More Aquaria!

By: Tim

On: October 6th, 2006

aquaria-logoSo far only a couple of screenshots were posted for Aquaria. Perhaps we can coax Derek to post a boss screen capture, one creature design or two, maybe even a short gameplay video while we wait for the highly anticipated spring release? (hint, hint)

I’m actually quite tempted to add a new category entitled Aquaria.

On another note, is someone working on a translation for La-Mulana yet? It’s been getting a lot of rave reviews though the game is pretty hard for non-Japanese speakers.. (La-Mulana download link)

  • The Arsecast Host

    Ooh! I agree with both points! More Aquaria screenshots! MORE MORE!

    Also La Mulana is the bee’s knees but aside from a manual translation which is around on the ‘net there’s nothing else which seems amazing given that it’s one of the bestest little explorey platformers around.

  • BMcC

    Someone give Shih Tzu a call!

  • negative zero

    Yeh, wat’s up with that? La Mulana looks kick ass. they say it’s pretty lengthy too!

  • ryan in exile

    woah, where’s the La Mulana download link on that page?

  • NO!

    Shih Tzu!! Shih Tzu!! Shih Tzu!! Shih Tzu!!

  • Leedar

    Perhaps I’m mistaken, but TIGSource hasn’t had any interviews itself lately? I’ve got a remedy: get Derek to ask Derek whether Derek wants to do an exclusive interview for Derek about Aquaria on TIGSource.

  • Six

    Yeah, I remember trying La-Mulana a while back and finding it really cool, but mostly inpenetrable because of the language barrier.

    P.S.: I don’t really care if it’s tantamount to gamesblogsturbation, more Aquaria!

  • MedO

    So… is this the dawning of the age of Aquaria?

  • svrman

    awesome trailer!! Can’t wait /

  • Six

    MedO: Well played, sir.

  • BMcC

    Haha, yes indeed.

    Tim! I still can’t figure out how to download this thang.

    EDIT: Nevermind! I think I figured it out.