?

  • NHP

    >>dessgeega, can you please be concrete then and list “those few” types of games and also all those other that it doesn’t cover?<< she's too busy writing for GSW, and will not spare time on talking to you about clones. so go away.

  • Derek

    When you really love something, I think you should take a critical eye to it, right? Well I love indie games, I hope that’s obvious. Why else would I run this site and make posts every week?

    The majority of indie games are derivative of mainstream games or other, successful indie titles. That sucks! Why can’t I say that it sucks?

    And why do I need to play these games, exactly? I have no interest in playing them. I don’t need to put a tack in my mouth to know that it’s going to feel bad, you know what I mean?! And that’s how the rest of the world (i.e. non indie gamers) are going to perceive us – through a glance. They’re not going to download each game and give it its fair shake.

    Russ, I appreciate that you don’t take jabs back at us. But strongly reconsider it. The last thing the indie game community needs is an attitude that we have to kiss each other’s butts. We need to be kicking them. Really. Can we just drop this “blood, sweat, and tears” motto? It’s gonna be the death of us.

  • http://www.joy90.co.uk Moschops

    It’s all about money. That old chestnut. It ruins just about every creative industry in one way or another.

    A week doesn’t pass where I don’t hear something muttered about the money to be made in the ‘casual’ games market. Like it or not, developers of these ‘casual’ games are independant as are all the development houses not owned by publishers (that’s still quite a bulk of what makes it to the shelves) as is little Johnny writing his little game in his bedroom for nothing. Being independant doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t mean the developer has some obligation to make something unique or original and it doesn’t oblige them to do it for free either.

    The beauty of the independant scene though is that it does encompass guys who experiment and guys who create games for the love of it and are willing to share for nothing. Good games in this area are the minority and are special and as such should be appreciated and not expected as the norm.

    Sometimes people need to take a good look at all the cool stuff they’ve been given and be less demanding on the heroes that work away on this stuff for no reward.

    BTW my game (when it’s done) will be free, but that’s because it’s been made in spare time by me and a friend If either of us gave in the day job to work on it then it wouldn’t be free .. the rent still has to be paid :(

  • http://www.bravekidgames.com jankoM

    >>she’s too busy writing for GSW, and will not spare time on talking to you about clones. so go away.<< And who are you? her secretary... telling me that she is busy? And why should I go away, after I asked something?

  • NHP

    >>And who are you? her secretary… telling me that she is busy? And why should I go away, after I asked something? << obviously you haven't been reading her columns on GSW. they don't like talking about clones here. so go away, seriously. visit 1goodgame or something. you don't sound like someone who can take criticism, but you're welcomed to try. the about page might give you a hint on which topics to avoid around here.

  • nullerator

    “I’m a bit alarmed about people not having a powerful enough machine to Penumbra though.”

    Yeah. “Requires fancy shaders that I don’t have”? WTF? It requires a bloody GeForce 3. If that’s too fancy for you, perhaps you should reconsider your position as a reviewer for a games website.

    Oh, and Derek… when did WW2 FPS’es become common in the indie gaming market? Have you even tried the game? Granted, there’s a lot of negative things to say about it, but it’s definitely not your average WW2-shooter (indie or otherwise), so your critisism is completely off-base.

  • null

    Let’s examine the competition here:

    My Worst Day WW2 – Medal of Honor, Battlefield series

    N – no competition, plus it’s free.

    If you charge, you’re up against commercial stuff.

  • http://www.bravekidgames.com jankoM

    >>they don’t like talking about clones here.< < did I mention anything even remotely similar to clones in my question? well they seem to like some clonage too: * "Ah, the Metroidvania / Castleroid / Roidcastle / Metrocastle game" * "black cat’s pengo-inspired push-push penguin" * "Sushi Samurai is a Japanese-themed Burger Time" >>you don’t sound like someone who can take criticism< < Nobody criticised me. I still think I just asked one question and you told me to go away. >>so go away, seriously.<< Well I don't have to be told for the third time to go away. Bye Bye

  • anonymous

    Wow. He sure sounds pretty sore.

  • raigan

    here’s a _great_ example of a color-matching-puzzle-game that would be worth reviewing (were it not made by nintendo): http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n08/bit_g/dialhex/index.html

    it has style, plus it adds some cool new stuff — not just superficial differences.

  • Derek

    “it has style, plus it adds some cool new stuff – not just superficial differences.”

    STYLE… god, that is something that I think most developers never think about when making games but I wish they would.

  • Albert Lai

    Janko, while you do have a point saying that some games we reviewed are ‘clones’, per the definition, the problem is that we are talking about ‘clones’ of genres that are much more pervasive than, say, Burger Time.

  • http://www.bravekidgames.com jankoM

    I thougth that post title is somehow known to me … http://forums.indiegamer.com/showpost.php?p=69533&postcount=49&highlight=tame+gunnel
    .. who is cloning now ;) (ok, ok I am gone)

  • Thorbrian

    If people made a bunch of lame games and somewhat generic clones released in July 2006, and they get reviewed in July 2006 with appropriate comments and low scores, what’s the problem with that?

    So I’m curious, what other indie games would belong in the July 2006 roundup, that GameTunnel didn’t include? What July 2006 games would you want to see there that would say to you “they picked the right stuff”?

  • Thorbrian

    Raigan Wrote:
    >admittedly i do hold a long-standing
    >grudge against GT because of your “won’t
    >review freeware” policy – which only
    >reenforces the appearance that all you’re
    >concerned about is pushing the most
    >mainstream, commercial games so that you
    >can affiliate with them and get a cut!
    what longstanding policy are you talking about? half the roundup was freeware, and n is reviewed:

  • Derek

    jankoM: haha, I *swear* I didn’t get the title from you. In any case, no need to leave… (I’ll never understand why people threaten to “leave” a website, anyway! ;)

    Thorbrian: Uh, I don’t know… The Blob? The Shivah? Anything! Everything! I mean, how important is a Game of the Month award when only a small selection of available games is chosen and even one of those isn’t scored because the reviewers can’t get the game to run on their comps?

    But honestly, I wasn’t even trying to flame Game Tunnel (of course, a little ribbing as always) – my main point was that the July Round-up was pretty uninspired in terms of games and that’s it. I leave it up to the reader to decide whether that’s the fault of the developers for not trying hard enough, Game Tunnel for choosing the wrong games, the Man for holding us back… or maybe you could blame the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Bangladesh, who knows…

    Anyway, I don’t have any beef with GT. I don’t have beef with anybody! I just don’t want GT to be what people think about when they think “indie games,” y’dig? I mean, look at their columnists! All middle-aged white people with glasses! They could be from the same family! They need to throw a few loud-mouthed chinks in there to mix it up, you know?

  • raigan

    um.. whoops. i think i confused GT with bytten. my bad..

    although, i don’t think 2/11 == 1/5!

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    2/11 != 1/5

    One error, one warning, ba-rotha!

  • Boder

    I wasn’t too excited about the line-up either this month, but that won’t stop me from checking back next month. I depend on gametunnel for a nice concise page of shareware games.

    I too am irked by the lack of creativity sometimes. I think about the amount of polish that is put into these games and about the energy that could be channeled into innovation.

    You see no game got a 9+ this month. But penumbra does possibly deserve it.

    There are many problems with freeware games as well, however. Lack of polish, lack of completion, lack of user-friendliness…

    There are great games in both realms, but the ones that are less-than-great simply suffer from different problems.

    And I do notice the reviewers at gametunnel getting tired of clones. Just look for comments like “yet another…” or “another month another …”

  • Pasodio

    I think applying the term “polished” to some indie titles is pretty funny. It would be pretty hard not to polish something as basic as a gem dropping game, even if there was only 1/2 a person working on it.

    And some classic games, like the aptly titled “Team Penning Game” are so good that they don’t even need polishing. If you’re going to eat a tack, it might as well be a rusty one.

  • NHP

    if you’re going to get people to review games for GT with no pay, might as well let them write whatever the hell they want.

  • PoV

    “PoV is an idiot”

    Thanks, you’re quite charming yourself.

    Now sure, it’s great there’s vocal people that love to speak out about the shortcomings of the so called “innovative” or “true indie” games. But there’s hardly an entity or community out there that encourages and studies the development of different ideas. We have Ludum Dare, 72 Hour GDC, Experimental Gameplay, and several other accelerated compos, but these only encourage people to do something different instead of thinking different. Just be glad the different games do show up, given we have developer communities built around business, shmups, rpgs, adventure games, game development, graphics api’s, and a few motivated individuals.

    But as a side note, the idea of a games website run by people that hate games is fascinating. ;). I’m speaking rhetorically, so please don’t act like I’ve just accused a site of being game haters.

  • Teeth

    awesome thread. top dollar

    this is why we need a forum

  • Thorbrian

    Derek Wrote:
    > The Blob? The Shivah?
    hmmm.. those would be great choices :)

    > how important is a Game of the Month award when only a small selection of available games is chosen and
    I think you are right, but practically speaking, the only stuff that’s going to be in there is the stuff that one of the people on the panel is a huge fan of, or a game where the dev went out of their way to be there. Looking through tigsource posts, the only game I see in the last month on both gametunnel’s round-up and tigsource posts is penumbra – while it would be great if there were better games in the round up, I do think it’s to both GT’s and TIG’s credit that they don’t overlap

    > even one of those isn’t scored because
    the reviewers can’t get the game to run on their comps?
    eh, as a developer, I say if you aim for the highest newest feature set, and your engine can’t run on 2 out of 3 reviewers computers, that’s the impact of the choices they made, so what’s wrong with saying that? Nobody likes it when they check out a game with rave reviews just to get dialog boxes and crashes due to HW issues

    …Bottom line for me is I’m curious, you implied the message of “Indie Games Suck and Are Really Boring and Derivative” is given by the july round-up – but as far as I can tell, all GameTunnel did is have the panel give their short, honest opinion of the independently developed games that got submitted. So what do you wish they did differently?

  • Cycle

    guys i’m not wearing any pants

  • http://www.moonpod.com/diary Fost

    You know, I personally find that mentally separating these games into freeware, casual and indie helps. Casual games being your highly polished puzzle section, which seem to be what this comment is having a go at. I also am not a massive fan apart from the odd game (Chuzzle :) ), but I respect the effort and proffesionalism that goes into them. Indie I use to mean any other game sold through the net that’s not in the casual space -Rage of Magic for instance. These are the things I’m generally more into. Freeware I use as a blanket for all the games that are available for nothing. 99% of these are dire too, but Tigsource seems to have been very good at picking out the best stuff.

    However, if you use ‘indie’ to mean all three of the above, then people are going to get confused or annoyed because people who don’t like casual games don’t want to be tarred with the same brush.

    GT doesn’t cover freeware, tigsource ‘mainly’ covers freeware and ‘indie’, but not casual. I don’t see the problem once I see that difference.

    Still, there’s only one way to settle this:


  • anonymous

    GT does cover freeware.

  • http://www.magnulus.com Magnulus

    Personally, I keep a watch on both sites, for the very reason that has been stated by a few people here; They both have their place on the web. I like that I can go to Game Tunnel to check out the latest commercial indie titles (and a few non-commercial ones.), and I like that TIGSource keeps writing about weird games I’ve never heard about.

    I have to say, though, that while attitude is good, it seems to be that TIGSource suffers from a too much of it sometimes. Posts like this one leave me with a slight bad taste, but that’s probably just me.

    All I want is for you both to co-exist peacefully. I don’t need to see the two of you linking to eachother with derogatory comments, no matter how much you say that it wasn’t meant as slagging GT off.

  • Dan MacDonald

    My glasses are better then your glasses!

  • Dan MacDonald

    My glasses are better then your glasses!

  • Dan MacDonald

    uh i clicked once.. i swear