Shubun no hi Feature!

By: Eos

On: September 23rd, 2006

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Yes, it’s that time of the year again – Shubun no hi, the Japanese Autumnal equinox Day. To celebrate this special occasion, I’m going to feature a game. A game “of the month”, if you will. And I use this phrase very loosely because it’s not so much an “award” as it is brownie points. Well, it’s more like pats on the head or giving a gold star to a well-deserved child or a three-dollar martini.

So without further ado, I’d like to present this three-dollar martini to Fren-ze, a vertical shooter with vivid, vibrant colours. It’s probably a bit too dazzling because my poor little blue fighter can’t seem to last 5 minutes. I blame my genetic code that lacks the SHMUP DNA that would otherwise let me do this.

  • Twisted RAbbit

    oooo, colors….

  • Twisted RAbbit

    Defcon comes out soon!!!!!

  • intriguegames

    Nice looking game, and the Ikaruga double-play looks incredible!